Tuesday, November 6

Tuesday Dose of Cute: This is Not a Political Post

All seven donkeys in the front field - FarmgirlFare.com
Because everybody knows that cute is nonpartisan.

Get out and vote!

More donkeys? Here.
More politics? Nope.

© FarmgirlFare.com, where we had a record 100% turnout for the farm vote, and the results are already in: 80 to 2 in favor of a lot more treats.


  1. Thank you so much for the non-political post!

  2. I'd like to cast my vote for the tallest of your donkeys, please.

  3. I guess we couldn't expect you to keep elephants just to stay non-partisan! ha!

    1. Hi Pat,
      Ha! I'm already pushing my luck with seven donkeys, lol. But when I read your comment to Joe, he said that to be really nonpartisan, I should have edited the photo and plunked a big elephant in behind the donkeys. :)

  4. The donkeys just made me smile! Thanks for the post!

  5. Thank you!!! I use my blog for gardening and DIY stuff. It's my creative outlet and I'm SO tired of all the political stuff.

  6. Cute can get you elected - especially if you are a sweet donkey, dog, cat or sheep!

    Beagle Bert for President!!

    1. Hi Barb,
      You know the world would be a better place if beagles were allowed to run for office! :)

  7. They have the same look my dogs have when they are hoping for and expecting a treat! So cute!

  8. The critters voted overwhelmingly for treats, huh? Very cute!! :)

  9. Betcha your donkeys would do a better job of running Congress than what we've got; they seem to be willing ro work together for the sake of a common goal (that being more treats)!

    I love this photo. Thanks.

  10. Loved your comment Lisa....Now it's time to move forward towards those treats!

  11. Hi Everybody,
    Thanks for all the comments. I'm so glad you got a kick (ha) out of this post!
