Sunday, November 20

Sunday Dose of Cute: Birds of a Feather

Our mechanic's menagerie 1 -

More below. . .

Our mechanic's menagerie 2 -

Visiting somebody else's farm is always an entertaining adventure. There's nothing like a mechanic with a menagerie. Remember the tractor repair guy's adorable bottle baby goats? Yesterday's trip was sort of like getting the truck fixed at a wildlife sanctuary. With lots of really playful dogs.

There were dozens of other birds besides these meandering around the place as well, including six baby chicks and a big puffed up pet turkey named George. I loved the geese and the itty bitty banty rooster, but my favorite of all was the young white turkey pictured above, hanging out with his guinea hen siblings.

"He was raised with those guineas and thinks he is one," the mechanic's son explained to me, as we watched him ignore the other turkeys and pal around with his people. He even sounds a guinea-like alert whenever a stranger or danger comes around—and neither he nor the other guineas seemed the least bit concerned that one member of their family looks nothing like the rest.

We do leave the farm every once in a while:
(click here to see all these posts on one long page)

7/30/08: Super Market
11/27/08: Gobble Gobble

6/20/09: Local News

©, the quackless foodie farm blog where I tried to sneak a couple of ducks in the truck, but my hunky farmguy—who for some reason didn't seem nearly as thrilled as I was by all those cute critters—was having nothing of it. I think I may need to go back for another visit alone—and with a cage.


  1. Great photos! Love all the birds--especially the guinea hens and turkey! Thanks for taking these photos and sharing them.

  2. Wow, that's a LOT of birds! Too cute about the turkey thinking he's a guinea!

  3. I always love your donkey photos, and since I love birds, these guinea hens and the turkey-who-wishes-he-was-one are another treat. This morning I finally made your pear-ginger-bran muffins, and they were delicious. Thank you for your wonderful posts!

  4. Who looks different ?~! Not me, he says in guinea-speak.

    You rock with a camera, always good photographs-thanks.

  5. We have a Guinea that thinks he's a chicken because he was a lone Buinea raised with that particular batch of chicks...He wants nothing to do with the other

  6. I've been thinking about guineas, but my neighbor lets his dogs run loose and I'm scared of losing them.

  7. Ducks? Very messy habits. Best to own only one and put that one on the menu!

  8. What lovely photos! I especially enjoyed the guineas, and the turkey who thinks he is one. Thanks.

  9. One of my favorite posts! Here's hoping that's what my barnyard looks like next spring...with slightly less quantity!


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!