Welcome to the Friday Farm Fix, a new series on Farmgirl Fare where I share a random sampling of what's been happening around the farm during the past week. Just joining us? You'll find all the Friday Farm Fix posts here.
Thanks so much to all of you who sent healing thoughts and helpful suggestions to my
hunky farmguy Joe after I told you in
last week's Friday Farm Fix that he'd thrown his back out. We both really appreciate your kindness. He still spends most of his time flat on his back, unable to stand for more than about 10 minutes at a time (though he is able to walk around), and, after 12 days, is very tired of being housebound and unable to help around the farm.
He is able to rest and sleep more comfortably, thanks to some medicines we picked up on Tuesday, along with several new novels from the library. We're also continuing with the other treatments I mentioned last week (heat and ice, fresh burdock compresses,
the inversion table—he's hanging upside down right now—all sorts of topical remedies, etc.), and slowly but surely he's healing. It takes time.
Homemade bread and
oatmeal coconut cookies help. So do smiling beagles.
The weather has thankfully cooled down; it's been in the 70s instead of the 90s, often with a pleasant breeze. We even got a half inch of rain the other day. It's too little, too late for the spring grass in the fields, but we're grateful nonetheless.
The hay—what little there is of it—is ready to be
cut and baled now. Joe isn't supposed to lift anything heavier than 15 pounds for the next month. And bouncing around on the tractor for several hours at a time isn't even an option.
My hunky farmguy, who worries a lot less about things than I do, always tells me that everything will somehow work out—and usually he's right.
I don't write about the chronic physical challenges that we both deal with every day because everybody has problems, but suffice it to say that farming is hard work, no matter what kind of shape you're in. We get injured and banged up a lot. We don't consider ourselves old, but when something like this happens and one of us is totally immobilized for a lengthy period, we can't help but wonder how long we can keep doing this.
Meanwhile, life goes on. A few weeks ago we had a hard, late frost, and the new leaves on many of the trees froze, turned brown, and blew to the ground. It felt like autumn in April. Most of those trees are already once again covered with new green growth. They simply shook themselves off and started again.
22 more farm photos below. . .
Have a great weekend!
Want a bigger farm fix?
Any chance of trading out organic lamb for haying hired hands? Surely there are some strapping farm guys in the area who would trade some work for food? I know, not as easy to find as it sounds. We're both 50 (with a much smaller place) and think about the same things. We do have a 10-year-old son (yeah, we did that late) who is getting bigger and stronger by the year, and we have a responsibility to teach him how to work!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to tell you how much I really love this new section of your blog! I've been a reader for years and I love the Friday Farm Fix!
ReplyDeleteSending happy thoughts to you and your hunky farm guy!
this is why farmers have all those kids!!!! to take over the farm chores when they get old. you can have one of mine if you want. she is looking for a "farm" situation. and she is pretty amazing.
ReplyDeleteAll the best thoughts to you both and here's hoping your Joe feels much better soon.
ReplyDeleteEvery year when I'm kneeling in the icy mud trying to get a lamb to nurse and my back is hurting I say why am I doing this at 70 years! old. We've had the back thing too--that's awful pain. So I understand!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you've had plenty of advice, but---walking is the best cure!! regular walks even though you get plenty of other exercise. We both did the long bed rest thing 20 years ago---now I'd say walk as soon as you can and keep doing regular walks.
Happy to hear that Joe is mending, hope it happens completely and soon. My dear one has a very challenging back and we've recently fled beloved California sunshine for rural New England and my dream veg garden and chickens. Dreams have shifted some as we've aged a bit and I've often wondered about Farmgirl Susan and her hunky farm guy and lifting those bales. Bartering with local young strapping folks sounds interesting to me from 2000 miles away. I really appreciate you guys, you have taught me sooooo much. Please take good care of yourselves. Eat cookies!
ReplyDeleteI guarantee you'd have many volunteers among your readers if you put out a call for help - especially if you fed us cookies when we were done. I can see myself schlepping down from NY for them and a chance to meet and interact with all of your critters while working in that lovely landscape!
ReplyDeleteLoved the cat pic!!! Haven't seen too many in while:)
ReplyDeleteAcupuncture. Find one and your husband's back will heal twice as fast and he'll be stronger in the end. I wish you the best! Love your weekly postings and recipies. I made the rasberry almond bar cookies yesterday, sooooo delish! Wishing the best to you and yours!
ReplyDeleteKeep feeding him those cookies and he'll never want to get out of bed! Even slow progress is progress. The danger will be in rushing the healing process...you can't or you will regret it.
ReplyDeleteThe big tree picture is so pretty with glimpses of the sky through the branches yet. Our trees here in Saskatchewan are in the same stage....can't rush that either :0)
The cat picture will win you a contest I'm sure. I can't stop looking at it. There is so much going on with texture, color, depth and contrast... I think it's amazing.
I love the pictures you post of your farm and animals, plus the gardens and recipes. You are both still quite young but I know that the work can be strenuous. I have only two acres with a lot of perennial gardens and I am having trouble this spring getting motivated to get all the solar lights out, the garden ornaments, etc. I have a gentleman who mows the property; he has infinite patience since he must go around many trees. I live in eastern Ontario, Canada, so we get winter. I think that it would be so much easier if I didn't have to pick up all the gardening stuff every fall.
ReplyDeleteLove that picture of Bert with his Really. Big. Stick!! :)
ReplyDeleteI hope Joe's back continues to get better and that he doesn't try to do too much too soon. I know, though, how hard it can be when you are used to two "farmhands" and suddenly one is out of commission.
Ours lives should be so orderly as lambs feeding. My husband and I are roughly around the same ages as you and Joe. We're 47 and 53. I feel like we're entering into the repair stage of our lives. Now things like allergies bother us that never have in the past.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful Mother's Day. Enjoy smooches and love from all in your care.
Sending good thoughts your way!!
ReplyDeleteMajor sympathy and best wishes to Farmguy Joe as he continues healing. It's hard to keep your body still when your mind is buzzing with all that needs to be done!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I are near "that stage" of life, too (49 & 52). We are continually surprised (and a little perplexed and disheartened, to be honest) by the way that seemingly simple activities now take a toll on our bodies. Ah, well. Nothing to be done but to keep on doing, right? It's so much better than the alternative! ;^)