
Saturday, June 23

Tail End of the Week: Get Your Friday Farm Fix #15

Welcome to the Friday Farm Fix, a new series on Farmgirl Fare where I share a random sampling of what's been happening around the farm during the past week (usually on Fridays). Just joining us? You'll find all the Friday Farm Fix posts here.

(1) Lokey and her newborn chicks -
Lokey and some of her newly hatched chicks

It was kind of a whirlwind week. Like it was Sunday, and then it was Friday. There was a trip to the vet with a very well behaved Bert (even when some guy walked in the door and said, "Hello, fat little dog!"), a couple of blissful afternoon hours spent swimming at the river (something we've decided we need to do a lot more often), and even a little pizza party. There was champagne and an indoor picnic dinner (one of our favorite meals) on the solstice.

Why are there so many chick pics in this week's Friday Farm Fix? Because there are baby chickens everywhere. I'm not going to say the actual number because Joe is going to read this, and I don't think he's done quite all of the peep math yet. He has noticed that we seem to be buying chicken feed a lot more often when we go to town. And he kindly set up the fancy waterer we bought last year in the newish open chicken pen, which you can see hanging from a tree below.

We were thrilled to get a little over an inch of rain at the beginning of the week, which was more than we've had at one time in months. The fields are parched and sparse. It's been blast furnace hot every day, with no more rain in sight. The sheep and their guard dogs spend the afternoons tucked under the cool of low hanging cedar trees at the edge of the front field. There are green tomatoes getting bigger. Sum sum summertime.

26 more farm photos below (hover your cursor over each image for a description) . . .

(2) Afternoon at the river -

(3) Picking Dragon Tongue beans -

(4) Sheep grazing in the front field -

(5) Sheep grazing in the front field -

(6) Teddy on barbed wire security duty -

(7) New chicken waterer -

(8) Mama hen and her 12 chicks

(9) Daisy under a cedar tree with her flock -

(10) Bear and Marta hanging out with the sheep -

(11) Pizza party! -

(12) Two mama hens and their four baby chicks -

(13) Daisy and Joe in the front field -

(14) Baby chicks -

(15) The echinacea is in full bloom -

(16) Lokey and her new chicks in the echinacea patch -

(17) Beagle Bert hanging with the sheep -

(18) Butterflies love echinacea -

(19) Two hot dogs coming right up -

(20) Harvesting onions -

(21) Close knit flock -

(22) Katahdin sheep Clarissa and her daughter Isabelle -

(23) Harvesting Red Candy Apple, Texas 1015, and White Bermuda Onions -

(24) Learning to roost -

(25) Mr. Midnight -

(26) Hats off when the sun goes down -

(27) Peaceful clouds in Donkeyland -

Want a bigger farm fix?
(click here to see all these posts on one long page)
Friday Farm Fix #1
Friday Farm Fix #14

©, where Joe finally figured out my timely blog posting problem—we live on farm time, which he says is kind of like football time, only different.


  1. WOW! Gorgeous photos, Farmgirl! Love the titles you've given them, as well.

    And LOL at "because [Joe] hasn't yet done the peep math!" Ahhh, chickens galore. If I had more room and could let my flock free-range, I'd let the hens go broody. But I trust my dogs about as far as I can throw them. :-)

    Thanks again for sharing this little slice of farm life with us. Hope you get some rain soon.

  2. I still love you Bert! You're not fat, just big boned.


  3. Thanks for the photos. Wishing you more rain.

  4. What wonderful photos! Those chicks are so cute...the animals all look so happy. Enjoyed my visit to the farm today--even from afar. Hope some rain falls your way soon!

  5. What a lovely blog! Those little chicks are so delightful!

    Melissa @ Melicious

  6. At this point I would gladly send you our rain. We seem to be stuck with extremes in weather here. Heat waves followed by days of rain. Either way I seem to be stuck in the house a lot. And poor Bert. He is just a big guy in a small body, it's not his fault. I feel the same - I should be 5'10", then my weight would be better (not great, but I don't think I want to be 6'4"!) And all those chicks. How adorable.

  7. I love the baby chick pictures, and glad some are finally getting some rain!: :) Kim

  8. You just made my Sunday morning - love the pictures!

  9. I love your blog and your farm. I miss my sheep and chicks and now I can get my fix. Thank you! Also, love, love, love your blog header.

  10. Hello! I just found your blog and love it! Do you have any suggestions for how to get rid of flea beetles in your garden?

  11. in the 6th photo down, is that "steel wool"?

    1. It's rolls of barbed wire - which really need to be stretched out and made into fence! :)

  12. When did your chickens learn to order pizza?

  13. Hey is it me or do all the hens look like Church Lady in SNL???? Gorgeous roundup as always, and love love love the photo of Joe and Daisy. And the glimpse of Marta Beast, who has been MIA lately!!!!!!

  14. There sure are a lot of peepers running around and what lucky, lucky chickens to get leftover PIZZA!! ;-)
    I also love the picture of Teddy guarding the barbed wire!

  15. These photos are great! I especially love the one of the butterfly, absolutely lovely. If you like taking photos, you should submit some of them to the farm photo contest at The Green Life (offering four different prizes). Check it out here

  16. Hi Everybody,
    Thanks for all the fun comments!

  17. I just found your blog, and oh my goodness are your photos making my heart ache for the country right now. Thank you for the taste of the big skies, sheep pastures, fluffy chicks, and everything else. It's just what I needed today.

  18. I absolutely adore these pictures! So gorgeous. The baby chicks with their mom are quite possibly the cutest things I've ever seen.

    Also wanted to say I've been reading your blog for a long time and sort of living vicariously through you, always wanting to live in the country. My husband and I finally made the move from the city and now we live on 20 acres and are loving it! Thanks for being part of the inspiration for us to live our dream :)

  19. Those chicks are precious! I'm from MO too :)

  20. How do you keep the cats and dog from eating chickens, particularly babies? Love your farm, absolutely beautiful piece of heaven!


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!