
Sunday, March 8

Sunday Dose of Cute: Almost

But Not Quite (taken spring 2007 and forgotten until now)

Welcome Country Living Magazine Readers!

So many wonderful things have happened as a result of starting Farmgirl Fare nearly four years ago, but being featured in a magazine I've loved for more than 20 years is definitely one of the best!

I was thrilled when pet expert, author, and awesome dog rescuer Julia Szabo e-mailed me last fall to say that I was going to be the subject of her March Country Living column, and I had a great time talking with her on the phone about life on the farm with all of my critters (don't you just love the word critters?).

I suppose that technically our conversations were interviews, but I don't think I've ever laughed so much during one. Julia is a dog-loving hoot who swore me to secrecy over just how many rescued canines she shares her New York City apartment with. (Hint: it's more than five.)

I'm a little late getting this welcome announcement up since the March issue has already been out for weeks, but I suppose I could say that I was simply waiting for the online version of "Loving Livestock"—which can be found here—to be published. And yes, it's complete with a photo of very camera shy me.

For those of you who have been kindly asking about everybody's favorite hen (or at least that's what she thinks she is) Whitey the Chicken, please know that at a rather amazing nine years old she is still doing just fine—but if you thought she was full of herself before, you should see her now that she and her baby chicks are national magazine superstars. Who knew such a tiny bird could have such an enormous ego. (She was actually pushing for the main photo in the story to be of her.)

It's been so much fun hearing from new readers who came to visit after seeing the article as well as those of you who saw the story and realized that you already knew me. Some of you even recognized the donkeys! A big thanks to Julia and to all of your for your continued support. We wouldn't be here without you.

© Copyright 2009, the Country Living loving foodie farm blog where we're almost but not quite into lambing season, but if you can't wait until next month to see more adorable bouncing babies, you'll find lots of links to little lambies here.


  1. your blog is amazing! I am so happy I stumbled in here :) I too dream of a life out on the farm...I'm doing the best i can with a postage stamp sized yard, but a great view of the prairie. congrats on the Country Living interview! I look forward to reading it!~

  2. Congratulations! What a great thing to happen to you. I'm thrilled to be able to point out the article and say "I knew her when"...

  3. Congratulations! That is great for you and the "critters." :)

  4. Great article Susan! And I loved seeing your photo too. You look just like I pictured you from your writing...energetic, healthy & beautiful.

  5. Wow, how exciting! I never thought I'd get to see a picture of you - you've been so good about staying out of them. Congratulations on the great press!

  6. Almost-but-not-quite is the perfect phrase to describe this time of year: it is so close that I can almost taste it, but still not "here" enough to be firmly in hand. Wonder if the animals pick up on the same things?
    Congratulations on the article - well deserved, I must say :-)

  7. Hi there,

    I just wanted to drop a note and mention how much fun I have reading your blog (and especially checking out all of your farm photos!) Owning my own lamb has always been a dream of mine, and growing up and living in a metro area never really made it possible for that to happen. Now we've moved to a more "remote" location and I hope to someday make it happen. A few hens and donkeys wouldn't hurt, either.

  8. Yes, congrats on the article to you and Whitey. And yes, I would have recognized those donkeys anywhere! Great photos, and it's nice to see one of you, though I can totally relate about being camera shy...

  9. I am off to the store at noon to buy my own copy of Country Living. Horay for you. I enjoy reading your blog every morning and seeing pictures from around the farm. It was nice to see "you" in the picture. Thanks for sharing your wonderful farm life with us.

  10. I saw you in the March issue! Congratulations! I love your blog and pics. I live my farm dreams through a few blogs like yours. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Congratulations on being in Country Living! I love your blog! I feel like I know a celebrity! You should be on your blog more often (photos)

  12. Love the pictures and the article in Country Living. It is so fun to get to see a picture of you and just as 'Farmer Jen' said - you are "energetic, healthy & beautiful!!"

    I shared this with my brother, who has made your Farmhouse White bread many times (and it just keeps getting better!!!)

    Thanks for sharing your life with the rest of us.

  13. HOORAY! Congrats, FG, and welcome CL readers! I hope you'll love this blog as much as I do. :-)

  14. Hi Susan,
    What a thrill it was for me to finally see your picture on your last post....
    You are just as beautiful as I thought you would be.....You should never be camera shy, you are just as beautiful on the out side as you are on the inside.....

    My husband just loves the bread, oatmeal toasting, wheat and your white.. and he thanks you

    Your friend, Sharon
    from Western Michigan

  15. Critters is one of the best words in the English language.

  16. Hey Susan - great article... you and your animals deserve all the attention and traffic that you get...nice crocus, too...I'm looking forward to our first here in Maine...
    best, Stephen

  17. I went searching for my March issue of Country Living as soon as I read your blog! How wonderful for you...Congratulations! I love your blog...especially the critters!

  18. Wow!!!! A picture of you, an update on Whitey and an article in a National Publication.
    What more can a lurker ask for


  19. I read about you in Country Living as well. I thought, "A woman keeping farm animals as pets? I love it already!" without even visiting the blog. I sent the blog address to my mother when she was having a bad day, and she got a kick out of your pictures. Thanks for sharing!

  20. We stood in the store with a magazine and danced. Well, I did. someoneElse was a bit more contained. But only a bit

    Love the new banner, btw. Is that the world famous Whitey in it?

  21. Now THAT is a great dream come true! And I imagine Whitey is quite pleased with herself. You both looked lovely and THE LAMB? Oh the cute. It is too much.

  22. WOW!! That's so exciting! Congrats!! I'm off to the store tomorrow to see if I can still get a copy of the magazine, if not, I'll be ordering a back issue for sure.

  23. I didn't arrive here via the feature (I've been reading for some time) but I wanted to toss in a happy congratulatory yawp!

  24. Can't wait to go to the newsstand and get my copy. I've loved that magazine for at least that long. When I moved to the country, I thought I was moving to Country Living or Country Home. Hah! It was more like Dog Patch. I enjoy your blog very much. Sweet photos. You make us all want to move there.~~Dee


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!