Thursday, June 23

Daily Farm Photo: 6/23/05

Camouflaged Garden Toad


  1. Hi Susan,
    I am enjoying your newsletters and photos. What a fun life you have!!
    You probably know by now that you must never name an animal if you expect to eat it.
    I'd love to grow sheep, spin the wool, dye it, weave/knit. Do you grow your own wheat for flour? Do you buy the berries and grind them to make flour? I make bread also. And wish I could have a garden...too many trees. Keep up the good work in everything you are doing. Your writing is fun. I'd be at the auctions with you bidding on 'anything'...eating the yummy home made goodies. Barb

  2. Hi Barb,
    Welcome to the farm. Gosh, so many questions. Here goes. Yes, we never give real names to anybody we plan to eat. All the lamb wethers this year are named Boy. Joe has always named the freezer steers Hamburger, but I upgraded last time--we had a Red Angus and a Black Angus, and I called them Ribeye and Sirloin.

    My original plan with the sheep was to learn to spin the wool so I could knit my own sweaters. So far all I've learned to do (besides care for them of course) is shear them (which I am pretty terrible at) and eat them (which I am quite good at).

    No, I don't grow my own wheat for flour. The soil here is pretty poor; all our open land is pasture for grazing or hay.

    Haven't tried grinding wheat berries, either, though I'd like to. I've heard it makes wonderful bread. Our spring isn't big enough to support a stone wheel for a mill, but I figure maybe Joe can rig something up and I can put Dan to work--run it on Donkey Power!

    Bread making is a wonderful thing to do. Everyone should try it at least once. But I do recommend starting with pizza dough. Click here to learn how.

    Yes, country auctions are a lot of fun, especially if the ladies from the church are in charge of the food. But I don't go to auctions much anymore--I think it's called "auction fever.. ." :)


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!