Tuesday, November 20

Tuesday Farm Photos: This Morning

(1) Drying whites and hungry hens - FarmgirlFare.com

There were pictures everywhere this morning. Care to join me as I check on things around the farm?

19 more photos below. Descriptions at the end, or hover over each image. . .

(2) Frosty wild mullein in the creekbed on the way to the sheep barn - FarmgirlFare.com

(3) The Kid, our yearling Katahdin Suffolk cross ram - FarmgirlFare.com

(3a) Da Big Guy, our five year old mostly Suffolk, totally studly ram - FarmgirlFare.com

(4) Heading out to the front field with Daisy - FarmgirlFare.com

(5) Donkeys soaking up some sun - FarmgirlFare.com

(6) Livestock guardian dog Marta Beast, aka Marta the Mess. There's just no keeping this hard working girl clean. - FarmgirlFare.com

(7) Woolies chillin' in the front field - FarmgirlFare.com

(8) Auto defrost - FarmgirlFare.com

(9) Daisy guarding Cary - FarmgirlFare.com

(10) Daisy off duty - FarmgirlFare.com

(11) Sitting sheep look so cute with their front legs sticking out - FarmgirlFare.com

(13) Dogs only - FarmgirlFare.com

(14) Curious cluck - FarmgirlFare.com

(15) Chickens only - FarmgirlFare.com

(16) Hurrying back to her flock - FarmgirlFare.com

(17) Lacinato kale (cavalo nero) direct seeded last fall and Swiss chard direct seeded last spring are still thriving in the kitchen garden - FarmgirlFare.com

(18) Sarah Kit Kat Kate - FarmgirlFare.com

(19) Cold tolerant chives and volunteer kale defrosting in the kitchen garden - FarmgirlFare.com

1. Drying whites and hungry hens.
2. Frosty wild mullein in the creekbed on the way to the sheep barn.
3. The Kid (aka Hey Kid, as he was born in the 'H' year), our strapping young Katahdin/Suffolk cross ram.
4. Da Big Guy, our five year old mostly Suffolk, totally studly ram.
5. Heading out to the front field with Daisy, who spent the night in the barnyard with the pregnant ewes.
6. Donkeys soaking up some sun.
7. Livestock guardian dog Marta Beast, aka Marta the Mess. There's just no keeping this hardworking girl clean.
8. Woolies chillin' in the front field.
9. Auto defrost.
10. Daisy guarding Cary.
11. Daisy off duty.
12. Sheep look so cute when they sit with their front legs sticking straight out.
13. The sheep don't like to sun themselves like the donkeys do.
14. Dogs only.
15. Curious cluck.
16. Chickens only.
17. Hurrying back to her flock.
18. Lacinato kale (also called cavalo nero or dinosaur kale) direct seeded last fall and Swiss chard direct seeded last spring are still thriving in the kitchen garden.
19. Sarah Kit Kat Kate.
20. Cold tolerant chives and volunteer kale defrosting in the kitchen garden.

Want a bigger slice of farm life? Check out the Friday Farm Fix series here and here.

© FarmgirlFare.com, seeing life in pictures, loving life with critters.


  1. What a delight! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Susan!

  2. Great peeks into the gorgeous farm! Happy Thanksgiving to you dear Susan. I think your Brussels Sprouts will grace our table. I am very thankful for you!

  3. That picture of Marta made me laugh out loud! Bring out the hose! Blessed Thanksgiving to you and Hunky Farm Guy. xoxo

  4. Love all these glimpses of everyday life! :)
    Someone gave me a couple of mullein plants a couple of years ago and I foolishly let one go to seed...they are EVERYWHERE now!! Hubby is not amused! LOL!!

  5. I thought about you as I was watching Ken Burns' "The Dust Bowl" this week. It reminded me of your love for the Missouri land, the challenges it provides, as well as the beauty it shares. A woman named Caroline Henderson was profiled in the series and her story made me think of your passion. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'm thankful you're here to regularly offer us a "slice" of your life!

  6. "Daisy off duty" made me blow my breakfast tea all over the keyboard. Thank for the laugh, and a happy Thanksgiving to you, HF Joe and all the beasts. Please take photos of your fest and share the meal with us?!?

  7. Your posts/pix lift m from sadness to hope and laughter...god bless you, Susan

  8. Love Marta the Beast in all her doggie glory! Thanks for sharing and glad it's a beautiful TGiving at the Farm. All those chives! No wonder you make those yummy chive scones... mmmm....

  9. Happy Thanksgiving, Susan!!

  10. Wonderful photos! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  11. Yeah.. I dug a mullen plant up one time to save it.. he calls it an invasive species.. haha. I love them myself.. but we live in town proper. ;)

    Love your farm & farm folk.. ♥


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!