Monday, January 7

Farm Photo 1/7/08:
Cute Things Come In Little Packages

Molly Doodlebug, Twelve Years Old & Still Only 4-1/2 Pounds

Want to see more?
You'll find plenty more pictures of Molly Doodlebug (aka The Doodle Monster) here. There are farm cat tales here and all kinds of cat photos here.

© Copyright 2008


  1. She's so tiny! I have a rabbit twice her size!

  2. Don't you wish we never gained weight like her? ;)

  3. Ahh - I've missed your cat pictures. Love Molly Doodle - she is so consistently ticked off at something around her - I admire consistency. Beautiful tiny girl - it is funny 'cause we call our rat terrier - Corey Doodlebug - not her registered name but her secret love language name. LOL - I'm too tired.

  4. She is so cute! I would love to see something with her in the pictures to give some size reference...her food bowl, a glass, your hand, etc. I forgot she was only 4 1/2 pounds.

  5. My cat is 4 times as much as her!

    She is so cute! How did you keep her so slim! ;)

  6. Our kitty (Kneadermeier) is a light weight too. My daughter has a six month old kitten that weighs more than our fully grown cat.

  7. I love it when cats compress themselves. It's always surprising, then, when the decompress, stretch and walk away. Where did all that cat come from???

  8. What a cutie as ususal. I have err lets say a few cats. One being very small in size and weighs just about four pounds too. He is a dilute orange with long hair. Do you think Molly would like a younger cat version of Fabio :)

  9. Hi - loving your blog!!
    We also have a tiny feline. She's a cutie.

  10. I really like her black eyeliner!

  11. She's very pretty! I love her very intense eyes. I have a slim black cat, as well.


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