Friday, October 27

Daily Farm Photo: 10/27/06

Donkey Doodle Dandy Is Starting To Fluff Up For Winter

A year of Daily Photos ago:
Where Sheep Sleep, Take Two

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  1. HOORAY! A new DDD picture! And he's getting fluffy for winter, too--cuteness upon cuteness! (I'm still hoping for a sound clip, heh-heh.)

    Just brought in the last of the green 'Rutgers' tomatoes, FG. Freezing weather's not far off here in Georgia, and I'm going to fry these green beauties with breakfast, as well as try out your Green Tomato Relish. It sounds delicious.

  2. So adorable!

    I'm so glad I found your job :::waves hello:::

  3. He must be getting his winter coat.. He is so adorable.. Give him a pet for me... nice pics as always

  4. I Love DDD ! Fluffy boy :) New cat must be starting his winter coat too. There is a 19 acre horse farm for sale near my house with a beautiful barn all ready for horses and I thought to myself, if I could afford the horses, only donkeys :)

  5. I LOVE this picture. He's sssooooooo cute!

    Have a great weekend.

  6. Showing off the new fur coat -- doesn't Dan know that's not PC?

  7. I want a donkey. Specifically, Dan. I will trade you one white fluffy dog for him...?

  8. Velveteen donkey? Go out and cuddle him. That's what I'd be doing. Until I got smacked.

  9. He's so cute when he gets all fuzzy!!

  10. He looks like he's straight out of a storybook!

  11. Oh my, he is oh-so-cute, my kids just wnat to come on over and hugg him!

  12. Awe, Donkey Doodle Dandy looks so content, such a lovely start to my day, thanks Farmgirl :)

  13. His coat looks the plushy outsides of the fanciest stuffed animals. I think he would make a wonderful model for such a thing.

    In fact, I am now picturing an entire Farmgirl stuffed animal collection. Cary, Dan, Liselotte, Whitey, New Cat, etc., and, of course, Lindy the Chicken. Each one comes with a small storybook.

    I wonder why I am always having marketing fantasies involving your blog. This is not something I do a lot, I assure you. I have never in my life done a business-y thing more advanced than the usual childhood lemonade stand.


  14. I think a rubber Lindy the Chicken would be a hoot! Er...cluck.

  15. Hi Miss Kitty,
    It freezes in Georgia? : )

    P.S. Every time DDD brays in my face I think of the people like you who want a sound clip. One of these days. . .

    Hi Peggy,
    Yep. : )

    Hi By The Bay,
    Welcome to the farm!

    Hi BabyBull40,
    Yep, every year he fluffs up for winter and then sleeks out for summer--with a couple of kinda scruffy (but still adorable) looking weeks on either side. : )

    Hi Leigh,
    Ha ha, I can just see you surrounded by a herd of donkeys. You definitely need to get yourself at least one little one. You have enough land, and they're really no trouble at all. Katherine & I can give you tips on care & feeding & spoiling. : )

    New Cat is indeed getting his winter coat. He's already starting to get that regal look about him.

    Hi Anne,

    Hi Daisy,
    LOL, I think it's still okay to wear fur if it's your own. Isn't it? : )

    Jeff oh Jeff oh Jeff,
    What am I going to do with you? Nice try.

    Hi Finny,
    Smacked by who? Dan? Never! He really is getting awfully friendly toward me (FINALLY). He loves to be scratched (even on those ears!)and sometimes he'll give my shin a playful little nip (very gentle) like he does to Bear when he wants to play. He's just a young guy still and can be quite frisky.

    Hi Barbara,
    I know. I love how he looks when he's all slicked out, but that fluffy look is just beyond cute.

    Hi Cazzie,
    Okay, Dan is friendly, but he's not quite into hugging yet. : )

    Hi Pennie,
    You're welcome!

    Hi Lindy,
    I love, love, LOVE it. How cute would that be to have a stuffed animal collection of all my favorite farm critters? Can't you see Chip & Chip in there, too? Just the other day I was hunkered down next to Snugglebunny, scratching her woolly face, looking into her big dark eyes, and telling her for the millionth time that she looks like a big stuffed toy with her cute woolly face.

    And of course fluffy Dan looks like a big toy, too. I remember once when I was a kid we were in that huge fancy toy store I'm forgetting the name of--ah! FAO Schwartz?--and there was this life size Steiff camel. It was an outrageous $3,000. I can only imagine how much it would be now. I got a little white Steiff mouse which I still have all these years later. Anyway, thanks for the really great idea. So do you think I should I call up the Steiff people? Might as well start at the top. : )

    Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. . .

  16. Truth be told- I was actually thinking of Steiff-their animals are so individual, and beautifully colored. (I too was wowed by the giant FAO Schwartz Steiff animals as a kid!) I have a small Steiff bear, which actually belongs to my daughter. I'm , um, keeping it for her, in case she wants it later.

    Of course, if Jeff has his way, the chickens wil be by Uniroyal.

  17. RE: Stuffed Animals

    I'm thinking more like "rustic" cartooney cushion-animals with crude outside stitching? The sort children might make?

  18. Hahahahaaaaa! Yes, FG, it does actually freeze in Georgia, and a lot more often than one might think! Most of the state is in USDA Zones 7 and 8...not *quite* tropical, but mostly mild winters. Coldest it gets here is in the teens, and that's not for long. Average low is 32 to 38.


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

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