
Tuesday, February 23

Tuesday Dose of Cute: See Spot Sit

See Spot Wish She Had a Real Name

Okay, we don't actually call this sweet little girl (who you can see as a smiling one-day-old baby here and an accessorizing teenager here) Spot anymore, since her cute brown spot faded away a while ago, but I couldn't resist that title. We now call this guy Spot instead, because his spot is definitely not going anywhere.

This young ewe may be nearly grown up, but she hasn't lost all of her cute—and because it somehow slipped passed us on docking days, she also still has her long tail. Now if she only had an 'F' name as sweet as she is (all the 2009 babies born on the farm get names that begin with F, 2008 was 'E' names, etc.). Any suggestions? (Freida, Franny, and Friendly are already taken.)

We'll start lambing in April. Can't wait? Look back at last year:
4/2/09: Baa Baa Baby Baa Baa! Lambing Season 2009 Has Begun!
4/3/09: Black Babes for Black Beauty
4/4/09: Spotted Beast—or Cutie Beauty?
4/6/09: Whispering Sweet Nothings?
4/7/09: Think Pink
4/9/09: Oh, You Big Baby
4/11/09: This Baby Rests Easy
4/14/09: Too Cute for Words?
4/16/09: Smile for the Camera!
4/16/09: Amendment to Today's Earlier Lamb Count

4/20/09: Morning Traffic Report
4/21/09: Snack Time!
4/22/09: Oops
4/26/09: Lamb Whisperer
4/26/09: An Important Message from the BABS
4/30/09: Reading Lesson
5/1/09: May Day! May Day!
5/21/09: Rest Stop
5/28/09: And She Sleeps
5/30/09: Tiny Tussle

6/3/09: Steppin' Out
6/9/09: Stop, Look, and Listen
7/15/09: Getting Ahead. . .
8/26/09: Smile for the Camera
10/15/09: Seeing Spots
12/12/10: Soft as a Baby's Behind

© Copyright 2010, the super wooly but soon to be sheared (this Saturday if everything works out!) foodie farm blog where most of the time sitting sheep magically tuck their legs up underneath their bodies, but once in a while they'll stick their front legs straight out instead, and it always makes me smile (and wonder how they're going to stand back up from that position, but they always somehow do).


  1. Such a sweet face! I vote for "Fiona."

    I keep loving your always makes me smile, especially on a day when I've had to put up with more urban situations (traffic, cellphone-talking jerks in in line in front of me, parking tickets...). Sigh.

  2. How about Flora? Or Fern, if she's used to a one-syllable name.

  3. oh, how about Fiona? :)

  4. She's a FELICITY!!! At first I thought Fatima, but definitely Felicity!

  5. Flavia. We have a sweet, sweet patient with that name that made it through the Holocaust. She is very dear to me.

  6. She looks like a 'Franchesca' to me. She just has that chic, frenchy look about her!

  7. Fresia...Fonda...Franscesca......

  8. I also thought of Fiona :)

  9. Hi Everybody,
    Well this is so interesting (and fun!). I moderated the first six comments at once, which means that without knowing what each other said, three of you voted for Fiona.

    And in the next batch of comments, two of you voted for Francesca.

    These names are all great - please keep them coming. We have several other poor little ewe lambs who still need F names, too! I'm thinking I must have named more than three of them already, but if I have, I'm totally blanking them out - which might be even worse than having not named them in the first place. : )

  10. I like Faith. I also like Francesca and Fiona. I found Flanna, which is Irish for "One with vibrant hair." Apropos for a sheep, eh?

  11. I'm thinking Fantasia (think dancing hippos?) and Freedom and perhaps Frisky? of course you could be less odd and name herbally - Fennel and File'.

  12. Fagan, Faith, Fallon, Fanny, Farrah, Faye, Feona; a few to help. Very much enjoy your Spring Mid- Country posts.

  13. Faith, Fannie, Fay, Felicia, Fern, Fifi, Filipa, Fleur, Flower, Forest, Forever, Frankie, Frenchie, Frost, Frieda :-)

  14. FI FI!!!!!!!

    thats what i call my daughter and she hates it. (her real name is delphina and i wanted to name her daisy but the bosses wouldnt let me)

  15. i was thinking fiona - and then i clicked through to comments and see that i'm not the only one!

  16. I think one of them has got to be "Frolic" :)

  17. Fay --it's my daughter's middle name.

  18. She is a cutie!

    I would call her Fondue. Because it sounds French and saucy.

  19. LindainStLouis2/24/2010 5:31 AM

    I think Felicity suits her; it means happiness and she sure looks happy. There's also Fay, Faith, Fanny, Felicia.

  20. Fionuala (pronounced "f'noola")??

    (my grandmother's name is Freda but we call her Fred)

    I think Fern is delightful. All the other ideas are terrific!

  21. Definitely Fiona!!! That was my first thought and then when I got to this comment page, I see others have the same feelings as I do. Fiona!!!

  22. I vote for Fancy. She looks so elegant with her feet out like that!

  23. I was going to mention Fiona too, since it means "fair" or "pale," and she's definitely that. But Fantine might work too. It means "childlike," and she does still have a bit of babyface about her.

  24. Francine, Frankie (as in Frankie and Johnny) Flower (was a hippie name) I am assuming you want girl names. How about Fragrant? Faith?

  25. I am caught up in this!! I need to stop. Fuzzie or Fuzzy, Freya, Filomena, Fifi, Farrah, Fawn, Forsythia OK I quit.

  26. How about Fifi or Fleur?

    I love your blog! Love seeing all the animals and the beautiful countryside of MO since I live in the city.

  27. I'd like to offer up Filucy...who was until fairly recently just about the sweetest little black doggie in the whole wide world. Named after Filucy Bay where she decided she'd be perfectly happy to jump aboard my pop's boat and live with him the rest of her days.

  28. I love Francesca - she could be Frankie for short!

  29. First off, those sheep are adorable! I can't get enough of sheep. A huge percentage of the photos I took while in England were of the sheep and lambs. My husband would just roll his eyes, and remind me that we have sheep in the States too. :-)

    Suggestions for F names: Flora,
    or if you get twins, Flora and Fauna

  30. How about Faine? It means "joyful" and that smile in her baby picture was a joyful smile if I ever saw one.

  31. My mom's middle name is Flora, she hates it but I like it.

  32. Fae, Fatima, Faith, Fancy, Fanney, Fantasia, Farrah, Fauna, February, Felicity, Finn, Flora, Flossie, Francesca, Freesia, - Can't wait to hear what you pick, I love naming things :)

  33. How sweet, that face - I bet those would be some incredibly sloppy kisses.


  34. Fanny----but I also think Flossie is a good fit


  35. How about "Flick" because she has that long tail to flick around???

  36. I was also going to suggest Fiona, but also Flora and Finnoula. I do like one of the previous suggestion of Flossie. That's cute.

  37. I am going with Fiona as means "fair" in Gaelic...and she is obviously fair, as well as very cute.

  38. how about Fedora?

    interesting that you name your sheep each year going by the alphabet. I have Briards (french sheep dogs) and the breed as a whole does the same thing.

    by the way i also have shetland sheep but i use candy bar names at the moment!

  39. Fuchsia. I love purple and it just seems to fit her style.

  40. Francesca. I know a lot of people have said it already, but I'm adding my vote.

  41. I think her name should be Fandango, as that long tail will swish behind her just like the ruffles of a fandango dancers dress.

  42. Francesca, Fiona, Flicka, Fern, Flower and Faye

    Ashley in Nebraska

  43. Fanny, Flossi, Frog, or Fifi....with her long hair she doesn't strike me as someone who spends much time in front of the mirror or not too girlie.

  44. I'm giving another vote for Fiona, along with Fleur, Flora, or Flossie.

  45. It looks like Fiona is the definite favorite...but she "dares to stand out"...and I think Diana's suggestion of FeeBee is right on! She looks like a FeeBee!

  46. Florina (pronouced fl-awe-dina) it's Italian!


    I vote for fern

  47. I vote for "Feenie" - which is a less common Amish name which is, oddly, short for Lavina.

    Well, it's a story she can tell her grandlambs...

  48. Fancy...since she used to have a decoration (spot)

  49. My first thought was Felicity, and I see I'm not alone.

  50. Fleesha (as in Fleece). Could also be spelled Fleecia or Fleecesha.

  51. Fern. I think she looks like a Fern.

  52. This "Old" Spot's little spot almost looked heart shaped. And "New" Spot...well now, THAT is a spot. Almost looks like you struck oil with that one - lol. Maybe his name could be Earl (for oil...get it? even though you're past the "E" names).

    And since "Old" Spot's spot was on her tush, "Fanny" definitely seems to be the appropriate name for her.

  53. I think Spot should be named Flossie. I am a faithful reader but never comment. Frances

  54. Flour!!!! for our favorite breadbaking farmgirrrrl.

  55. Sweet names for sweet sheep...

    Fructose (just kidding)





    W.C. Fudge (as in White Chocolate)


    Falafel (not sweet, but fun!)


    Fiore (flower)


    Flax (how ironic...)


  56. How about Fleur or Francine?

  57. I like Fiona too, the Faine suggestion was cute as well!

  58. I'm an Audrey Hepburn fan, so how about Funny Face?

  59. Fern is the first name that popped into my head as well.

  60. Farmgirl, have you chosen a name for Spot?

  61. Fancy. She's very much with her long tail.

  62. Fresca, Frankie, Faith, Flo, or the best one yet.... Finley :)

  63. Frau Flossie

  64. As she´s called Spot at the moment I would name her "Freckle".
    I really love your blog!

  65. Name her after me! Fay. Actually that is my name I go by, but my real name is Fotine. Foto in Greek means light and actually the name translates to Epiphany. Or how about Faedra, Fanny, Faysie, Fayster. I love your Blog and truely enjoy all your posts/pics. What true blessings, to be surrounded by your wonderful land and animals, oh and Farm Guy too!
    Peace out!

  66. I still like Frosta, like a misty Missouri morn.

  67. Fi-Fi! That's what I saw anyway. I love your down to earth blogs. It's just not snooty!

  68. I absolutely love my e-visits to your farm! Thank you for sharing! Of course, I too think Fiona is perfect but here are other F names for your consideration: Finley Foxy Flamingo Ferris Figaro Florene Fawn Fannie Freckles Felisha Flopsie Feta Felix Flossie Fran Frenchy Flower Fabio Fleming Fletcher Flip Fremont Ferdinand Farley Fatty Fossil Finn Favre Felipe Fitz Frisbee Ford Fluffy Fischer Fitch Frizzy Fievel Fidget Flint Frieda Florida Flea and Ferrari

  69. I like Fae, as in Faerie. Flower, Figgy, Fiona are close favorites afterwards.

  70. Kathee in Seattle3/05/2010 8:58 AM

    Frosty/Frostie (like the snow man), Freeze, Fawn, Fauna, Freesia.

    In honor of your part-time creek, Ford, Fjord, Flotsam, Float.

    Frock (old word for dress). Flicka.
    Frilly, Fufu, Fraggle, Fizzle, Frizzle, Frisky, Fritzy.

    I'm sure you can cover the food based possibilities.


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

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