Thursday, August 12

Thursday Dose of Cute: Oh Gee, It's a Boy

Baby Donkey 1

Baby Donkey 2
And he's being very friendly. (Just joining us? You can see the first posted photos of our newest donkey here.)

Baby Donkey 3

Baby Donkey 4

Baby Donkey 5

Baby Donkey 6

Baby Donkey 7

Baby Donkey 8

Baby Donkey 9
(Taken with my right hand while snugling him with my left.)

Very friendly. Like the third time I went out to see him (when I took these photos) he practically ran over to me wanting to be pet kind of friendly—unlike Dinky and Fernando, the other donkey boys born on the farm, who never let me pet them. Ever.

Like the thought that, "We could actually keep him if we got him fixed," has been said aloud kind of friendly.

Like someone around here may have been overheard saying in a cutesy little very manly voice, "If you're gonna stay, you've gotta be friendly with everybody, buddy, including me," kind of friendly.

Like that same person may have just gotten back from hauling water out to the donkeys, and when asked if the little donker was okay, replied "Yeah," with a great big grin on his face. And he may have also casually mentioned that he's started getting the little guy used to a halter.

Meanwhile, someone else around here may have casually mentioned to her foodie mother in an e-mail message the other day that there was talk about keeping the little boy donkey and getting him fixed, and if we scheduled it for the same day the vet comes down to fix Donkey Doodle Daddy (who is definitely going to be de-jacked soon), we would only have to pay one farm visit fee. And the mother may have written back, "I will pay for you to be able to keep the donkey boy. He is just TOO cute!!!!!" with that many exclamation points actually in her message.

Another e-mail message may have been sent to a bad influence best pal mentioning what the mother had said, and the pal replied by saying, "You should keep the baby donkey—for the blog, of course."

This is the year all baby animals born on the farm get names that begin with 'G,' and yesterday I was informed that the little donker definitely responded more to Gus than Gustav. Gus? Gustav?


©, the pushover for a furry face foodie farm blog where sometimes it's amazing how far being cute will get you around this crazy place. Oh, and speaking of cute, the other animal answer you've been waiting for—which of those baby goats in last Wednesday's dose of cute post is actually a lamb—can now be found in the comments section of that post. (I didn't want to put the answer here or in the actual post itself since that would spoil it for those of you who love barnyard animal guessing games and might just now be catching up over the past week's posts.)


  1. Garth, Gareth, Garry, Gus, Grady, Gangsta....ok, maybe not the last one.....but darn he's ssoooo cute!!

  2. I love him ! I have finally started working on paintings of other animals, besides dogs. On my easel, a goat & a bull. Hoping to try to paint donkeys soon. Thinking of you, Joe & all the critters. Sending love to Robin at the bridge. I think of her often.

  3. Gary, Gene, Gregory (or Greg), Gabriel, Garin, Gavin, Geoff, George, Geraldo, Glenn, Grant, Grover. Or you could go with Goofy, Gentleman, Garnet...

  4. Glee.

    And he sure is cute.

  5. Is it weird that I think you should name him after my son?

    Gabriel. Gabe. Goober. (Of course Goober is a nickname for gabriel, who doesn't know that??) ;)

  6. Oh oh! "Gams"! (for his stripey legs!)

  7. Oh my what a darlin' boy. I vote for Gams as well; a perfect name for such a delicious fellow.

    I can't imagine what he would have to do to make you CONSIDER letting him go, lol. Congrats

  8. I really love his markings! Will they last??

  9. How about Garret or Granger. But you know he will pick is own name. He is pretty smart. He has already scoped out just who he needs to impress to stay.

  10. He is adorable and a good personality goes a LONG way toward getting to stay (once that kindest cut of all is completed) . Guster - a windy sounding name incorporating the Gus part and sounding little more manly for his grownup years. Wonderful markings - will the stripes on his legs remain?

  11. He's not just cute, he's one fine-looking donk.

  12. GORDON! Sorry, didn't mean to shout. (Yes, I did.)

    P.S. My word verification for this comment is "geolly". Another "g" word. Maybe you could name him "Golly" as in "Golly gee, he's cute!"

    I'm rambling now, time for bed. :)

  13. What a lovey boy!! Too adorable for words. Things may be looking up, Farmgirl. How about this heat? Are we not ready for autumn!

  14. I was thnking just the same thing, before I even read down that far, that if you got him neutered he could stay on the farm. He is adorable and for him to be so friendly too, you couldn't possibly let him go. I think he looks like a Gorgeous George, George for short.

  15. He is absolutely gorgeous...just love those markings.

  16. He is so CUTE! And those ears! Yes, he should stay! I like Gus...he looks like a Gus to me. But whatever name you choose, it will be fine for him...what a guy! So much personality and a bit of ham for the camera!

    My love of donkeys manifested itself yesterday when I received a wonderful gift (It is at my blog.) Not a real donkey but enough to make me smile!

    Congratulations on your new little boy!

  17. He surely qualifies for a "dose of cute" I know a very manly Gus which is my first choice but there is Gabe, Garr, Gareth, Gavin, Gil, Gunnar or Guenther.

  18. He surely qualifies for a dose of cute. My first choice for a name would be Gus. I know a very manly Gus. There is also Gabe, Garr, Gavin, Gil, Gunnar, and Gunther.

  19. George! Also, ADORABLE. I love him.

  20. I vote Gus! It is a friendly name for the little guy.

  21. I like Gus. Gabe is a good one too, and you could use his full name when he was misbehaving.

  22. Oh, but he is cute and destined to stay on the farm!!!! Gomer would be a nice name - he reminds me of Gomer Pyle.

  23. Looks like a Giles to me. I knew a Giles once. Sweet guy. I don't know if he was as cute as your guy though.

  24. I like Gus. He is an All-American Donkey. Very cute now and very handsome later, I bet. His markings are wonderful? Will he keep them?

  25. How precious!! Since he has garnered your heart and found himself a home,
    I think you should call him Garner!

  26. what about george?

    he is soooo cute - i'm glad you are thinking about keeping him.

  27. Long time reader, first time poster here and my vote is for George mostly because that's my name and I can be a bit of an "ass" at times!.....haha
    (pun intended)

  28. Gus, definitely Gus. Donkeys can't hear the letters of Gustov, he'll just get confused. "Was that me you were calling? Or was it a yawn?"

  29. How about Gino?

  30. He is super cute, and has such pretty markings, and he's friendly and fuzzy! Gus reminds me of the mouse on Cinderella :) kinda cute

  31. A definite yes on keeping him. He's adorable.

  32. Gus - I like that!! Too cute.

  33. Oh YES< he must remain a member of the Foodie Farmgirl family....I vote for in Gorgeous!..His markings are just so different, and those ears! Wow.
    What, I don't mean that he should steal DDD's thunder, as he is still THE MAN!!
    Ah, what joy comes from every visit here.

  34. I vote for goober. He is awesome!!

  35. Who couldn't love that face!

  36. How's about grandfather's name...and he could be a bit of a donkey at times!

  37. Gus is a perfect name for him! You definitely must keep him, he is one of the cutest little beings I have ever seen (besides your lambs of course!) I am lucky I don't live close by as I would absolutely want to buy him from you.

    What a life you live!!!


  38. I love his markings. I think you should keep him too. Keep me posted.

  39. GUS! GUS!

    Those ears? I'm friggen dyin' here. I want to see him on this blog for a long, long time.

  40. When I saw the picture of those "ears", it just blew me away! :) Then, the next picture of that angelic face, OMG !! Waayyy toooo muuuch ! Any name you would like would be the exact one he should have. God Bless You Sweetheart....
    Jeanie in Upstate NY

  41. I am not going to help you. In fact, great minds think alike. Before I read a word of this post beyond, "It's a Boy," I thought, "Oh no, they can't keep him."

    Which was followed immediately by, "Unless they get him fixed..." :)

  42. he was born in AuGUSt.

  43. What a cutie! I like "Anonymous'" observation that he was born in "AuGUSt" -- you could name him Augustus, Gus for short. Or you could name him Guster, after the hip indie rock band...

  44. I love the name Gus!

  45. I like "Granger". As in "G" on the "range(r)". Also, Granger is just a good solid name. "Here we go Granger, here we go..." thinking sport chant. Though it's really "Here we go Rangers, here we go..."


  46. I think he looks like a Geordie! There's always Gonzo! He is so adorable! I also like Gideon, which someone else suggested.

  47. I really like the name Gus as well. However, as 'Gus' doesn't seem to like it and he has to live with it, what about trying out 'Garp' on him? (As in "The world according to..."). He does seem to have come into this world with quite a determined point of view.
    He's absolutely adorable!

  48. Gottlieb? Or how about Goober's cousin on the Andy Griffith show- Gomer?

  49. I think Gus is a good name for him. He's sooooo cute! Love those markings! Gams is a good choice, too!

  50. There are some miniature donkeys down the road from us and I was soooo hoping there would be babies this year. I can't get enough of the spindly legs and big ol' ears of baby donks!

    As for names, I like Gus or Guster a lot, and also Gizmo and Gilligan.

  51. I think Gavin is a cute name for a cute cute cute boy! Ah, dying to come and cuddle with him! Thanks for sharing!

  52. Well you know I like Gus just fine but he's obviously thinking of something else. And I thought about Gary (my really dear brother in law's name) but then I was looking at the picture of him and you snuggling and it leapt out at me: Gulliver!


  53. Hi Susan. Here are a couple name suggestions for your new baby boy:
    Gallagher, Galen, Gaddy, Gad-a-bout,Guiberto, Gonzo, Goofus.
    Still loving your blog.
    Mary in AZ

  54. I vote for Gus Gus, like the little mouse from Cinderella. It takes the name Gus, which I love, and makes it twice as cute!

  55. I swear Gus has some zebra in his lineage. Love those stripes! And what a face!! I'm ecstatic that he gets to stay "home."

  56. Gregory. A handsome boy like that deserves to be named after Gregory Peck. Just look at those brown eyes.

  57. Ha! You've already aptly named him, and it's in the title of your post! "Gee," which also happens to be a phonetic play on the letter "G." I think it it works out. If not, I second Glee, because he seems to spread that wherever he goes! What a cutie!

  58. I think you should name him Gumption and you can call him Gump (like Forrest) for short! So cute!

  59. Gams is cute but how about Geoffrey?

  60. How about Grayson? I also think Gomer would be cute (and very country). George & Gilligan are interesting names too. Grover, maybe. Naw, Gomer is better.

    He's got beautiful markings!

  61. how about the hip baby name grayer. or grayson. gibson, gerald. gerome glenn?

  62. Galileo, cause he's a star.

  63. grommet could be good

  64. My dad's name is Gary Glenn, either of which would work :)

  65. How about Gryffin? Short for Gryffindor? :)

    I think he looks like a Gryffin. Or a Griffin. Ooh or Grover!

  66. Gussalicious. Or Goonberry.

  67. Gus is a good name, but also thought of Gilly. It has a little bit of an Australian flavor to it. Some have suggested Gil, or Giles, but not Gilly.

    Have read your blog for many years, basically have not commented, was very sad about all the hard times this summer, hope fall is a better season.

  68. That's it! Susan, I want to come live on your farm, snorgle baby donkies oh and help with the chores too!!


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