Monday, August 6

Which Text Reads Best? A Five Second Survey

I need a little help. I write this blog for you, but I have no idea how it looks on your computer. Please take a few seconds to compare the text samples below and let me know which one you think looks the best. Then simply leave a comment with your choice: A, B, C, or D. A & B are the same font, Verdana, in different sizes. C is Georgia.

8/7/07 Update: Many thanks to all of you who have already taken the time to respond. I really appreciate it, and the extra info you've offered is very helpful. I personally like Choice A the best (obviously, since I've been using it), but lately I've been thinking that this type might be too small for some people to comfortably read. So far it's looking like I may be right, and that Choice B might be the better way to go. Legibility over looks! Now if I could only figure out a way to please all of the people all of the time. : )

Any other feedback regarding the visual and technical aspects of Farmgirl Fare, both positive and negative, is welcome and greatly appreciated. Feel free to leave an anonymous comment if you wish. Thanks so much!

Choice A:

Cooling Off With A Look Back At Winter
Journal entry -- December 8, 1995

It was snowing when I got up this morning, and everything was already covered in white. I could see the dogs curled up in each side of their duplex doghouse, but the only cat to be found was Buster.* He was crouching on the patio in front of the house, about to pounce on a lone brown bird pecking at the ground beneath the bird feeder. He wiggled that way cats do when they're ready to attack, but before he could lunge the bird fluttered away.

There were two bright red cardinals in a nearby bush, but Buster's attentions had moved on to the snow. He was busy chasing invisible creatures, leaping with his paws out in front of him, splashing through the powder. He went back and forth, back and forth all over the patio. Within seconds the entire blanket of pristine snow had been torn up by little cat feet.

Choice B:

Cooling Off With A Look Back At Winter
Journal entry -- December 8, 1995

It was snowing this morning, and everything was covered in white. I could see the dogs curled up in each side of their duplex doghouse, but the only cat to be found was Buster.* He was crouching on the patio in front of the house, about to pounce at a lone brown bird pecking at the ground beneath the bird feeder. He wiggled that way cats do when they're ready to attack, but before he could lunge, the bird fluttered away.

There were two bright red cardinals in a nearby bush, but Buster's attentions had moved on to the snow. He was busy chasing invisible creatures, leaping with his paws out in front of him, splashing through the powder. He went back and forth, back and forth all over the patio. Within seconds the entire blanket of pristine snow had been torn up by little cat feet.

Choice C:

Cooling Off With A Look Back At Winter
Journal entry -- December 8, 1995

It was snowing this morning, and everything was covered in white. I could see the dogs curled up in each side of their duplex doghouse, but the only cat to be found was Buster.* He was crouching on the patio in front of the house, about to pounce at a lone brown bird pecking at the ground beneath the bird feeder. He wiggled that way cats do when they're ready to attack, but before he could lunge, the bird fluttered away.

There were two bright red cardinals in a nearby bush, but Buster's attentions had moved on to the snow. He was busy chasing invisible creatures, leaping with his paws out in front of him, splashing through the powder. He went back and forth, back and forth all over the patio. Within seconds the entire blanket of pristine snow had been torn up by little cat feet.

Choice D:
You mean people read all this stuff? I only stop by for the photos.

*Buster was Molly Doodlebug's dad. She looks like a miniature version of him and even struts around trying to look tough like he used to, though of course it doesn't work since she only weighs 4-1/2 pounds.


  1. B

    Found your site via stephencooks

  2. A : The others are a bit too large and space-consuming for my browser.

  3. B. "A" is too small, "C" is too busy-looking.

    By the way, I love your blog - especially the animals. But the foodie stuff is rubbing off on me too. I don't cook, but I made pizza with your pizza dough and your spinach soup. Delicious!

  4. b. A is way too small.

  5. I'm a big fan of A in both a browser and how it shows up in Google Reader.

  6. B is best.

  7. Choice B :-)

  8. A - easiest for me to read; just the right size

  9. For my monitor (17-inch CRT), reader program (Thunderbird) and eyes (greyish-green), the text of C is (definitely - for me!) the best. A is not very bad, but B is far too large for me.

  10. A

    love your blog. wish you had a horse. more cat pix, please!


  11. The only difference I see in A and B is the text spacing. I prefer B.

    I do not like C, too small and tight.

    I don't do D either, I enjoy your recipes with lots of pictures. :)

  12. B is definitely the easiest on the eyes with my browser.

  13. c & d
    love your blog - love the pictures - would be here regardless - thanks for the great blog!

  14. I vote for B, however I normally read your blog via RSS/Bloglines and they all show up the same there!

  15. Definitely D. Very easy on the eyes.

  16. B

    Love your recipes and garden photos-- it's encouraging for this first-time vegetable gardener. Thanks!

  17. I like B, a nice clean font.

  18. I like C. And I really enjoy your blog. Thanks!

  19. I see that it's a competish between A and B.

    But I like C. It's bolder and easier to read.

  20. B - yeah, I read your stuff - it regularly makes my day - as do your photos...and I try your recipes - love your pesto! All the Best, Peg (

  21. I like 'B' the best. I'm using Safari, but I also checked it on Firefox and like it best there as well.

  22. I like A, but I'm getting older and may prefer B any minute now!

  23. B. A is too small and C doesn't read well. And I'm on a 19" LCD monitor.

  24. C should be best.
    I believe that's Times New Roman which is a "seraph" font as opposed to Arial which is a "sans-seraph" font.
    I learned years ago in a high school journalism class that seraph-style fonts are the easiest to read because the curves in the letters help the eye flow easily over the text. I've used it ever since.
    BTW, I'm a first time poster and will be visiting my parents in Missouri later this month (coming from Australia) and am hoping your bakery is open by then.

  25. "C" gets my vote.

    As for other style elements on the blog I think that overall it looks crisp and I love changing seasons in the header. One addition that I would love would be a printer friendly veresion of your recipes.

    Thanks for asking your readers opinions!

  26. A looks best in my RSS feed and it enables me to quickly read it.

    C looks best on the blog.

    B just seems weird in some way. I have to take my time to read it to figure out what it says.

  27. I prefer B. Jancd

  28. no question about it "B" is, by far, the easiest for these weary eyes to read. Thank you for asking!!!

  29. I like C the best. A is too too small!

    I really enjoy your site!

  30. I find C to be the most charming. The others are a bit too clinical and cold for my taste.

  31. B for sure.

    And thanks for the tip that blueberries can be frozen straight into the bag. I had been individual freezing before stocking all our snack packs into the deep freeze. Today I just filled the baggies and threw them in the freezer!

  32. B or C

    A is too small.

    Ever consider trebuchet? It's a great font for easy readability.

  33. Definitely B. The larger text is easier to read on the white background. A would be my second choice. I don't care for C--too much like newsprint for my taste.

    I'm using Firefox, so who knows how it looks in Explorer.

  34. I think "C" is your best choice. Studies show that reading serif typefaces is easier on the eyes.

  35. A

    The spacing between letter/lines are helpful. (FYI, I read on a sitefeed, Google Reader)

  36. also fyi, I just compared how they look on the blog and how the look in Google Reader, and the fonts are significantly different.

    B and C look atrocious in the feed version, all cluttered and jammed together. On the site, C has serifs, but in the feed it looks like arial.

    I still prefer A, but maybe there's a way to get the other fonts work properly in the feed. (On the other hand, might not be a problem you can fix from your end.)

  37. How interesting this poll is!
    i prefer C, since i have never enjoyed reading large amounts of text in sans serf fonts. But, i agree with the criticisms that it is not an ideal spacing (Blogger, i'm sure, doesn't allow for other options on that front). Also, my keyboard (a cheap one!) allows me to enlarge text on my screen to fit the needs of my eyes any given day or hour.

    Also...i'm assuming the comments appear in the same font as C...

  38. I vote for B

  39. Definitely "B"

  40. B for me also - clearer by far on both my laptop and larger desk top screens. Thank you for always thinkin' of us!

  41. "B"

    On an Apple iBook G4 viewed w/50 yr old eyes

  42. A looks the best. B I can read.

    Thanks for your work,

    50 something!!!!!

  43. B is my choice :)
    I enjoy your pictures but I do like to read what you have to say too!

  44. B - looks good on my computer. I have my resolution set smaller than some though. Love your blog ... so readable.

  45. Put down another vote for B. The spacing is much easier for me to read in both Google Reader and Firefox.

  46. A. I think I'm going to change mine to it too!

  47. A and B look the same to me since I enforce a uniform text size on my browser. C shows up smaller and is harder to see.

    Love all the pics and stories! I wandered in here a few months back and I've been stopping by ever since.

  48. I like C. Second choice would be B. A looks too small.

  49. B works best with my aging eyes. It's very nice.

  50. A
    what's going on at the farm these days?
    i can never get enough...

  51. C - the letters are more 'readable'.

  52. B

    Those blueberry bars look delish.
    Might have to try them if I can find some fresh Jersey blueberries!

  53. B. Definitely B. Especially for us aging ones whose eyesight isn't what it used to be.

  54. B! It's easiest to read (A is to small--C is too busy looking--D isn't as appealing)

  55. B is the easiest with my old eyes, but I'll be reading no matter which font you choose. I'd be lost without all the critters, Dan most of all, and Buddy Bear, and the sheep, and the cats. Oh, and the recipes..... Well, you see my problem.

  56. B is best for me... 54 yoa on a 22" flat screen monitor.

  57. Definitely B....more clearer!

  58. B, definitely B.

  59. Either "B" or "C".

  60. "A" is really nice and neat but "C" has a country quality to it that fits your blog. Not helpful, I know, but you asked. ;) Cindy

  61. B is best in my browser.

    Your blog is awesome! I love reading about all the animals! Thanks for keeping something like this going!
    I might even try some of those mouth-watering recipes sometime...!

  62. choice B looks the best to me.

  63. Gimme an A!!!!!!!


    A, aye?

    DEFINITELY A!!!!!!!!

  64. A

    Please do not choose C - I could also live with B. But can't with C. If C, I won't read anymore!!!! Or maybe I still will but do not choose it anyway.

    Just leave the blog the way it is. Pleeeeease!

  65. I like A best, then B. I don't much like the other two at all.

  66. I think B looks nicest, but I find C easier and more comfortable to read. It seems to flow better. So I vote for C.

  67. C

    It seems to have more 'personality' than the others. All are easy to read but C just does it for me :-)

  68. Anything but C.

    And I love this blog. It's part of my morning routine. Thanks for sharing your farm with us!

  69. B. A and C too small. D ugly.

    Love the delicious foods on your site. Can't read it without salivating...

  70. I thought I liked A best, especially in contrast to B (which is way too big, you have to do alot of scrolling when the font is big), but C is really nice.

    How's that for helpful?

  71. I like B the best.

    Also just want to say how much I love your blog and look forward to each new post. You are such an inspiration in many ways! Take care!

  72. A.

    2nd Choice: B

    C is too serif

  73. well after reading a lot of the other comments and then going back and re-looking at the fonts--I thought I liked B but now i like C or D. B seems to have to much spacing between lines,on my computer.But--now wait a minuteI just went to the Feed and looked and now i'm back to liking b. Oh I'm sure glad you have to make the finial choose and not us readers!!
    I know I would not be able to.
    I really enjoy your blog and have to agree with "leah s" that it would be nice to be able to print the recipes out. maybe even with pictures.
    I will still read you blog no matter what font you chose.(sp)
    thanks for the look into the west.
    i live in the east.

  74. With A, I can see a whole sentence with just a glance, so it makes for faster reading. However, B is easier on the eyes, being larger. Maybe a font size between those two?

  75. It will largely depend on the screen resolution. I use 1152 x 864, so B looks best to me, but I don't see the fonts you specified since I use Linux. How the page looks will vary greatly with the user's choice of operating system and browser.

    C, in my opinion is not a good choice. While serif fonts are better for the printed page, it is generally excepted that sans serif fonts are better for the screen.

  76. I like "B". my old tired eyes need bigger and cleaner looking

  77. B is my choice. I like a little bigger type. BUT, I would look for your blog anywhere and read it no matter what font or size it is in. Your writing is so entertaining and touching. Thank you for doing it.

  78. B please--the easiest to read

  79. I would vote NOT B. But since I read on bloglines most of the time anyway, it's all the same to me. :)

  80. A - That works best for me. While B is larger and would seem easier to read, I find that A allows the information to flow into my head more smoothly. I hope that makes sense.

  81. I'm a big fan of verdana, everywhere. so, I vote A, B is too large for me.
    and yes, I read ALL your stuff, and I really love it. I live in Italy, and your blogs (both of them, cause I love the kitchen garden too) are like an open window on the other side of the world. a lovely window. thank'you!

  82. Definitely A. Final Answer.

  83. Thanks for offering a choice of fonts.
    B is the easiest to read by far, in my opinion. And thanks for all your wonderful writing about your life and your adventures. It's all good.

  84. I like both B and C, but can live with A.

    Love your writing and the photos!


  85. B for Winter & Fall
    C for Spring & Summer

    (you should see me with a chinese take-out menu :)

  86. A (Mac using Safari) but I can live with B (no bifocals needed).

  87. I happen to like B the best. it's large enough and not to busy, makes reading your wonderful blog so much more enjoyable.

  88. I'm having a hard time deciding between A and C. A is the font I associate with your blog. But C looks pretty good, too.

  89. B is my favorite!

  90. Hey. I, too, like "A" the best... but I am almost certain that's because it's what I'm used to. In contrast, "B" feels like looking at a learn-to-read book, but I'm betting heavily I'd get used to it in a flash if it didn't have the smaller fonts around it.

    Georgia is one of my favorite fonts, but I really like the straight-forward no-frills feel of Verdandi for your site. Call it country ;)

  91. B - I like the clean look and the larger size

  92. Choice B is the clearest for me.

  93. A. Design wise, sans serif fonts look best on the screen (serif for paper) and I like that the small size gets more words per line (fewer mental pauses as you read)

  94. B. A is too small, and C too cluttered.

  95. I vote for B as well - A is just a bit too small for my eyes!

  96. A definately A. B looks like "Farm girl for the not quite legally blind". Just WAY too big.

  97. A - works perfectly for me, but B would be my second choice.

  98. While they all look fine on my computer, I like the font of choice A the best.

  99. I like B best. As I age larger print is easier to read. I just love your photos and your web site. I am so glad that I found it. Thanks for the having a positive influence in the world. I have tried your recipes and enjoy them also.

  100. I like "C" the best.
    But the font doesn't really affect how much I enjoy reading your blog!
    Thanks so much!

  101. I like B best of the choices. Usually I prefer a serif type, but if I compare larger san serif with smaller serif, I prefer the san serif larger. I have the same question about my own blog. Maybe i should increase the type.

  102. A: it's always been perfect.

  103. Without a doubt I prefer B. I often have a hard time reading small fonts, but B is the perfect size.

  104. I must be getting older because I too prefer B.

  105. Hi Farmgirl,
    I pick A or C. B is too geriatric and doesn't add to the fun, fresh, classy-ness of your blog. For all the whiners about A being too small you can always adjust your text size on your browser to LARGE.

    A has always been the style of Farmgirl Fare. Don't change it!!

  106. To B or not to B ?? heheh thats the question.. but here all my votes go to B. very easy on my eyes/

  107. A or B. Verdana is my favorite reading font.

  108. It appears I'm in the minority, but C works the best for me.

  109. Hay,

    I got a 21" at 1280x1024, 43 years old with progressive lenses (like bifocals) and A is hard to read. This means I have to slow way down and concentrate on the words. B is fine and breezy.

    That being said, I have no idea what my blog is sportin'. Ah well.


  110. definitely "C"

  111. A is lovely, but B makes it much easier to read with the same lovely font. B is like driving on a nice road with wonderfully roomy lanes! :-) Thanks for being so considerate to ask for reader feedback!

  112. B is probably best, though A has never bothered me. As long as you write, I'm happy!


  113. I should have added that I don't like C very much. So, my choice is B.


  114. Definitely B...if you wanted hits as a result of posting on Blog School, then count me among them. I am 58 and my vision probably differs from some of your younger readers, but "B" is definitely the easiest for me to read.

  115. well, i am going to be totally different here. the fonts all appear the same to me on my browser except for size -- maybe i need to update my browser. If you ask me, I love the photos... where are the llamas?

    Have a great week!

  116. PS bring on the photos and no one gets hurt. LOL

  117. Personally, I prefer A, but for people like my mother who are up in years I would say B.

  118. I like C best. But, B is easier to read.

  119. First choice- C, second choice- B.
    A is just to small to read comfortably when sitting back in my chair!
    Thanks for asking-- I really think these are important issues, especially as I have frequently given up reading interesting blogs simply because their black backgrounds or too light-colored words were difficult to process.

  120. I like A best.

  121. I actually like B (bigger san serif type ... looks like Arial), but did you know that studies indicate that type with serifs is actually easier and more natural for people to read? That's why most newspapers use type with serifs (those are the little tails on the letters, as opposed to the plain block letters).

  122. "B" gets my vote

    Victoria, Bellingham, WA

  123. B is easier on my 52 yo eyes. A is too small. C is scrunched up.


  124. Choice "B" is my pick. I can difficulty reading choice "A" on my elderly computer.

  125. A looks best on mine! Thanks for caring.

  126. I like A the best. I think you should use what you like. (and if someone thinks it is too small, they can change the text size themselves - on my pc explorer window, it's under view, text size and they can select larger or largest) When I select "larger" on my pc, A turns into B.

    Love your blog by the way - found it recently - when Whitey got her chicks! Great pics of the farm and your food!

  127. My choice would be B, then A.

  128. B is easier on the eyes.

  129. I'm casting my vote for "C", but then I use Georgia as the default font in my browser anyway.

  130. B - serif fonts are harder to read on monitors.

    I LOVE YOUR BLOG. No really. And I think that means I love you by comparison. MUAH. Your writing ROCKS! I'd so buy a book of your blogs! Or click on ads so you get green dough! You're WONDERFUL!

  131. I like B, but with my browser settings it only differs from C in Para 1 with its closer leading. No size difference.

    It might help to remember that people can set their browsers to override what you supply. They will be able to make things larger or smaller on their own too. I don't read the feed version -- but those folks might have less flexibility and that would help decide.

    Hope the sheep are doing OK in all this heat here in MO. Ours spend most of the day in front of their fans and go eating at night.

  132. B is easiest to read, but I like the look of C the best.

  133. B is the best but I mostly come for the photos.

  134. Verdana is one of my favorite fonts. I use it on my garden blog and find it easy on the eyes whether it's in a small type of larger. So I vote for A or B, although B will certainly take up more space.

  135. B looks best to me when reading the feed in Google Reader but it is to big and widely spaced on your actual page. A is just too small in both, makes my eyes hurt.

  136. Ha ha ha. I read them backwards.... but b does look best!

  137. If you use Firefox as a browser, to increase the size of the font on a web page just hold down the control key and press the + (plus) key. You can do the opposite using control - (minus) key. Just thought I would pass this along.

  138. I choose B. Have been reading your blog for some time now and enjoying it immensely!!


  139. I say choice B.
    I didn't feel like I was straining to read it.

    And though I like Georgia font - it does get busy when there's a lot of text.

  140. the time I got to D, I had read the other enough that I didn't even get it was a choice...

    D is very good. I rank it above B.

  141. Me, bothering you again.

    I like whatever font is in your comments section. My eyes are definitely not straining on these comments.

    I really am sorry for the quick shot of three emails.

  142. C - Love your site by the way.

  143. Web designer here ...

    If you like the look of A, but want the legibility of B, there are a few things you can change while keeping the larger size.

    1. increase line-spacing
    2. increase column width

    You need to do both for it to work!

  144. B is easiest for my old eyes to read. Thank you for asking. :)

  145. B
    I like A too but it is a bit small on my screen

  146. The cubicle bunch votes for version B. But it's second guess Thursday for the hoops and yo-you fans so we could vote again...
    Ha! Thanks for the great site! You really keep the cubicle duldrums away!

  147. Hi,
    I gave your blog an award.

    Thought I ought to inform you!!

    Love Jas

  148. Absolutely B.
    Love your blog!

  149. B Looks best on my browser! Thanks!

  150. I just had to be commentor #190. 190 people read this stuff!!!! :) My choice is C, but I'll read it in whatever style it comes in.

  151. In order: A, B, then C (it just seems too cluttered). And I definitely find it charming that you asked us (all 191-goodness!)

    Of course, pictures plus ANY font are wonderful!

  152. B please!

    But I would "read" you even in Greek.

  153. I like B the best, with A as a second choice.

  154. I vote for B becuase it is easy to read. The bigger the font the less squinting I have to do.

  155. I have to vote for B. I agree that A looks better, but it's a little harder to read, especially for text that's more than a paragraph.

    I think something happens to your eyeballs after you turn 30. I always used to design in smaller fonts and I now realize why my supervisor was always making me up the size :)

  156. Selection B

    I love your blog! It is a highpoint of my browsing, and brings me peace, even though the farm world is sometimes chaotic! Thank you.

  157. B is much easier to read!

    Love checking your blog.


  158. I agree with you that A looks nicer but honestly, B was easier to read (especially just before bedtime at the end of a long day!).

  159. B is the easiest to read but I can se the appeal of A, being smaller/compact. C "dances" when I read it, which is annoying.

  160. B is comfy on the eyes

  161. B...most pleasing to the eyes.


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!