Tuesday, June 5

Farm Photo: 6/5/07

I'm Just Wai-tin' On A Friend

Wondering what this is about? Catch up here:
Farm Photo: 6/1/07:
Whitey Gets Her Wish
Farm Photo 6/3/07:
Waiting With Whitey
6/4/07: Peep!Peep!Peep!
Farm Photo 6/4/07: We All Need A Little Shuteye

© 2007 FarmgirlFare.com, the award-winning blog where Farmgirl Susan shares photos & stories of her crazy country life on 240 remote Missouri acres.


  1. Welcome to the world lil chick - you are blessed in having TWO motherhens - White and FG - you are really blessed that FG didn't hatch you - she never sits still!
    FG - what about a total count? Anything happening with the white eggs?? Honestly - this is more fun than catching crickets.

  2. aawwwww!!! cuteness.

  3. Will you dine on their flesh???

    My parents always had chickens for eggs, but never raised them. I plan to when I 'grow-up', If you do, how about blogging that process?

  4. Oh, I just love baby chicks - DH won't even let me go in the farm store this time of the year LOL - Congratulate Ms. Whitey for me. I'm sure she'll be a fantastic mom. T.

  5. Is Whitey loving motherhood? It's amazing how they know just what to do isn't it? Two of my bird's are nesting right now too, but being inside they go through the motions way more than normal. I was away last week so I guess I should get to candling those eggs soon before I end up with 5 more cockatiels in the house huh?

  6. so is Ms. Whitney registered any where? because I feel like I ought to be sendin' little receiving blankets or booties or something...

  7. Please excuse this city girl if this is a dumb question, but why does the egg in this picture look like a hard-boiled egg that still has a little shell on it?

    The chix are way cute! Can't wait to read more about Whitey and her babies!

  8. I am captivated by this story line. Go Whitney!! Go babies!! How funt his is to read. But, seriously... I kept thinking about dinosaurs and how odd it is to see a bird hatch from a egg... Reptiles and birds..eggs.. ok anyway, this is too deep to get into after lunch.

  9. What a proud Mommy Whitey must be!

  10. Oh! My heart just melted!

    (and to think chicken is my favourite roast - eek)

  11. I am so happy for Whitey !! The babies are adorable.

  12. Those chicks make Cute look ugly.

    And how amazing is it that you caught the hatching in action! I mean, I'm no farmgirl, but it seems like hatching eggs is something that only happens when everyone is looking away. You know, because then they'll say, "I looked away for one second and I when I looked back, there were three chickens where there used to be one!"

    or something like that...

  13. This is a delightful story to see hatchiing before us! The chicks are just lovely. I have never hatched eggs under a hen only in an incubator. Do the newly hatched chicks stay under the hen or do they move out from under her or need moving?
    Sara from farmingfriends in the UK

  14. How wonderful that "She's just a chicken" managed to work two wise Farmgirls and get exactly what she wants with minimal pecking,

  15. What a cutie!!! So, I may not understand, are they Whitey's own biological children, or did she just incubate them. Anyway, she got her a precious babe. Can't wait to seeh the others.

  16. A real cutie! A question - does the egg shell crack up like that by the little chick moving about it in during the hatching - I know they have a special little something on their beak to help them out of the shell, but am curious about all that cracking of the shell - looks like my cooked eggs when I am getting read for my favourite sandwich - egg salad!

  17. Hey there... love it. I too just had my 2nd hatch. The first one was a nightmare. all chicks but one survived for 6 weeks till the hawks got em. but mom smartened up this time round. and i too!. And i have all 11 of them. at 6 weeks of age.. Aren't they the cutest ever? just wait till you have to cull the roo's though. I'm dreading that part.

  18. So precious just too cute for words!

  19. Amazing this picture.

  20. Oh, this is fabulous! Is Whitey beyond proud??

  21. This has been so much fun to follow. Congrats!

  22. This is so great !!! I am loving it. Thank you so much for sharing! I am so happy for Whitey, you go girl!

  23. It's as hilarious as it is compassionate to give an old spinster hen a chance at a family. You rock.

  24. So perfect! Those pictures have made me feel much better this morning!

  25. Way to go Whitey!! The chicks are so adorable!

  26. I just discovered your blog today and I just LOVE it. I am a city girl, living in Toronto, and I have to say, you are living my dream life. Unfortunately, my husband is in advertising (copywriter- he actually creates ads..) so I doubt I will ever get that wish. I would be happy with just a nice big yard and a herb garden at this point.

    Your little baby chicks are adorable- and I love how she got her babies! One question though? Why are all the eggs different colours? I know they aren't her own eggs- so does each chiken (breed of chicken?) lay different colours?

  27. Ohhhhh! How precious...

  28. Wow! I just got caught up on the whole story of Whitey, and am just amazed by the whole thing. I am a city girl, so I don't know much about raising chicks, but it sure looks rewarding. They are soooo cute and fluffy!

  29. c'mon, you are killing me! more pictures! more! more!!!!!

  30. Awwwww, absolutely cute! I'd love to witness such a sweet event...

  31. So...I'm assuming Whitey's being a good mom so far?

  32. Ach, I'm jealous. I'm only on day five of... erm.. Phoenix watch?

    However, our fully-bantam hen (Phoenix's mother, actually) disappeared on Monday, and with her daughter broody, it wouldn't surprise me if she has done the same. Knowing her propensity for insanity, she clearly had the sense to go off and hide her eggs from the evil two-legged creatures. *sigh* We're off to find a chicken, the most psychotic chicken of all.. (the above is sung to the tune of "we're off to see the wizard")

  33. Ohhh, what a cute little booger!!

  34. Too cool. You go, Whitey. LTC would have been such a proud auntie.

    Everyday on my way to work, I pass a window with the "falconcam," trained on the nest of two peregine falcons who have been raising their broods on a ledge of a downtown Pittsburgh skyscraper for years.

    Each spring, we passersby see the eggs appear, and the chicks hatch, and eventually fly off. There is a little chalkboard next to the screen where someone writes comments, like, "2 more Irish eggs for st Patrick's Day!" and the like.

    These babies would be natural predators of 'lil chick, but are just as cute. The adults are awe inspiring. Friday, when I passed, they had all flown off-probably for good, in the case of the chicks. Mom and Dad will be back next year, I expect.


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