
Gus Tugging on Daisy's Ear
Daisy and Gus, September 2010

Hello and welcome to the farm!

I love hearing from readers, and your feedback is always appreciated. You're welcome to email me at hellofarmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com, but please know that it may take me a while to get back to you.

I do my best to reply to all of my email, but some messages do fall through the cracks, and for that I apologize.

You're welcome to link to Farmgirl Fare ( from your own blog or website (thank you!); asking my permission isn't necessary.

If you have a comment or question about one of my recipes, please consider leaving it in a comment on that recipe post so others will be able to read and benefit from what you have to say. I'm notified whenever somebody leaves a comment, so even if it's on a very old post, I'll get it and will do my best to reply.

If you've written about one of my recipes on your own blog (again, thank you!), I ask that you please credit Farmgirl Fare for the recipe and include a link back to my recipe in your post. Please don't use my content or photos on your own blog without my permission. You're welcome to leave the permalink to your post in the comments section of my original post so other Farmgirl Fare readers can find it.

December 2015 update: For some reason Blogger hasn't let me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months. Thanks for all your comments and my apologies for any inconvenience!

I regret that I'm no longer able to answer messages full of general questions about moving to the country or living on a farm, but you might find some helpful information on my Frequently Asked Farmgirl Questions page.

Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare. I know there are a zillion places you can go online, and I'm so glad you've chosen to spend some time here with us.

See you down at the barn!
