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© Copyright 2008, the award-winning blog where the sheep like to stake out favorite sleeping and resting places that they return to day after day, and for the past several weeks Snugglebunny's afternoon spot has been over next to the chickens. Talk about cute.
I can't say I've noticed a whole lot of fraternizing between our ram and the chickens, which share a pasture. Maybe we have anti-social chickens?
ReplyDeleteSusan - I have enjoyed reading your blog for over a year now. Thanks! My husband and I are buying a lamb from a local farmer and are having a hard time choosing what kinds of cuts to get. I saw on an apartment therapy post that you said you'd made a flyer for your customers to help them with those decisions. Is there any way you could post a link to that flyer or e-mail it to me? I would love to buy a lamb from you but we're in Maryland. Thanks!
They really do look as if they are whispering about life on the farm. Who has the better food, cleanest water, the dogs, the cats and their human pets.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they are plotting a take over - like bumping those cutesy donkeys off the page for a while? Those cats- I mean really - who wants cats when you have lovely sheep and chickens? Just a thought - more like -- they are probably enjoying the same pleasant shadey spot.
ReplyDeleteSnugglebunny must be getting the "latest" dirt from the chickens - well, who doesn't love some good gossip??
ReplyDeleteGreat photos, as usual! They are always so much fun. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWhat breed of sheep is Snugglebunny??? She looks like a moorit Perendale I had.
Please email me privately. Benita Buck
I love your pictures...but I am still waiting to find out what the new "critter" is......back to the goat post!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow fun is that? I used to look out in our pasture once in a while and see a chicken standing on a resting sheep. They always seemed to like each other very much. Now the camel on the other hand thinks the chickens are annoying and is downright hostile to the sheep, lol!
ReplyDeleteLove to follow your blog!
I wish I was communing with Sungglebunny and the chickens instead of paying attention to the news unfolding this week. Maybe I'll dress up as a chicken for Halloween and see if they'll let me join their group.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my absolutely favorite blogs - I only discovered it a couple of weeks ago and am now a regular reader. Just love the animals.
ReplyDeleteHi Kristin,
ReplyDeleteOr maybe your ram smells a little too musky. ; )
Hi Laura,
I'd be happy to email you my lamb processing flyers. In fact, Kristin who commented right before you used them last month. Just email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.
Hi CJ,
I don't know what they're talking about, but I know they're talking about something. It really is too cute. And she goes and sits over there with them every day. Last winter I had my four oldest ewes living up here in the farmyard, and Frederica would do the same thing.
Hi LS,
Ha ha, you're probably right about them wanting to bump the cutesy donkeys off the page for a while. When I was looking for related links to put with this photo, I was shocked to see that it had been months since I'd posted a chicken photo. Now I'm thinking I may have been the only one who hadn't noticed that. ; )
Hi Barb,
The chickens really do like company. There are times when we won't have any other animals in the farmyard for a while, and when somebody does wander in, they get so excited. Of course maybe they just think they might be getting treats, which I'm pretty sure is the only reason they're always excited to see me. ; )
Hi Sheepmom,
Oooh, a moorit Perendale sounds fancy. I'm not familiar with that breed. Snugglebunny is just a mix, mostly black Border Leceister, Suffolk, and Hampshire. The black sheep are my favorite, and she is such a sweetheart.
Hi Marianne,
Oh, I'm so sorry about that! It totally slipped my mind for a bit, and lately I've been trying to get my tomato recipes up before everybody in the northern hemisphere is done with tomato season, LOL. The introduction to our new farm family member requires a little backstory and my sorting through a bunch of old photos, which is part of what the holdup has been. I promise I'll try to get to it soon. Thanks for your patience - and the reminder! : )
Hi InadvertantFarmer,
Okay, you got me with 'camel.' Now I've got to go check out your blog. A chicken perched on a sheep? How cute is that! I often see the little birds that Joe calls cowbirds resting on the backs of sheep (which is one of my most favorite sights on the farm), but I never thought a chicken would do that. Or that a sheep would let them. Too funny.
Hi Letjones,
Great idea. But as friendly as they seem, chickens don't like outside chickens (heck, half the time they don't even like each other), so you'd better get a sheep costume instead. Or a donkey costume. They like donkeys, too. ; )
A Perendale ( they come in moorit and white ) is a cross between a Cheviot ewe and a Romney ram ( if I'm not mistaken )that was 1st produced in New Zealand in the 50s-60s. I had to only one in Indiana until a year ago this past March when he died and I've been looking for another one since. They are wonderful sheep, about the size of a small Suffolk or large Cheviot with nice dispositions and good meat production and fantastic wool. Their wool is to die for - very soft and springy ( I had Baron's wool processed and will be spinning it later ). For some reason, I don't think the breed has been very popular here in the States and that's too bad - they are great!!!
So cute!! I can't tell you how much the desire to live on a farm grows exponentially in me every time I visit your blog :). What sweet photos!