
Sunday, November 15

Sunday Extreme Dose of Cute:
Welcome to the Farm, Little Donkey!

Just Before Noon Today, Not Long After Being Born

Congratulations, Big Dolores! As you can see, it's been a very exciting day here on the farm. I was so thrilled to be able to witness this newborn donkey's first few. . . well, firsts—first moments of life, first time standing on those wobbly legs (Dolores literally helped and held the baby up), first drink of milk, first wiggling of the ears (they're so long!), first touch of human hands. Amazing.

I'll share more photos soon. I've already taken dozens, despite having to make a mad quarter-mile dash from the front field back to The Shack to replace the batteries that died after the first few newborn shots. It took a while before I could tear myself away (I didn't want to miss a minute!), and for once wished I'd driven out there instead of walked.

In the meantime, mother and baby are both doing fine—and have been fiercely guarded all afternoon by our hardworking, baby loving Great Pyrenees, Crazy Daisy. But the best news of all? I'm 99% sure our new arrival is a girl—which means I get to keep her. I love her dark coloring. And she already let me pet her and hug her and snuggle her all over (while mom was busy burying her head in a much deserved bucket of treats).

Life is good.

Can't wait for more? Get a fix with these past pics:
Fernando (born 7/09)
Evie (born 7/08)
Esmeralda (born 7/08)
Dinky (born 7/07)

© 2009, the newborn foodie farm blog where you know I'm already thinking about F names. . . Felicity? Frances? Faye? Fanny? (I love that name, and my sweet Doll Face—who was born during my very first lambing season and whose real name was actually Fanny—just died this past winter at the ripe old age of 13). I guess we'll have to wait and get to know this dark beauty a little better before we make a decision—and after we confirm it is indeed a girl (they really tuck their baby tails in tight!).


  1. I am so jealous! What a sweet baby! You are one lucky woman.

  2. How precious!!! I hope she stays a she! Will she get an "E" name?


  3. How precious is that?! What a wonderful experience. Dolores's new baby sure is cute, and you're right...oh those ears! Congrats on your new foal. :)

  4. She made my day. Thanks for sharing the moment.

  5. Beautiful and perfect! I can't believe how happy those pictures have just made me. You must be ecstatic! Congratulations on your little bundle of joy!

  6. Oh my goodness...she is so SWEET! And her ears sure are long! All the better to hear you with, I'm sure. That is so amazing that you were able to capture so much on "film"...way to go! Can't wait to hear what her name is...and if she's really a she!

  7. I just stumbled upon your blog and I LOVE it! Congrats on the new baby, she is precious! I have put you in my blog roll:) My food blog goes live tomorrow!

  8. Aaawwww, so adorable! A fantastic experience...



  9. Congratulations! I love looking at these wonderful pictures.


  10. life is so beautiful in that farm of yours!

  11. Thanks for taking so many photos! So wonderful! That baby is adorable. Congratulations. I hope it's a girl. What a cutie! And what a great Mommy Delores is!

  12. What an amazing thing to witness, I would have been weeping buckets!! I love the photo with two other donkeys looking on, like they are wondering what is happening.

  13. Is she (wishful thinking here for you) really that dark, or is it because she's wet? Is she's that dark, will she stay that dark or loose it? What a great afternoon! This kind of stuff is what I would enjoy witnessing as well!

    (btw - my nickname with my family is Fanny...I think that would be a great name for this little girl - ha).

  14. Oh my goodness! How adorable! I was going to ask if the dark coloring would stay (I don't know much about donkey newborns). It really is beautiful! Some of those pictures are absolutely amazing with mama nuzzling her baby with her eyes closed. Priceless!

  15. Adorable! Thanks for posting so many pics. I love the name Frances. But Frieda is pretty awesome too. A friend of mine had a cat with a severe case of "elevator butt." You know, when you pet cats and they stick their butts up in the air? I suggested he name her Fanny. He did.

  16. YAY! How cute! Congratulations!

  17. How Beautiful the miracle of birth is! I just love seeing their wobbly legs when they are newborns.

  18. Congratulations to all!!! What wonderful amazing photos - you are so lucky to have been there for all those firsts!!! Thanks for sharing these with us.

    What a sweet baby! and I love how 'Crazy Daisy' is keeping such a close watch on everyone!

    More photos, please!!!

  19. congrats! this is super sweet!

  20. I don't recall ever seeing a baby donkey before - but man are they cute! Truly adorable photographs. It must have been a magical thing to witness.

  21. Oh how sweet! I really think she needs to be called Felicity, because obviously she is a "cause or source of happiness".

  22. Congratulations to all! That must have been exciting watching the birth of (Fanny?)! Don't you find yourself cheering as they try standing up for the first time?

  23. If you are looking for a "G" name I suggest Gidget since (I can tell) she is already learning how to surf =)

    Great pix!

  24. She's beautiful. what a great present in my email box this morning. thank you for sharing your gifts. you are truly blessed.

  25. beautiful! Looking forward to following her progress. (Why don't you keep the boys--inbreeding issues?)

  26. CountryMidwife11/16/2009 9:13 AM

    Yay! Oh, the pics are ADORABLE! And I so love the way the other donkeys watch over them. Sweetness!

  27. oh my. this is exactly what my monday morning needed.

  28. Phew!!!! I was getting a little worried.

    Fannie it is!!!!!!

    Congrats Mom


  29. she is very pretty! maybe Flicka? and I do like Felicity!

  30. Wow! Dolores looks so proud and the others so protective! How awesome to witness such a wonderful event!

  31. Will she always be this dark? she looks black!

  32. She is a cutie. I became the owner of 3 adult Sicilian donkeys last year and right after Memorial Day this year Dusty gave birth to little Pearl. I did not see the birth happen, so these pictures were great. So far, Pearl has a black muzzle and has not developed the white around the nose like her parents. I have pictures of her on my blog at Your blog inspired me to begin my own earlier this year. Thank You!! We share very similar backgrounds (I used to own restaurants).
    I am currently trying to rescue a premature calf that was born on Friday the 13th (Lucky LaMoo)...this will be the 5th bottle fed calf for me since I moved here a year and a half ago. Back to making bottles :)
    Looking forward to more pics!

    Sandy @

  33. Congratulations! She's beautiful. It so happens that Sunday is my granddaughter's second birthday!

  34. What a cutie. How about Flora?

  35. Really sweet, especially with the other girls and Daisy looking on and admiring the new arrival. You can so see the love in the way Mom is nuzzling her new baby. Thanks for these!!!!!

  36. Absolutely precious! Thanks for sharing!!

  37. I got wind that the beautiful baby might need a dose of warmth and donkey love. Reporting for duty! Best wishes, staying up all night with you both.

  38. When I saw the first picture, I though it was a baby sheep (that would be lamb, right?)...and wondered why the donkey was lovin on her.....So, so sweet.

  39. Too cute, look like its getting very autumnal over there too. Thanks for sharing:)

  40. I think a good F name is Fermina. I love how all the others are standing in the background watching. Very cute.

  41. How amazing! Congratulations to everyone on the farm. If I could toss in a F name? How about Fiona? And like the others, I'm interested to know if she will remain so dark?

  42. How beautiful!!! The cutest baby ever. I am so glad you can keep her.
    ~Debra The Capers of the Vintage Vixens

  43. How exciting... a new little one for the Pyr to guard. Loved seeing that. I'm living a little vicariously through you. Thanks for the pics.

  44. Why Can't you keep a boy donkey?? Other than the obvious (more donkeys) I can't think of a reason.


  45. Awe, how wonderful you were able to catch all that and share it with us! I hope the baby does in fact turn out to be a girl for you, what a precious baby donkey!

  46. AWWWWWW, I love little donkeys.

  47. Just sent our baby (9 month old)mule on to a new happy home. You are blessed to have this one to enjoy. The time spent now, touching, petting, lifting feet, playing with ears, moving heads and bodies will pay you back 100% when she gets older. Bond now, at least 15 minutes at a time, 4 times a day, doing the things you wish you could do with the older ones. Priceless.

  48. Congratulations! Great photos.

    I propose the name Frieda (pronounced "freeda")for a girl (one of my cats is named Frieda) and maybe Frederick (Freddie) or Frasier for a boy.


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!