
Tuesday, February 21

It's A Boy! It's A Girl! It's A Boy!

It's A Crazy Day On The Farm!

Just before dawn, my beloved (and wiped out) Doll Face had this sweet baby boy out in the 10 degree cold. Here they are snuggled up under the heat lamp in their bonding pen (hence the odd lighting in the photos).

I Love You, Mama

Meanwhile. . . You all remember
Martha, don't you?

Well, this picture was taken this morning, and she would like you all to know that it's not fat (or fluff). . .

It's Twins!

I've been watching her for weeks, even bundling up and clomping down to the barn around 2am for the past ten nights to check on everyone--but especially her. This afternoon I had to make a mad dash to town (I haven't left the farm in a week), and I was sure Martha would choose that time to go into labor.
I ignored half my To Do List and was gone barely over two hours. I sped down the driveway, screeched to a halt in front of the barnyard, and saw Martha cleaning up a lamb that was just a few minutes old. By the time I had zipped up to the house, changed my clothes, and scampered back down to the barn, the second lamb was on its way out. All three are now happily snuggled up in their bonding pen next door to Doll Face and her baby.

I think that's just about enough excitement for the day. Of course, I'll be heading back down to the barn in a few hours, and Mary and Frederica were looking awfully close. . .


  1. Oh my. How lovely they all are.

  2. I guess they're okay.
    Now I guess there'll be a big whoo-hoo about naming them and everything.

  3. They are SO cute! If you have a moment one of these days when life is not quite so crazy, you should read, "The Dogs of Bedlam Farm" by Jon Katz -- non-fiction about a guy that owns border collies and buys a sheep farm in upstate New York so they have something to herd (now there is real dedication to your dogs!!). Anyway -- he's got some great descriptions of lambing season -- which of course happens just during the coldest days of winter. I think you'd really appreciate it!

    Congratulations! Let the naming begin!

  4. How exciting!! What a great day on the farm!

    Why can't chickenz lay twin eggs?

  5. kwar
    they are sooooo cute :)!!!!!

  6. Wowee zowee! Do I smell some new naming contests in the future? :)

  7. Congratulations to all the new mamas!

  8. Oh my! Look at all the adorable little fuzzy ones! Martha must be much more comfortable now. She was looking very, um... fluffy!

  9. Congrats on the newborns! Are they wrapped in bathtowels too? (that was what one of my twins said when he stroked a newborn lamb, okay, he was 4 and a real citykid)

  10. Ohhh, that's so cute! Your are so lucky to experience all those great moments...

  11. We can, Jeff. They are double-yolkers.

  12. awwww- they're adorable!

  13. Adorable! As much as I love animals, I never really thought sheep or donkeys were particularly cute until I started reading your blog. Now I just want to hug them all!

  14. What a stunning, fantastic time this must be! I'd have an awfully hard time with 2 AM barn duty, but I bet this makes it all worthwhile. :-)

  15. twins! great news. congrats!

  16. So does this make you a Lambma? Sorry I had to say it! They are just so cute!

  17. *groan* oh, had to do that, didn't you....

  18. How exciting with all these bubbas Congratulations Grandma *lol*

  19. Such wonderful moments to experience and thank you so much,Susan,for bringing across these lovely pictures.
    Simply adorable!

  20. What wonderful pictures. What an exciting day. And more to come. Life on the farm, wow.

  21. baaaaaaa I want to join the excitement too....
    twins!! congrats...

    hugs to the new lambies

  22. Susan, the pictures are all so wonderful. Thanks for sharing such a great miracle of their birth, and all the animals & chickens. I love them.

  23. Adorable! Congratulations all around.

  24. Hello Everyone,
    A very belated Thank You! to you all for your kind words and hearty congratulations. This is, indeed, an amazing time of the year on the farm--no matter how many years have gone by and how many lambs have been born.

    I would also like to offer a warm Welcome! to those of you who are new visitors and/or new commenters. It's wonderful to hear from you.

    That book sounds delightful. I will definitnely have to see if I can track down a copy. Thanks for telling me about it.

    Lindy beat me to it, but yep, chickens do have twins--in the form of double yolkers. I've never seen twins hatch, but it's always a neat surprise to crack open an egg and have two yolks. They are getting quite rare and I'm sure are banned from commercially sold eggs. If someone found one in their supermarket carton they would probably freak out, thinking it was some kind of mutant GMO Frankenegg rather than a special treat. : )

    I don't think I'm up for any naming contests in the near future (and how could anything possibly top the last one?), but I will be announcing something having to do with naming (and everyone's participation) very soon.

    Baking Soda,
    You have twins? Neat. And yes, your son was right--well, at least as far as how things are done on this farm. I always have a bath towel or two down at the barn during lambing season. I use them to help clean up the newborn lambs if they are dirty (because the mother gave birth in a pile of leaves or whatever) or if the mother is extra busy (say, trying to clean up twins) and they need to get dried off a bit faster because they are cold. So, while I don't actually wrap the lambs up in towels, they definitely play a part! : )

    Despite what Jeff (the king of bad puns, etc. himself) thinks (*grin*), I think the term Lambma is so cute--and I've never heard it before. Joe has now started calling me that.

    And you said you stopped leaving comments because you couldn't think of anything clever to say. Ha. You are always cracking me up. : )

    Again, thank you all so much for taking the time to write.


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!