Everyone loves a treat!
Surprise! A bonus farm photo! I have a little announcement to make, and I figured it should have some kind of photo to go along with it--even if it's one that has nothing to do with the post. That's Donkey Doodle Dandy, and if you missed seeing him on the Fourth Of July, click here.
So do you like books? Do you like getting something in the mail besides bills? Then you will love what Amy has cooked up over at the wonderful BeautyJoyFood. It's a book swap, and you don't even have to have a blog to join in. The rules are very simple, and you can even send a favorite used book right off your shelf if you like.
If you don't know Amy and her amusing, literature-loving, delicious blog already, be sure to tell her that Farmgirl sent you over when you sign up for the book swap. I think this is a really fun idea, and if it's a success, Amy has promised that she'll hold more book swaps in the future. So link on over and read all about it. Hey, maybe I'll even get to send you a book!
I was just thinking I wish I was in some sort of book exchange. I read tons, and need to not buy so many books! Thanks for the link.
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog and I am already in love with Dan. I am looking forward to reading your archives to learn more about your creatures, your recipes, and your wonderful farm life.
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog and am loving it so far. Funny, I am about the age you were when you packed everything up and I have been getting those twinges for a couple years...wonder if its an age thing. I think it is wonderful that you followed your heart and I am sure it wasn't always easy. I look forward to reading more of your blog.
ReplyDeleteDan rocks!
ReplyDeleteeyore eyore eyore!
Hi Susan!
ReplyDeleteI found your cute blog via Chefdocs' . Great, great photos, especially that last one of Mr. photogenic Dan.
Your ten tips for better bread are also already bookmarked for the upcoming weekend.
Wonderful blog of yours, looking forward to your next posts...
ReplyDeleteThanks for leaving feedback about my blog (http://aliment.blogspot.com). I am always grateful. I know you've heard this a thousand times, but I'm intensely jealous. After the animal husbandry work I did in Italy, I caught the bug - and I know, when I'm able, that I want to do exactly what you've done and move to a farm to raise animals. I hope eventually to be a cheesemaker and brewer on my own plot of land, maybe in Montana. If I'm ever out your way, can I come and visit?
PS: You can email me at aliment.blog@gmail.com. I'd like to keep in touch and maybe collaborate on something.
Hi everyone,
ReplyDeleteWell, I just wrote a really long comment and the entire thing evaporated. Aargh! Will reconstruct it in a bit. Right now I think I'd better back away from the computer and go bring famous Dan a little treat. . .
I'm baaaack. Bear and I did a few chores and spent a little time with Dan, then I got a long hug from Big Chip (if you're wondering what this is all about, click here). Much better.
ReplyDeleteSince there is nothing more exasperating than spending 20 minutes typing something only to have it vanish into oblivion (well, except trying to round up 47 sheep who really, really don't want to go to bed), I think I'm going to leave a few shorter comments instead of one long one.
Okay, first of all, wow. It's wonderful to have so many new (and enthusiastic) visitors. Welcome to the farm! Please come back and bring your friends.
I think Amy's book swap is going to be lots of fun. I'm so glad you signed up. Did everyone else????
I can totally relate. I, too, fell in love with Dan at first sight. Hopefully soon he will stand still long enough for me to take a full-body photo of him, and then you can see how little he is. He isn't a miniature donkey, just a regular donkey, size small.
I have a feeling your book swap isn't going to be a one-time event! :)
My decision to make such a life-changing move came from a combination of being dissatisfied with my current situation/life and the feeling that it was now or never. Like the well-worn phrase says, sometimes you have to just do it.
I read an article recently about life-changing strategies. In it was a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face."
The thing is, most of the time you can go back to whatever it is you left behind if things don't work out. Some people didn't think I would last a year away from my native Northern California. My new life hasn't been easy, and it definitely hasn't always been fun, but I'm sure glad I'm living it. And besides, how else would I have ended up with an adorable donkey? :)
ReplyDeleteYep. Dan rocks! (I still can't believe I have a donkey.)
Hi Oliver,
So glad you linked over. Gosh, the compliments are just piling up (she says with a big grin on her face). Thanks so much for all your kind words. But Dan is going to be insufferable when he finds out how many fans he has. :)
I hope you enjoy the bread tips. And maybe by this weekend I'll actually have them all posted!
I already took a little mini visit to your Delicious Days blog. Can't wait to read more about your adventures in Munich. And I'll add it to my links list, too.
Hi Aaron,
Welcome to the farm! I think Montana is beautiful and would be a great place to have a farm. Boy, you're going to be busy with animals and cheese and beer! Sounds tasty, though. We brew beer, but on a very small scale just for personal consumption. Cheesemaking is something I've never tried.
Yep, raising animals is really great, and they definitely keep things from being monotonous. In fact, "animal husbandry" inspired the unlikely subject of my very first blog post, An Unexpected Beginning.
Hi Farmgirl:
ReplyDeleteBeen meaning to ask if you've read "Harvest: A Year in the Life of an Organic Farm." Sorta sad, sorta inspiring.
Wow! Your blog is getting lots of traffic! yay.
Hi Cookiecrumb,
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm not familiar with that book. It sounds interesting; I'll definitely look it up. It reminded me of a book I do have on my shelf that is entertaining and informative and fairly unique. It's called This Organic Life, Confessions of a Suburban Homesteader by Joan Dye Gussow. It's amazing what she grows on her suburban lots; and she really does prove that "you can eat a full,rich diet of locally grown, organic foods--year round." Definitely something to aspire to! She even offers up some tasty recipes.
Dan is super cute! Lucky you to have a donkey as I don't think we get donkeys in Malaysia!
ReplyDeleteDid you ge my email? It might be in your junk box!