
Friday, February 10

Friday Farm Photos: Okay, Now It Feels Like Winter

Snowy farm morning 1 -
Hey look, I'm actually letting you see (the better looking) half of The Shack. (The glass in that second story, plastic-covered window literally just fell out one day onto the ground below—I tripped over it in the grass and couldn't figure out where this big piece of glass had come from. I wasn't kidding when I said the place is falling apart!)

More photos below. . .

Snowy farm morning 2 -

Snowy farm morning 3 -

Snowy farm morning 4 -

Snowy farm morning 5 -

Snowy farm morning 6 -

Snowy farm morning 7 -

Snowy farm morning 8 -

Snowy farm morning 9 -

Wishing you a warm and cozy weekend!

More snow photos? Here.
More farm landscapes? Here.

©, where it's supposed to get down to 9 degrees tonight. Yep, just the one little digit. And if it's clear, it'll probably be 10 degrees cooler down here in our little valley. Seventeen years in Missouri (where it gets as low as -15) and my California DNA still has trouble comprehending that kind of information. I'm just thrilled we're not spending another winter in The Shack, where I woke up more than one morning to find a thin layer of ice on my bedside water glass. Having central wood heat in the new house is wonderful beyond words!


  1. Wow, these are gorgeous photos! The one with the red tractor is especially striking. Glad you'll be able to stay warm this weekend in the new house!
    (Long-time reader, first-time commenter.)

  2. What do you plan to do with The Shack now? Salvage the material, turn it into a studio/bakery/storage shed, or just let it live out its last days in peace and comfort? :)

  3. Beautiful snowy pictures but you can keep your 9 degrees! LOL!!

  4. Thanks for the picture of the Shack. Always wanted to see it.....

  5. Awesome photos! We've had hardly any winter this year in Florida. Last week, we were running 12-15 degrees above normal. Haven't paid much attention this week, but pretty close to the same. I can't follow you on a daily basis because I end up spending too much time on your site. :) Love the photos, recipes, gardening, and just hearing about your life on the farm. Happy Winter!!!

  6. I could almost be persuaded to like winter after seeing these gorgeous pictures.

  7. Beautiful! The frost on that branch is like the icing on the cake in these photos. Thanks bunches.

  8. Very beautiful, but also somewhat cold and lonely without any of the sweet beasties...

  9. Its been in the below zero numbers the past few days but no snow yet. Its been a very odd north dakota winter but im loving it (until its dipped below zero, now the house is cold. I havent bought heating fuel just been running space heaters in my house )

  10. Beautiful, frosty goodness! 9 degrees is the word here tonight, too!

  11. Hi, thanks for the pic of the Shack , love old farm buildings, so many are gone now here on Long Island,NY from when I was a kid torn down for McMansions, such a shame, back in the 50's in St James Elementry we had a Holstein dairy farm right next door ,one could sit in the class and look out at the cows in the pasture, got in trouble many a time for daydreaming ... bet Mr Bert is snuggled on his Coolaroo ... that company makes great products. I'm rambling again as my kids tell me ... Happy Weekend!

  12. Gorgeous photos! I love seeing your farm through your eyes! -Marci

  13. Beautiful photos, hardly looks like our winter here in Bristol Quebec though.Love the shack, do you have the history on the place? This is a first time post for me as a new member of your site, we have a herd of cows, all have names and an ever growing flock of mostly Katahdin and a few Blackbelly sheep. Love you recipes an d share your passion of farm life. Keep warm!!!!!

  14. Happy for you in new place - shack had it's place in your life - but non frozen bedside water - that's priceless!

  15. Even barbed wire can look beautiful!! Thanks for you site--I SO enjoy it. I know you spare us all the drudgery and heartache that are a regular part of farm life--I admire your ever-present cheerfulness!! Visiting here is like a mini vacation. If you ever need any interns......

  16. The pictures are awesome. I love the little bit of frosting on everything, but especially the tractor picture. You'll probably be staying warm with all of your vintage blankets and quilts.

  17. Love The Shack! Save The Shack!

  18. Love this series of shots... the pop of color on the tractor but I especially like the coil of wire on the fence post... Will you consider entering it in my 'Weekly Top Shot' meme? We're on Week #17 and I'd love to see you share with me and my readers! Here's this weeks' link:

  19. These photos are really beautiful and I love The Shack (I love old farm buildings) but I am so happy to know that you are now living in a much warmer home -- it's really hard to be cold!

    What will happen to The Shack now? Anything? Nothing?

    It's finally winter in s.e. Michigan too!

  20. bur rabbit as the hubby says

  21. Such beautiful photos and landscape. The shack is really beautiful, and I, too, am curious about what use it will have now? Hope you are enjoying your new home.


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!