Sunday, June 18


Where Did All These People Come From? *

I'm thrilled, flattered, and still in a bit of a daze. Farmgirl Fare was chosen by the Team to be the June 15, 2006 Blog Of Note. So we've had a few more visitors than usual lately. Like about 12,000 more. Welcome new readers (please click here for a brief intro to this site) and many, many thanks to the Blogger Team for bestowing this honor on Farmgirl Fare. Like I said, Wow.

Attention Cat Lovers! This Is Weekend Cat Blogging #54!
See fun feline photos & discover tasty new food blogs. Visit my pal Clare & her cool cat Kiri over at
Eat Stuff in Australia for all the links to this week's kitties. For more cat candids, catch the traveling Carnival Of The Cats each Sunday night. And the weekly Friday Ark boards everything from felines to flower spiders.

Hungry for more than pet pics? Don't miss the delicious and informative
Weekend Herb Blogging roundup Sunday night at Kalyn's Kitchen.

*Click here if you'd like to see more photos of Farm Boss Patchy Cat.


  1. Congratulations, Farmgirl! You inspire us all.

  2. Yay, Farmgirl! Well-deserved. Your new viewers will quickly see what all the hoop-la is about!

  3. Great blog and well deserved recognition! All that country livin' must cultivate humbleness as well as beautiful veggies...
    The cute animal photos have a knack of brightening my day!!
    Cheers to you Farmgirl :)


  4. Very cool. Your blog is so unique and interesting, you really do deserve it.

  5. Congratulations on being a Blog of Note. It's so much more interesting than all the others listed. I mean really, how can networking compare to cute, furry animals!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!! The honor is well deserved.

  7. what a beautiful picture. The kitty seems to be "ruling the roost" as it were. Your linked on my blog as well. As your blog reminds me so much of where I grew up (central rural Illinois)-I tend to visit often for a taste of my roots.

    Feel free to visit my blog anytime!

  8. Awesome site, Farmgirl! I discovered you through Blogs of Note and would like to add you to my Links list, if it's OK with you.

    I grew up with my grandparents in west central Georgia, and my granddad raised hogs and cattle; Grandma usually had chickens running around the back yard. I've long been away from the rural life, though, even though my sister and I still own land across the road from the old farmhouse. One day I hope to move back there, build a small house, and start an organic peach orchard. I currently live and teach in a small town and have acquired my first chicken, a Rhode Island Red who averages an egg a day.

    Your site's awesome, and your story's really interesting. It tells me that people like us (I'm a college English prof) really can make a living and a life in the country, and leaving the city/academic/artsy life can be a beautiful thing. Keep up the great work.

  9. Was also sent here from blogger. Really enjoying your blog, keep it up!

  10. Great cat photo. And congratulations for being chosen the June 15 Blog of Note.

  11. Congratulations on the honor! I really enjoy your blog -- and of course I love the kitty pictures most of all. Patchy Cat looks like she's saying "You're the top!" :)

  12. Great blog you have here!


  13. Yippppe! congrats, you ROCK!!!

  14. Congratulations. I stop by nearly every day to see what you and Cary are up to. I also love your garden site.

  15. I have subscribed to your blog so I won't miss anything, and I am looking forward to going back and reading your story from the beginning. And hopefully I will learn something in the process. I only have 6 acres but I would really like to try growing something. Unfortunately, the green thumb in my family skips a generation and I'm the generation it skipped! I also have to figure out how to quit my day job. Great blog-- keep the adorable pictures of Cary coming!

  16. Congratulations! Yr blog definitely deserve it since it's always filled with fantastic stuff. Patchy Cat does look very curious abt the visitors.

  17. Fg you know how immensly proud I am of you!

    Congrats! you deserved it you fab blogger/sheephearder/sheep mumma/gardener/kitty&puppy lovin goddess :)

  18. Congratulations! Your site is so great; you deserved it!

    Patchy Cat is very cute and photogenic, as usual!...

  19. as everyone else has mentioned the recognition is well deserved......thanks for your guidance.

  20. Funny we both left CA for God's country. MO is the nicest place I have ever lived. My wife and I live near Branson in Reeds Spring with two cat inside and one WILD cat outside.
    Yes food becomes a love down in these parts if you have lived anywhere else. Why do you think the food down here, overall, is so bad?

  21. Your blog is unlike any other I read and is well written...the well written part is hard to come by these days ! :)

    I have a kitten that looks a lot like yours. I think I've seen a glimpse of what Abby will look like when she grows up :)

  22. Just want to say, I love that photo of the cat on the post, nice one!

    And conrats on the Blogger bit too.

  23. Great blog! You deserved the recognition. That was a beautiful picture of the cat, too.

  24. Hey Susan...
    First things first: that's a GREAT picture of the Patchy Cat!
    ...oh, and congratulations on blog of the day! Sorry I didn't jump right on it but I'm just catching up on deserve all the attention you get...!


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!