Wednesday, August 18

Wordless Wednesday Dose of Cute

Serena, aka Buckethead

©, the very easily amused foodie farm blog where empty buckets are usually kept far out of sheep reach, but when one does end up on a head, it always cracks me up. You, too? There's another one, along with a nice Mother's day tale, here.

Animal cruelty disclaimer: The sheep in these photos (who willingly put the buckets on their heads) were not harmed during any photoshoots. This ewe you see here was happily licking molasses residues off the inside of her bucket until it was gently removed immediately after this picture was snapped.


  1. That's too cute! Like the cat on the drying rack also! kim

  2. We had a cow on our farm that used to get her head stuck in an old tire in the barnlot, while trying to eat all the grass growing up through the tire... wish I had pictures of that. She never learned!

  3. And she probably would have loved it if you had left it until she had licked the bucket clean. I also love yesterday's image of Molly Duddlebug. She is so cute. I so the photo on Flickr and thought I would come over here to comment. Thanks for all the great stories you put in your blogs also. I would so love to live on a farm someday.

  4. Cute picture. If it had been one of my silly horses, they would have torn the barn or fence down......

  5. I hope this is okay but I have a general question. I have been enjoying all your recipes and hints for bread. I have been baking for YEARS but still have issues sometimes! I am ready to try your ideas but want to know do you add the "old" dough to your farm house white?
    I saved a portion from my last batch of bread and am not sure does it only go in the oatmeal or the white? Would you add it to all breads?

  6. Too funny! Thanks for capturing that and sharing it. Animals have fabulous personalities. Now I ask, how does licking molasses residue from the bucket differ from drinking the milk from your cereal bowl. Isn't it a bit the same.

  7. that really does crack me up - maybe they just are sheep who love hats and are making do with what they can find ;>

    I just need to tell you again, that i just love your blog - it always makes me happy to read it and see the cute pics :)

  8. Too cute for words!

  9. I have learned simply from reading your blog, that life is 'never' dull on a farm. Keep up the good (hard) work!!

  10. We have some girls who prefer the bucket as if it has something extra special in it.I feed everyone and then always leave some in the bucket for those who thinks it is somehow better that way.Whatever,if it makes them happy I can do that.

  11. Hi Everybody!
    Thanks for all the fun comments. It's good to know I'm not the only one who gets such a kick out of buckets on heads. ;)


    My apologies for the delay getting back to you. The 'old dough' method for baking bread can be applied to pretty much any 'straight dough' recipe (as opposed to breads made with a starter or a sponge).

    It's an easy way to get some of the 'aged' goodness of a starter or sponge into your loaf. All you do is keep a hunk of dough from your last batch of bread to mix in to the new batch. Many bakeries do this, simply saving some of today's dough for tomorrow's loaves. At home, you can freeze your old dough and then defrost it whenever you want to make bread again.

    My Oatmeal Toasting Bread (recipe here) is the only one of my bread recipes that specifically calls for old dough (and there are also instructions for making it without any old dough), but you could certainly add it to the Farmhouse White (that recipe will be posted here on Farmgirl Fare hopefully in the next few weeks) - or any of your other favorite bread recipes.

    Your old dough doesn't have to be the exact same kind of bread dough that you add it to, but depending on what it is, it may change the end results a little - for example, if you add oatmeal toasting bread or a heavy whole grain old dough to plain Farmhouse White.

    Okay, can you see how easily I can get carried away when it comes to talking (typing?) about bread, LOL? Anyway, I hope this helps. Happy baking! :)


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!