
Tuesday, June 22

Tuesday Farm Photos: It's a Pollinator Party

Pollinator Party 1

Pollinator Party 2

Pollinator Party 3

Pollinator Party 4

Pollinator Party 5

Pollinator Party 6

Pollinator Party 7
Think Pink!
The rest of us may be wilting from this endless humidity and heat (I stopped looking at the forecast when it kept saying heat index of 103 and not a drop of rain in sight for the entire next week), but the echinacea is in full bloom and couldn't be happier. You can read more about this hardy, easy to grow perennial I love so much here and here.
Need a bigger bouquet today? You'll find lots more flower photos here and here and here.
We do love our pollinators!
4/10/06: Look What Landed At My Feet
5/11/06: Butterfly Conference
5/11/06: My Good Deed For The Day
6/22/06: Farms Depend On Pollinators
6/23/06: You Can't Have Too Many Pollinators Around
6/24/06: Butterflies & Sheep & I Love Spiderwort
6/28/06: Butterfly Paradise
6/29/06: Obsessed With Bunnies & Butterflies
7/08/06: The Stuff Of Life
7/16/06: Butterfly Bonanza
8/26/06: Butterfly Photos Are Better Than Nothing
8/14/07: Joint Pollination Task Force
9/11/07: Welcoming Autumn with Open Arms
9/27/07: The Squash Blossom Butterfly
1/1/08: Fortunately All Flowers Look Perfect to Pollinators
5/8/08: Luna Moth Love (and an amazing butterfly book)
Abuzz with Activity
7/8/08: Winged Spectacular
3/31/09: Flash of Butterfly Brilliance
6/10/09: A Lovely Luna Moth
7/10/09: Designer Pollinators
5/27/10: Barn Life

© Copyright 2010, the fluttery buttery foodie farm blog where real men wear pink. Okay, once. A long time ago. And only around the farm. But fortunately there's photographic evidence—and in that evidence (which has been pinned to my bulletin board for 10 years) my hunky farmguy is holding a packrat in one hand and a machete in the other, which is probably the only reason he smiled for the picture. Around here, real men wear pink, catch giant rodents, and carry a very big blade (because I wouldn't let him use the gun).


  1. Any chance of seeing that photo with the packrat and the machete? I'm not familiar with a packrat (although I think I tend to be one -ha!ha!). I think we would all like to see that picture.

  2. These pictures are beautiful!! And also very professional looking. Do you mind sharing what type of camera you use? I too take floral pictures when my various plants bloom but certainly don't get the same photo quality as you.

  3. Hi Barb,
    Ha! I'll see what I can do. I don't have a scanner, which is probably just fine with Joe. ;)

    Hi Margaret,
    Thank you! As for my camera, for the past three and a half years, I've been taking all of my pictures (tens of thousands) with a Canon PowerShot A630 (click here to read about it), and I just love it.

    I'm too lazy and impatient to learn how to work all the features (or to learn PhotoShop or spend time cropping) so I basically always shoot in AUTO mode. Also, for me, being able to quickly capture a moment is the most important thing and the AUTO mode lets me do that. The zoom feature works great.

    This is my second Canon PowerShot, and I've been really happy with them. This model has been out for a while, so there are newer PowerShots that are similar and cost a lot less. I'm actually planning to trade up to the Canon PowerShot G11 soon, which came out last fall, and am really excited. You can read more about this camera here.


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!