Can You Tell He Learned the Game from Dinky?
© Copyright 2010, the semi-invisible foodie farm blog where maybe this big Suffolk ram (whose temporary 2007 'D' name—yes, yet another poor sheep without a real name!—is Da Big Guy) was just trying to hide from the sheep shearer. Well, he didn't succeed, and he now looks mighty handsome with his new do. There'll be lots of Sheep Shearing Day photos posted tomorrow—though I'm sparing Da Big Guy's dignity and won't be including the ones where he was forced into decidedly unmanly-like positions while under the clippers.
When I was in college in Columbia, Mo way back in the 60's, I would come from a Spring break from Illinois, and sometimes the Redbud trees would be in bloom all over the hills. I can't imagine anything more lovely to be remembering, and each Spring, no matter where I live (Oregon,now), I think of the Redbuds in March.