A pile of fresh vegetables and herbs is stirred into hot rice, then tossed with a simple olive oil and lemon dressing: easy, nutritious, gluten-free, delicious!
We love rice, and of course we love all-natural foods that are produced by socially responsible companies. So when my publishing network, BlogHer, asked if I was interested in creating a healthy recipe using one of RiceSelect's Royal Blend® rices as part of an upcoming ad campaign (which helps me and over 3,000 other mostly women bloggers bring you all our blog content for free), I said sure.
RiceSelect™ is a research based company focused on high value organic and all-natural products. All RiceSelect products are verified non-GMO and are grown, milled, and packaged in the United States under the most stringent farming and production guidelines. Their farms use a sustainable environmentally friendly process that assures socially responsible production.
There are three RiceSelect Royal Blend® products, and my recipe calls for the Royal Blend® with Brown, Red, & Wild Rice, which is an all-natural blend of Texmati White, pre-cooked brown, wild, and Thai red rice. It has no added sodium, a wonderful nutty flavor, and is ready to eat in less than half an hour.
In the 15 minutes it takes the rice to cook, you can turn a simple side dish into a healthy, colorful, flavor-packed feast. A pile of fresh vegetables and herbs is stirred into the hot rice then tossed with a simple olive oil and lemon dressing. It's delicious warm, cold, or at room temperature.
Recipe below. . .
Healthy Rice Salad Packed with Raw Veggies and Fresh Greens
Makes about 5 cups
Can you really mix 5 cups of herbs and vegetables into less than three cups of cooked rice? Yep. This simple, flavorful recipe is a great way for those who aren't big on munching giant salads to get a big serving of fresh greens.
To turn this into a vegetarian main course, just stir in some chopped fresh tomatoes, crumbled feta cheese, and garbanzo beans, then wrap it all up in flour tortillas if desired.
Once you realize that almost anything can be stirred into hot rice, you can let your imagination run wild. I've added everything from caramelized onions, sautéed mushrooms, and cooked ground lamb to this basic recipe. Other ideas: a handful of your favorite fresh herbs, shredded carrots or finely chopped broccoli, some cooked lentils, chopped nuts, leftover chicken or roasted vegetables.
If you can't find RiceSelect Royal Blend rices locally, they are available on Amazon.com.
1½ cups water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon organic butter
2 cups packed (about 4 ounces) finely chopped fresh spinach or kale (any tough stems removed)
1 cup lightly packed (about 1½ ounces) chopped fresh parsley
1 cup chopped scallions (white and green parts)
1 cup finely chopped sweet red pepper (about 1 large bell pepper)
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 small clove garlic, minced (about 1/2 heaping teaspoon)
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
Optional additions:
Diced fresh plum tomatoes or halved cherry tomatoes
Organic garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed if canned
Crumbled feta cheese
Flour tortillas (or gluten-free tortillas)
1. Combine the rice, water, salt, and butter in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil; stir once. Cover with a tight fitting lid, reduce heat, and simmer for 15 minutes.
2. Chop the vegetables while the rice is cooking.
3. When the rice is done simmering, turn off the burner and let the rice sit, covered, on the warm burner for 10 minutes while you make the dressing.
4. Place the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper in a glass measuring cup or small bowl and mix with a fork until well combined. Or you can make the dressing ahead of time and keep it in the refrigerator; bring to room temperature and mix well before using.
5. Stir the greens, parsley, scallions, and red pepper into the rice. It will look like you just added way too many vegetables, but they'll soften and shrink down in the hot rice. Add the dressing and stir until well combined.
6. Replace the lid on the pot and let sit for a few minutes.
7. Stir, taste and adjust seasonings if needed, and reheat lightly if desired. Serve warm or at room temperature, either as is or with tomatoes, garbanzo beans, and/or crumbled feta mixed in. Keeps in the refrigerator for up to two days.
Wrap it up:
You can either mix everything up together and then fold it into a tortilla, or layer the rice mixture and other ingredients. For 1 cup cooked rice I used 1/4 cup garbanzo beans, 1 large plum tomato (about 1/3 cup diced), and 2 Tablespoons feta cheese.
Still hungry? You'll find links to all my sweet and savory Less Fuss, More Flavor recipes in the Farmgirl Fare Recipe Index.
© FarmgirlFare.com, the vegetable happy foodie farm blog where Farmgirl Susan shares recipes, stories, and photos from her crazy country life on 240 remote Missouri acres—and the sheep and donkeys aren't the only ones who love their greens.
I want to try the Royal Blend with Flaxseed
This recipe looks so yummy; I think I'll make it today! Just cleaned out much of my garden yesterday, and have revived kale and volunteer Swiss chard, fresh-picked carrots and bell pepper, and tomatoes and parsley still available. mmcmillen AT macnet DOT com.
ReplyDeleteThis salad looks AWESOME!!! I would like to try this exact rice. I love to make rice in chicken stock and then eat it just like that but I tend to always make fried rice out of it. shirleystann AT q.com
ReplyDeleteI know a girl's gotta make some money...but I hate it when bloggers shill. :( When a brand is all about honest, tales of life in the country, it's always sad for readers to feel like they're just 'for sale'. Every article 'written for hire' feels like a violation of (implied) trust. Exactly why the advertisers exploit it. Just my opinion. Thanks for listening. A Marketing Exec who knoweth of what she speaketh.
ReplyDeleteHi Tracy,
DeleteI'm sorry you feel that way. I believe I responded to a similar comment you made back in 2012: http://www.farmgirlfare.com/2012/06/monday-dose-of-cute-anyone-for-apple.html.
Rather than simply deleting your new comment (which, by the way, is very hurtful), I chose to go ahead and publish it here, then give a short version of why I write a few of these very carefully chosen BlogHer review posts each year:
I have been working extremely hard creating TOTALLY FREE blog content for readers around the world for over 8 years.
In a good month, I'm lucky to earn minimum wage.
The bulk of my blogging income is derived from advertising income, just like millions of other businesses.
When my publishing network, BlogHer (which helps over 3,500 mostly women bloggers earn an income from their hard work) asks me if I'd like to create an ORIGINAL RECIPE for a product I like and believe in, and yes, they're going to pay me for my time, I say yes.
And then, as always, I put 110% into my job, creating a unique, entertaining blog post that no one is required to read.
I love blogging, but it's a job for me, and I can't do it for free. I already do that with farming. :)
Basically everyone who gets paid for doing any job is "for sale."
Well, thanks for posting it. Blogs, all social media really, are intended to be dialogues (hence the comments sections), and in any 'conversation, not all thoughts will be in total agreement. One just hopes that there is some thought and respect put into all comments (and posts) so as to foster real communication and not just impulse 'flaming'.
DeleteSusan, as you also know, I've posted many supportive and quite complimentary comments to your blog, alll of which I meant. Indeed, I enjoy reading it very much. I love the unfiltered, genuine insights provided by bloggers who let us see into their world, experience a lifestyle not available to us where we live, etc. As social media becomes more and more commercial --and from the perspective of an Advertising Director for many years, and later, a Chief Marketing Officer-- we run the risk of these "advertorials", sponsored (and influenced by implication) posts diluting exactly what we love most about the medium.
Your brand, to this reader, is an intelligent, pragmatic, perspective into a animal filled, weather buffeted, hard working life and I enjoy it very much. My original post was written with care, intended to highlight the 'compromise' to your brand that writing/reviewing products for hire brings-- it is exactly why advertisers seek you, and others like you, out. Your testimonial to their products helps them sell. It's a marketing strategy I've employed myself as an advertiser.
However, it is a development to personal blogs that makes me sad. Unlike the more commercial blogs, or tweeting-for-hire, or other forms of overtly commercial social media, I so want personal blogs to remain unadulterated, a pure recount of a life far from mine. And so I voice that opinion, and try to state why, respectfully.
I can only imagine that farming is a tough life financially. I get it. Some bloggers, using their blogs for income as well, state very overtly that they are being paid to write about a product (and of course the post will be positive or they'd never be asked to do it again, right?).
I'd love for blogs to be straightforward folk-literature. But if they can't, perhaps a more forthright mention of motive would help preserve the very trustworthy nature of your personal brand.
And that, dear writer, was the point I was trying to make. Thanks for listening and for keeping the dialogue open.
Well, I disagree vehemently, Tracy. I think Farmgirl Susan's RELATIVELY FEW sponsored blog posts are carefully chosen and of a very thoughtful nature. She created a (what appears to be quite delicious) recipe specifically for a product that she uses and likes, and she shared it with us. Exactly how is that different or "inauthentic" from what she normally does?
DeleteNot to mention that Farmgirl Susan was quite transparent that this was a sponsored post. You are completely out of line to demand "a more forthright mention of motive." Her "motive" is absolutely none of your business, Tracy.
Listen, she's not shilling Doritos. She's not going all Sandra Lee and using convenience mixes. And if she got some compensation for creating this recipe, what's it to YOU? We all enjoy her recipes FOR FREE ALL THE TIME. Why shouldn't she occasionally get compensated for them?
I think you need to take your yearnings for "folk literature" and start your own blog. And do please proceed to tell us all about your career marketing goods to consumers. Do tell us all about how forthright you were in representing brands--regardless of your connection to them--FOR PAY. Tell us all about the "genuine, unfiltered insights" you used to make brands appear trustworthy. It should make for some excellent reading. I mean, you know--as a pure recount of a life far from the rest of ours, and all that.
And to think that a former Chief Marketing Officer actually has the chutzpah to chide a food/farm blogger for a sponsored post. That, folks, is what some of us refer to as unmitigated effrontery. Because I am hoping to have my voice heard here, I am not even going to enter the giveaway. But I will continue to buy RiceSelect products and intend to make and thoroughly enjoy the recipe Susan so generously concocted for our enjoyment.
Yours in the best interest of keeping the dialogue open,
DeleteAs a marketing exec you have, no doubt, participated in wrapping something as nutritionally toxic as pop tarts in a ‘lifestyle’ to which people should aspire. The audacity of you criticizing Susan for creating a recipe that uses a rice mix is appalling to me. That you, who have most likely made a significant amount of money pushing products of dubious usefulness or even safety, would dare to find fault in this post is absurdly hypocritical! Why don’t you start your own blog and provide unfiltered insight to the life of an advertising exec where you let everyone know the ins and outs of deceiving the public? In doing so I’d be very interested in whether you would post any of the negative comments you would receive. No, more likely you would filter out anything that didn’t support your view of the world. Evidently it’s ok for you to earn excessive amounts of money hawking products you most likely don’t believe in nor use but woe be tide that an average hardworking blogger earns a few dollars for creating a recipe.
“My original post was written with care, intended to highlight the 'compromise' to your brand that writing/reviewing products for hire brings-- it is exactly why advertisers seek you, and others like you, out. Your testimonial to their products helps them sell. It's a marketing strategy I've employed myself as an advertiser. “
So it’s ok for you to do this but not for Susan? How does this recipe alter the authenticity of this blog? I for one appreciate her opinion on products because unlike big marketing execs such as you, she actually used the product. How many of the products you hawked over the years did you actually use? No, your original post was written as a whiny temper tantrum from someone who just realized that just like you bloggers have bills to pay and from time to time will earn money from their blogging endeavors. You’re like the child upset when they are told by an older sibling that Santa isn’t real. Your idyllic view of bloggers pouring out their heart just for the sheer enjoyment of strangers has been cracked so you lash out just as the child lashes out at their sibling about the lack of Santa’s existence.
I’ve been reading this blog for a couple of years now and only commented one other time on one of the dog photos (which I love) but your pompous self centered comment could not go unanswered. Your contention that Susan was not forthright in this being a paid recipe is equally off base as the rest of your issues. Perhaps you should go back and read the first paragraph where she states quite clearly that she was commissioned to develop a recipe.
Love the Jasmati. Susan, your rice salad was fabulous and you can "shill" at me anytime you want! I'm so sorry you were hurt by Tracy's comments - I'm even sorrier she couldn't find it in her heart to actually apologize for the comment. I'm sure she makes a great living shilling the public. Zora beautifully said everything I was feeling after reading all this, so I won't ad to it. Thanks for your blog and your recipes - they are all great.
DeleteTracy, Susan is far kinder to you than you deserve, but I have no diplomatic dog in this fight so do not have to be. To be blunt, hypocrites like you make me sick. You freely admit how much enjoyment and happiness this blog gives you; you benefit from the obviously incredible amounts of effort Susan puts into it on top of all the other work she and Joe have to do to care for the farm, the animals and oh yeah, themselves, and yet, despite her amazing generosity in sharing all of it with us, you choose to cavil at the incredibly rare sponsored post that somehow disturbs your vision of Farmgirl Fare as something entirely detached from the economic reality of what it takes to keep that farm - and by extension, the blog you claim to enjoy so much - going. That you could stand on your soapbox denouncing Susan for doing what YOU FREELY CHOSE TO DO FOR A LIVING - and for which you probably got paid a h*ll of a lot more money than she will ever see from these small sponsored listings - is truly nauseating, and you should be utterly ashamed of yourself. Rather than stick your negativity into the mix whenever there is a remunerated post for certain product, why don't you just delete it and QUIETLY wait for the next dose of sweet Jasper, the pups, magic donkeys and rest of the gang?
DeleteI would also like to point out that many of these sponsored posts benefit FF's readers, such as the $100 gift card offered as part of this post. You have no idea what financial circumstances some of those readers might be in, in which a gift card or other prize might be very welcome indeed. But no, your narcissism and disdain would block any such charitable thoughts - you obviously don't need such things, so why should anyone else, right? For God's sake, take off those stupid rose-colored glasses and take a basic astronomy course so you can learn that the world does not, as you seem to think it does, actually revolve around you.
High five, Lisa!
DeleteThis looks fabulous! Since the garden is 'done for' in the NC mtns by late Oct. I plan to add the Royal red, white and wild blend to my new found pumpkin soup recipe. My local grocery doesn't carry this brand but found it on Amazon. Love your great bread recipes Susan. Thanks! jmkdearmin at gmail dot com
DeleteI would like to try the Royal Blend Whole Grain with Texmati Brown & Wild Rice.
Susan! We adore Texmati rice. After leaving the grocery mecca that is Southern California and Trader Joe's on every street corner, I'm bereft without my Trader Joe's brown basmati rice, the only rice I can make successfully. Now living in the hinterlands of New England and 1.5 hours from the closest TJs, we've discovered the beauty of Texmati, which is grocery store available! I've used only the brown basmati, but now will explore the blends which sound fabulous, thanks to you! Am running out now to pick kales, leeks, parsley, peppers, tomatoes, and garlic already harvested. You've never posted a recipe we have not loved, and this one looks over the top, fabulous. Thanks for pointing out the grain blends of Texmati. Will delight in exploring them! Thanks so much to you!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Cary. :)
DeleteI want to try Texmati rice...Thanks,
ReplyDeleteDebbiemyers707 at gmail.com
Susan, your recipe sounds great, as always! I would love to try any of the RiceSelect blends.
ReplyDeletepcbdouglas AT gmail DOT com
@Tracy, if you don't like it, don't read it. No need to be nasty. Seriously.
The RiceSelect NORTHERN ATLANTIC Blend looks great!
ReplyDeletejslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
my tweet - https://twitter.com/LuLu_Brown24/status/387313134261649408
ReplyDeletejslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
I would like to try the Royal Blend Whole Grain with Texmati Brown & Wild Rice. I would add dried cranberries, scallions, toasted almonds, soaked dried wild mushrooms and homemade chicken stock. (Terrific with any kind of fowl, we are pretty long pheasant long about November!!!!)
ReplyDeleteLove them all! Anything with fresh veggies and maybe a cut up apple as part of a rice salad would be fine with me!
The Royal Blend looks great! I can get some at my local Super Target
ReplyDeletejsmannering at msn dot com
I'd like to try the Royal Blend® with Brown, Red, & Wild Rice.
ReplyDeletemami2jcn at gmail dot com
Aaand now I am hungry. Brown, Red & Wild for me. mac1572 at gmail dot com. Thanks for the recipe!
ReplyDeleteI love the Texmati and Jasmati...but would really like to try the Arborio!
ReplyDeleteThis looks fantastic thanks for the recipe and the chance to win
ReplyDeleteI would love to try the Texmati light brown
The recipe sounds wonderful - I bet it would be good with a little mint
I've had the Texmati before, but this Royal blend sounds good. I love rice, can't wait to try this recipe.
ReplyDeleteI love RiceSelect products and always have their Arborio Rice and Whole Wheat Pearl Couscous in the cupboard. Last night I made a delicious mushroom risotto with Chanterelle mushroom (whohoo!!) that I found at a local farm stand on Sunday. (Love this time of year in New England.) I'll look for the Brown, Red, & Wild Rice blend in my supermarket. Sounds like it might be a new favorite!
ReplyDeleteI've only subscribed to FarmGirl blog for about a week and am enjoying your posts. Thanx, from vassalp at comcast dot net
I'd love to try Royal Blend® with Quinoa! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteThis recipe looks delish! Just my style, lots of veggies. Definitely going to try it.
ReplyDeleteI think the Royal blend looks fabulous. I love rice. I'll have to look for this kind of rice at my store. I use a rice cooker though.
marciamoore2 AT hotmail DOT com
Hear Hear Susan; and Tracy, everyone has the right to earn a living! I will order the texmati rice with lentils and couscous. I live in Canada and will not find it on my grocery store shelves. bugleone@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteLove rice and rice blends and adding 'stuff' to them! What a nice recipe, thanks!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I enjoy your reviews, how else would we learn about such great products! :)
I actually already have the Royal Blend and it is quite good! I did not know they had one with Flax Seeds - that sounds excellent. Your recipe is quite similar to a dish I already make with quinoa so I am eager to give it a whirl. YO're such a good cook. <3
ReplyDeleteI love the Texmati with Flaxseed
Tweet - https://twitter.com/amyorvin/status/387618352861941760
I tweeted
I would really like to try the Royal Blend® with Brown, Red, & Wild Rice. I love the combination, thanks
No pasta or bread in our house means a LOT of rice and potatoes. Rice skillet meals are a fall-back for anything I have around. Rice+vegetables+meat (sausage, ground beef, ground lamb) stirred around in a skillet with cheese=dinner.
ReplyDeleteSusan you have educated at least moi, I had never heard of the Texmex rice blend. I have followed your blog for a couple of years now and know enough that if I don't want to use a certain product I can ably substitute something that I have in the cupboard. Keep up the good work, you have to keep those treat barrels full. Cheers
ReplyDeleteI would most like to try Texmati light brown rice because it cooks quickly
I'd love to try the Rice Select Royal Blend, Whole Grain Texmati Brown & Wild Rice with Soft Wheat & Rye Berries. And topped with beans!
ReplyDeletedebgirotti at gmail dot com
I've never tried this brand, but it looks tasty! The blend with quinoa looks intriguing. And yummy recipe!
ReplyDeletethese rice look good
ReplyDeleteThe Royal Blend is really wonderful in Pilaf, but we love all the ones we've tried so far.
DeleteContact: chephtsiybahh AT gmail. COM
I think the greek one seems really yummy!
Oooh, I think I'll have to pick up some of the Royal Blend Texmati Light Brown rice with Flaxseed. I love me some Omega fatty acids. I love to make my rice with black beans. Or some veggies mixed in (not as many as your recipe, so I'm going to have to look into that one!). Thanks!
(Hopefully my Google account will link to my email address.)
Here's the thing---we love this blog and we love you Farmgirl Susan! Every recipe of yours I have ever tried has been great---the recipes are obviously well tested and that makes a big difference for us when we try to follow them---you give us helpful tips and ideas for variety.
ReplyDeleteYes, we might try a product because you write about it because we know you and know that you would only write about something that you actually like--- I am not a big rice lover but you inspire me to want to try these. What's wrong with that :)!
I wish we (your fans) could come up with more ways for you to bring income to the farm. We'll think about it!
Thanks for the another tempting recipe.
RiceSelect Royal Blend with Red Quinoa!
ReplyDeleteonefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
Tweet: https://twitter.com/OneFrugalGirl/status/388347902784831489
ReplyDeleteonefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
I'd like to try the Royal Blend® Texmati® Light Brown Rice with Flaxseed
ReplyDeleteI'd love to try Royal Blend Texmati Light Brown Rice with Quinoa. I like adding chicken, veggies and Italian dressing to my rice with some cheese on the top!
ReplyDeleteI would like to try the RiceSelect™ Jasmati® Rice and make rice pudding
ReplyDeletes2s2 at Comcast dot net
ReplyDeletes2s2 at Comcast dot net
I got here by following a pin for your Green Tomato Relish that I'm all set to cook up tomorrow with our leftover green tomatoes, various peppers and just-harvesting Fuji apples. This rice salad recipe caught my eye because I'm working on curing my Diabetes with a greens, beans and whole grain diet. I would love to try Royal Blend Texmati Light Brown Rice with Quinoa. I nutty brown rice but it takes so long to cook. This product sounds ideal. My contact is greensing2 at mstar dot net. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI would like to try RiceSelect Royal Blend.
ReplyDeletetcarolinep at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI would like to try the ROYAL BLEND TEXMATI WHITE, BROWN & RED. It sounds really good.
ReplyDeleteDigicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I tweeted
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Texmati with Quinoa sounds good.
ReplyDeleteI would like to try to Royal Blend
ReplyDeletesarah {dot} gadel {at} gmail {dot} com
That looks wonderful, Susan!
ReplyDeleteWow. I love rice blends. I want to try that texmati blend that you used and I want TO MAKE THIS RECIPE!
ReplyDeleteAnd Susan I am one of your biggest fans. Thank you so much for all you share with us!
I'd try the Royal Blend® with Quinoa to get extra protein.
ReplyDeleteI like putting dried cranberries in rice. I have had the jasmati rice which is my favorite (!!!)
ReplyDeletesarahsmeetup AT gmail DOT com
This recipe looks great. Thanks for the opportunity. I love to turn rice into a breakfast pudding of sorts with a granola-esque topping.
ReplyDeletemmckee AT wi DOT rr DOT com
Well...I discovered your blog while looking for beer bread. Since then, I've been making recipes from your index and everything I touch is scrumptious. Then I stumbled upon this post. Awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteRice blend: Texmati White, Brown, Wild & Red Rice. I would probably mix fresh veggies in it, or FriChik. :)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sesquius/status/391197429498130433
email: daischop@yahoo.com
Looking forward to trying out this recipe!!!
The Texmati with flaxseed sounds wonderful! Recently had a mix with couscous and tiny lentils and it was so, so good.
ReplyDeleteI want to try the rice/quinoa combination
I would make glorified rice
ReplyDeleteseanm1999 at hotmail dot com
I would love to try the couscous! Your blog is awesome!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance.
I would love to try the Royal Blend® with Brown, Red, & Wild Rice.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
ReplyDeletewildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I'd definitely like to try one of the whole grain blends.
ReplyDeletechambanachik at gmail dot com
I would love to try the Texmati with Quinoa. I will have to look for it next time I am shopping. And your recipe looks delicious!
ReplyDeletelm823 at comcast dot net
Sorry, I don't like rice, but I love gift cards ;)
ReplyDeleteAs a type 2 diabetic, rice and other carbs have no place in my own diet, but the rest of my family loves it. I like to prepare it for them because it's easy and works well as leftovers to be reheated in the microwave.
Texmati with white, brown, & red looks fun!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to try the Royal Blend with Texmati White, Brown & Red Rice.
ReplyDelete- SarahO
sarahjean123 at gmail dot com
Oh my, I have found quinoa this year, and it is my new favorite addition to salads. I'd like to try the Texmati with Quinoa, Texmati Light Brown, Red Quinoa, and Freekeh.
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
The Royal Blend, with the brown, red, and wild rice. Sounds like the perfect blend of rice to give you some different textures and flavors.
ReplyDeleteI would like to try the Jasmati rice! I love Jasmine rice but have never tried this brand.
ReplyDeletehttps://twitter.com/JanJohnson1960/status/393998808511561728 - I tweeted here about the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI want to try the Royal Blend with Flaxseed
I like the sound of the nutty flavor in the Royal blend with Brown, Red, and Wild Rice so I would like to try that. Thank you for your wonderful recipes and insight into the farming life :)
ReplyDeleteDonna at schwender@aol.com
I would like to make something with the Brown, Red and Wild Rice blend. I have used RiceSelect in the past but have never tried this blend.
garwoodmitchel at myfairpoint dot net
I want to try the couscous! My family enjoys rice and couscous!
ReplyDeleterecipe looks wonderful. can't wait to try it. will go to the store today to pick up some RiceSelect. folksmith at hotmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI would try the Royal Blend with Quinoa. And keep doing what you're doing! I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteamywski at aol dot com
With a little luck...I will make this recipe today!!! It looks wonderful.
ReplyDeleteoops!!! forgot to leave my email address, pamsterlady@hotmail.com and I would like to try the recipe asap!!! It looks wonderful and different.
ReplyDeleteRoyal Blend with Flaxseed sounds like a great way to get another superfood (flax) on the table. I love mixing fresh herbs and veg in cooked rice - it's filling and my family doesn't realize they're getting another serving of veg! spahrstreet at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI'd like to try Royal Blend Texmati Light Brown Rice with Flaxseed. Thanks so much for the giveaway. MamaFoster at aol dot com
ReplyDeleteI have been using the Jasmati and Texmati rices for years. I don't believe the grocery store where I shop carries the Royal Blend. I'll try to get them to order it in. I looks deliciously interesting.
ReplyDeleteYou do a fine job Susan. Keep up the good work and your delightfully entertaining photo journal of farm life. bggeorge1@gmail.com
I'd love to try the Texmati, it sounds delicious. I've loved your blog for years! :) jmendenh@ualberta.ca
ReplyDeleteGreat recipe! I recently developed a recipe for a thin soft gluten-free wraps, and though I have been stuffing them grilled peppers and onion, and sometimes chicken, I cannot wait to add rice to the mix.
ReplyDeleteWhen I make rice as a side dish I add several different ingredients. Adding butter and turmeric adds an Indian flair. I also make a tomato-free Spanish rice using chili powder and chicken broth. However, a traditional pilaf with beef consoume, onion, celery, and carrots is my fave!
Jackie Dear Susan, I would like to try the Kasmati basmati rice. I like rice with lots of peas and mushrooms. I sauté the mushrooms lightly in butter then add to the hot rice the peas and mushrooms. Grain and a legume, can't beat it. opossum505@yahoo.com
ReplyDeletei'd like to try the texmati with quinoa
Rice Select Royal Blend, Whole Grain Texmati Brown & Wild Rice with Soft Wheat & Rye Berries is the one I want to try. I am trying to stay away from the plain white rice I grew up eating (Chinese mother) and have come to appreciate brown rice more than I would have thought possible. Plus I love rice salads, so versatile.
ReplyDeleteThanks! winnie808atymaildot com.
I have a wonderful Quinoa salad recipe that this rice would be perfect to use as a substitute, especially the variety blend. Lots of veggies, like your recipe, great color, healthy and very tasty. Uses Bragg's Aminos, garlic and olive oil as the 'dressing'. Thanks for all your great recipes. I've been coming here and looking for a long time.
ReplyDeleteSelect Royal Blend® with Brown, Red, & Wild Rice
Thanks so much 4 ur blog~
I first had a rice salad in a restaurant in the Paris,France underground. This was "fast food" and I've been hooked ever since. I'm going to try this with the Royal Blend. Sounds simply delicious .grtgran@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would like to try the Royal Blend with Quinoa
Would love to try the RoyalBlend w quinoa. Love your blog!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to try the Jasmine one, I'm a big fan of all things non-GMO!!
ReplyDeleteseaweedandsassafras @ gmail DOT com
I usually toss some brown rice into my mixed greens, but now I want to try this recipe! Yum!
Select Royal Blend with Brown, Red & Wild Rice
ReplyDeleteareil AT steelcase DOT com
Love your blog!
This recipe looks fabulous! Thanksgiving is getting closer and I have two vegetarians and one guest with a milk allergy coming. I would love to try a salad like this using the Royal Blend with Quinoa and seasonal veggies. Or maybe a dressing/stuffing. Thanks Susan, for the great recipes and the chance to win! aseasononthemountain at gmail dot com.
ReplyDeleteI like the Select Royal Blend® with Brown, Red, & Wild Rice, for a lot of my recipes that use rice. I love to make "freezer" meals for those nights when I get home and don't feel like lots of cooking. I make bean burritos with Select Royal Blend® with Brown, Red, & Wild Rice, home, whole grain tortillas, and home made refried beans. I make a whole batch, wrap them and freeze them. They are wonderful! Love your blog for the great recipes and critter pictures!. Judy, jswilson98@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI would love to try the Royal Blend - and I mix just about anything in my rice!
ReplyDeleteI just recently bought Red & Wild Royal Blend with Flaxseed and Royal Blend with Quinoa! I can't wait to try it as a side :) I don't often use flaxseed because I don't have a grinder and I don't use the already-ground seeds fast enough to stay fresh.
I enjoy wild rice mixed in with all rice blends and flavors :) buzzards11@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI would love to win since I love rice!
ReplyDeleteamdamsteegt at gmail dot com
Royal Blend® with Brown, Red, & Wild Rice
Just found your Blog and I love it!! I have always dreamed of being a farm girl! Sadly I can't find the Rice Select blends in my area, but they all sound yummy! pat.thompson@yorkcountygov.com
ReplyDeleteI think I'd try the Royal Blend... first! kimvsmith at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI like making fried rice with egg, carrots, and peas. Some fish sauce and toasted sesame oil pulls it together and some wok seared chicken is my favorite addition.
ReplyDeleterahenager at gmail dot com
I'm going with the Royal Blend!
Texmati Light Brown. Make a stir fry with it with a little bit of chicken, carrots, peas, green pepper strips
I would love to try the Royal Blend Whole Grain with Texmati Brown & Wild. lismith22@centurytel.net
ReplyDeleteOur family would like the Light Brown Rice with Flaxseed, great way to add fiber!
ReplyDeleteshannoncarman at yahoo dot com
I'd love to try the Rice Blend.
I'd love to try the Royal Blend Texmati® White, Brown & Red Rice.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much.
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/peg42/status/396002262557810689
ReplyDeleteThanks again.
RiceSelect Royal Blend® with Brown, Red, & Wild Rice and would put in my burritos or in my vegetarian enchiladas - yum!
ReplyDeletetvollowitz at aol dot com
I would like to try the Royal Blend.
I would try the Royal blend and mix is with raisins and apples in a wrap!
ReplyDeleteI would start with the Royal Blend® Texmati® White, Brown & Red Rice
ReplyDeleteI would love to try the their Royal Blend Whole Grain with Texmati Brown & Wild and I love to add peas to my rice dishes.
ReplyDeleteheather hgtempaddy@hotmail.com
I would like to try the Royal Blend® Texmati Light Brown Rice with Quinoa
ReplyDeleteroyal blend with flaxseed.
ReplyDeleteI think my family would like to try The Royal Blend Texmati Light Brown Rich with Quinoa seaburd@comcast.net
ReplyDeleteI'd like to try Royal Blend® Texmati® Light Brown Rice with Quinoa and would mix vegetables and shrimp with it.
yum! I would choose the RiceSelect Royal Blend® with Brown, Red, & Wild Rice and make it in mexican tortilla broth, and add corn and black beans.
ReplyDeleteskyejaden at gmail dot com
RiceSelect Royal Blend Whole Grain Texmati Brown & Red Rice with Barley & Rye
ReplyDeleteRoyal Blend® Whole Grain with Texmati® Brown & Wild Rice
I'd like to try the Texmati with Flaxseed - thank you.
ReplyDeletebarbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
Tweet @JalapenoMama
I'd like to try the Royal Blend with Red Quinoa and I'd mix in freshly grated Parmesan cheese!
I would like to give the Royal Blend® Texmati® White, Brown & Red Rice.a try;
ReplyDeletesmchester at gmail dot com
Royal Blend with Red Quinoa looks good
ReplyDeleteThey all sound good. I'd like to mix one with broccoli and cheese.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/KerryBishop/status/396433889465335809
I'd try the Texmati :) I'm usually not too adventurous when it comes to rice. I'll eat a plain bowl of white rice with just a little salt and butter! lol :)
ReplyDeleteTweeted :) - https://twitter.com/Enter_Now/status/396710255968542720
I think I could whip something pretty cool up with the Royal Blend looks great for my hubby and kids.
ReplyDeleteI would like to try the RiceSelect Royal Blend with Flaxseed Rice.
ReplyDeleteraisingmypadawans at gmail dot com
I tweeted - https://twitter.com/mypadawans/status/396861841785503744
ReplyDeleteraisingmypadawans at gmail dot com
I would like to try the Royal Blend Texmati White Brown & Red
ReplyDeleteI'd like to try the Royal Blend Whole Grain with Texmati Brown & Red Rice
ReplyDeletekarengdelaney AT Yahoo (dot) com
Tweeted at https://twitter.com/KDFF/status/397065951226523648
AT Yahoo (dot) com
the one with quinoa
ReplyDeleteMCantu1019 at aol dot com
i'd like to try the Royal Blend® Whole Grain with Texmati® Brown & Wild Rice
ReplyDeletedebbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
i posted a tweet:
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
Yummmm, I would love to use Royal Blend with Brown, Red, & Wild Rice, and try your recipe: Healthy Rice Salad Packed with Raw Veggies and Fresh Greens. It looks scrumptious, and I already have a couple of ideas to personalize it, such as adding chopped portabella mushrooms to make it more of a main dish. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteEmail is dkgregory at hotmail dot com
I'd love to try this blend: Royal Blend® Texmati® Light Brown Rice with Quinoa. :)
ReplyDeletedeeg131 at gmail dot com
tweeted https://twitter.com/DeeGee13/status/397179888014065664
ReplyDeletedeeg131 at gmail dot com
I would like to try the Royal Blend with quinoa.
ReplyDeleterhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
All the blends sound very interesting. I'd like to start with Royal Blend Whole Grain with Texmati Brown & Wild Rice.
ReplyDeletewillitara [at] gmail [dot] com
Tweet - https://twitter.com/willitara/status/397311425191739392
ReplyDeletewillitara [at] gmail [dot] com
I love it
i would want to try the royal blend
ReplyDeletestigay at comcast.net
We use Texmati rice alot but I would like to try the Royal blend with Flaxseed.
ReplyDeleteI would love to try the Royal Blend with quinoa--sounds like a great way to add in some protein. Your recipe sounds great, and I will be trying it soon.
I love Jasmati, and would like to try the Royal Blend with quinoa! stephanie.lientz AT gmail DOT com.
ReplyDeleteTEXMATI BROWN RICE sound yummy
ReplyDeleteI would like to try the blend with flaxseed. My email is olivia41393@yahoo.com.
ReplyDeleteI would love to try the flaxseed version!
I love the Jasmati rice the best. I have it with chicken and veggies.. I change the veggies up for flavor
ReplyDeletemmleal82 (at) gmail (dot) com
I'll try the Royal Blend Rice Blend
ReplyDeleteky2here at msn dot com
ReplyDeleteky2here at msn dot com
i would use the red quinoa blend and mix in beans
ReplyDeleteThe Royal Blend
ReplyDeleteI have not tried any of the Rice Select rices before but appreciate sponsored posts such as this for introducing me to new products. So thanks for that.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to try the Texmati with Flaxseed first.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
i’d try Royal Blend® Texmati® Light Brown Rice with Flaxseed along with chicken stir-fry
i tweeted https://twitter.com/pryfamily5/status/397830485553852416 pryfamily5@gmail.com
ReplyDeletei'd make spanish rice using arborio - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
ReplyDeleteThe Royal Blend with Flaxseed
ReplyDeleteI would like to try the Royal Blend Whole Grain with Texmati Brown & Wild Rice
ReplyDeleteI like to mix chicken and rice together.
ReplyDeleteI would love to try the RiceSelect Royal Blend Brown, Red and Wild.
I would like to try JASMATI RICE
ReplyDeleteyum, I would love to try the Royal Blend
ReplyDeleteamy [at] utry [dot] it
amy [at] utry [dot] it
The Royal Blend with Red Quinoa would be my first choice.