
Thursday, September 15

Daily Farm Photo: 9/15/05

What Color Are These Volunteer Balsam Flowers? Joyful!

And I am, too, because the phone is working again! It seems that our phone cable was struck not once, but twice by lightning Tuesday night. The line is full of static, though, and there's apparently still a problem with the dial-up connection. I just spent the last two and a half hours trying to get (and stay) online. Since there's not much I can do at a connection speed of 9.6 Kbps anyway, I'm giving up for now and heading back to the kitchen to check on the latest batch of Simple Summer Harvest Soup and finish sopping up the pond. (Another big storm came through last night and dropped 1-1/2 inches of rain outside and slightly less through the leaky kitchen roof.)

Thanks for all your wonderful comments. Hopefully I'll be 100% back soon. Oops. Did I just say soon? Oh no! Well, if you've been meaning to delve into the Farmgirl Fare archives, now might be a good time. . .


  1. Wow, you've had quite a couple of days! Leaky kitchen? That doesn't sound too good. I've been off for the past couple of days and missed some great posts apparently. Somehow you don't skip a beat, power or no power. I still need to get internet at my apartment, just haven't gotten around to it yet.
    Those cookies looked great. I can't think of a time where 2 batches of cookies (from the same recipe) came out looking the same..why is that? I must have sloppy hands or something!!

  2. How far out are you?
    Closest town is how far away?

  3. Hi Mona,
    Never a dull moment on the farm! Yep, I, too, am always surprised how the tiniest thing can change cookies--even from one tray to the next of the same batch!

    P.S. Your new profile photo looks delish. : )

    Hi Wendy,
    Okay, here's a little mental map for you:

    ---It's 1-1/4 miles up our steep gravel driveway to the two-lane blacktop highway.

    ---Another 10 miles to a town that consists of an itty bitty post office, a church, a gas station that sells everything from cartons of ice cream to cattle corrals, and a population of about 11 people.

    --Another 6 miles to a town of about 500 people with a bank, a small grocery store, a large feed store, an auto parts store, a hardware store, a livestock auction barn, several cafes, and the tiny library where I used the computer yesterday.

    ---Another 15 miles to a larger town with more businesses and a bigger library.

    ---Another 110 miles from there to a city with a mall.

    Does that help? : )

  4. *just giggles at Farmgirl's post* I do so get the impression that visiting her place would be by invitation only. I have seen that question posed to her over several occassions in just the week or so that I have been reading post after delightful post. I do hope they get the hint! I know I sure did. Happy farming everyone!

  5. Okay, I just had to add this.... I can't help myself...
    Get out your Missouri map everyone and look at it carefully...
    See FarmGirl waving??
    That's where she is!!!!
    *laughs all the way to the kitchen for some dinner*

  6. Did she say "soon" again? I swear, we're going to make you change your blog to Farmgirl Fare...Soon.

    I suppose I should have more sympathy...or empathy...or commiseration--my phone's been out all day. Luckily for me, my Internet connection is via satellite so I can get online. This also leads to being able to identify our place by two things; it's the old ____ place and it's got a 1 meter dish out on the far side of the blueberries.

    Other than the driveway, I see that we live in somewhat the same place. I'm 10 minutes from milk, 20 minutes from contact lens solution and espresso, an hour from the small town version of everything else, and two from a "real" city. It certainly rearranges your thinking when you have to think and make lists before venturing into town to go shopping, doesn't it? chuckle

  7. Glad to hear that you're (mostly) up and running again! Those flowers are beautiful - nature makes the best colors! WOW - you live really far out there - let me know if there's anything from Oregon you want that I can send you! Your soup is making me hungry...I think we may have just have some red peppers, onions and squash left over from last week. Stay dry!

  8. Susan, you are SO glad you're back online. Too, too remote out there.
    But you're happy. :-) sigh...
    Here's what my cranky husband/co-cook calls your "simple summer harvest" recipe when he makes it for us: "Cream of Bottom-of-the-Refrigerator Soup." And yet, still delicious.
    Oh, everyone: I just have to tell you Mollie Katzen's creamed vegetable soup trick: No cream. Just blenderize a brick of silken tofu in it.

  9. Nooo
    ypu have to be back properly, quickly or I will have to coome over and fix it myself....

  10. Thank you for the metal map. That helps me tons!!
    Just wanted to get a jist of it!
    I guess you don't get all the take-out menus slid under your door!!

  11. Hi Heather,
    You crack me up. I can't believe I am admitting this, but as I was reading your comment about the map, I actually looked up and had to stop myself from waving at the ceiling.

    Hi Kitchenmage,
    Oh, pish. I guess I am going to have to find a new word. : )

    Ha ha, we live on the old _______ place, too. And Joe has been living here for 15 years!

    When I first moved to Missouri and lived on the other farm (just as remote), we went to sign up with the rural fire department and the fire chief put down out address as, literally, "the old ______ place." Too bad that on the day I had to call them because a field caught fire, nobody old enough to know who the ______ were was on call!

    Shopping list? Mine is a two-sided, eight column affair that I absolutely cannot leave the house without.

    Hi Michelle,
    Hmmm, something from Oregon? Let's see, an ocean view and your summer weather would be nice. Oh, and your CSA subscription. What a glorious haul.

    Yes, definitely make some of that summer harvest soup. So good, so easy. And if you miraculously have some of those gorgeous berries left (they sure had me drooling) you could show them off by whipping up a quick batch of my favorite Really Raspberry Tartlets--and then send me some of course! : )

    Hi Cookiecrumb,
    I am so spoiled by our remoteness. People either love it or hate it. They dreamily imagine themselves living way out in such a place--or they can't imagine how anyone could possibly want to! ("Where do you go for cappuccino at two in the morning?" Um, you don't even go for cappuccino at two in the afternoon!)

    Ick. Your husband needs a nicer name for your soup. And great idea about the tofu. I never use cream in "cream" soups. Mollie Katzen is awesome.

    Hi Clare,
    I think I'm back!

    Hi Wendy,
    No problem. Take out menus? We can't even get our mail delivered--let alone a pizza. : )

  12. Hi Amy,
    Ooooh! I love packages! : )


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!