
Thursday, April 9

Thursday Dose of Cute: Oh, You Big Baby

Serena and her baby girl, about three hours old on Tuesday afternoon.

And the Whole Picture

Current Lamb Count: 13, including a set of Katahdin twins born this morning. Number of stock dogs happy beyond belief that it's baby time again: 1.

Lucky Buddy Bear, who is an English/Australian Shepherd, cares for all his sheep, but he definitely loves lambs the best:
3/5/06: You Can Add Babysitting to Bear's Job Description
6/18/06: What Happens After a Rainstorm
8/17/06: The Destructive Duo (aka Cary and The Nanny Bear)
10/1/06: He Looks More Like a Bodyguard than a Nanny Bear
12/6/06: On Duty in the Kitchen Garden

Gang Activity
A Lot of Love on the Farm
Dog Inspection (and how Bear and I tuck in the sheep at night)
9/30/07: It's a Stock Dog's Life

A Tender Scene—and the Whole Picture
4/18/08: Cary and The Nanny Bear in the Greenhouse
4/22/08: Bear the Babysitter (Among Other Things)
5/20/08: Bear Loves Babies!
5/21/08: Better Than Kisses
6/10/08: Another Bear Inspection
10/29/08: Lookin' for Love

1/13/09: Stand by Your Lamb
Lambing Season Has Begun! (and The Nanny Bear is ready to assist)

©, the spring loaded foodie farm blog where cuddling irresistible baby lambs can take a pretty good sized chunk out of a farmgirl's day—not that she minds in the slightest.


  1. Melinda and 3 Dawgs4/09/2009 2:26 PM

    As the owner, caretaker, housekeeper, food-dispenser for 3 black & tan English Shepherds, I have to say how much I appreciate what a good life you have given Lucky Buddy Bear! We are so lucky to get a peek into the life you share with your animals thru this blog. Would love to know how Lucky Buddy Bear came to join you on the farm, but haven't found it yet in your archived posts. I kind of like the idea that he has just always been and will forever be there... taking care of his babies and leading the good life with all the rest of the animals. I have plans for a small flock of fiber goats within a year and can only hope that Spark, Nicky, and Opie will be as good at their jobs as Lucky Buddy Bear. He has set the bar pretty high!

  2. Wow. That is one very large lamb. Congratulations!!

  3. Sweet baby girl, and I love that dog!

  4. Please, please, please write something about poop or tragic deaths soon. If this keeps up any longer, I may have to quit my job and move to the country!

  5. It's baby lamb time here too..they are so precious. Your picture shows the blessed role of Motherhood..even in animals. So cute!

  6. Noooo! No Lamb Tragedies!

    Lambs are always born happy, accepted - if belatedly - by their mommas (or bottle fed in the living room by a surrogate) - spend all healthy days playing Lamb Tag and Red Rover, Red Rover, Can Buddy Come Over? ::breath:: Until they die of Old Sheep Age.

    The End.

    PS - Poop is okay.

  7. Beautiful baby, congrats, Wonderful blog by the way, love it, love it.

  8. That is an absolutely gorgeous picture of mom and babe. Poster worthy!

    She is quite the chunklet, isn't she?

  9. I cannot believe it is birthing time again...which means cute pictures for all of us....

  10. Oh, that baby is ADORABLE. Seriously, I want to scoop her up and nuzzle her! What a cutie!

  11. How do you ever get anything else done besides loving those babies? Seriously, one photo is cuter than the next (is that even possible??) And then there is Lucky Buddy Bear...what a sweetheart!

    Thank you so much for sharing all of these wonderful pictures with us!

  12. Looks like the mom and baby have a nurse looking on.

  13. Susan -
    This is a bit of a comment thread hijack but can you explain a bit more about the parasite-resistance concept. This is purely an educational exercise for me, I don't have livestock of my own and don't see any in the near future but I would just like to know more when you have a few minutes to explain.


  14. I have just gotten caught up on all your new additions! They are amazing! Congratulations!

  15. Oh my this pic is so darn cute. There were 3 of us and we all stopped and said AWWWWWWWWWWW. That baby is just sweet. I love the pictures you post.

  16. Susan, I've saved this post so I can look at it again and again. Darling!


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Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!