Sunday, March 18

Farm Photo: 3/18/07

Martha's Twin Girls, Age One Week

A year of Farm Photos ago:
3/18/06: Our Wet Weather Creak Meanders By The House
3/17/06: Same Scene, New View
WCB #41: J2 On The Potting Bench


  1. I just love checking in and reading about how the new kids are doing!

  2. This is absolutely adorable. But, I thought I would pass along the links to the canned dog and cat food that has been recalled. I didn't know the magnitude of the recall until I actually saw the list and that Iams and Eukanuba was there as well.

    You may want to pass this along to your readers.

  3. Don't they look like the ones on your blog's banner!

  4. They are so gorgeous. Just love reading about all these new babies.

  5. You have the cutest four-legged critters! Those are downright huggable. This year's batch of cute is really, really cute.

  6. They look so sweet.

  7. I am so enjoying all the lamb photos. Keep 'em coming!

  8. You have such a wonderful blog. I adore the lambs and your photos are wonderful. I followed your link from Pixie Wood. xoxo

  9. I just love it when cuteness comes in pairs! You just want to snuggle them.

  10. Really enjoying reading your blog and my girls love the lambs.

    Thanks for sharing this blog.

    PS: The Emergency Chocolate Cake is divine!!!!

  11. I bet you have a blast watching those curly woolies play. I should check your garden blog and see what's going on there too huh?

    Have a great week!

  12. S-i-g-h. I love this blog. So glad I found it because I can live vicariously thru you. I am made to be doing exactly what you are doing, maybe with a few more chickens.
    Thanks for sharing your blog.

  13. I've been singing your praises over on Garden Rant. Do you know the site? I think you might like it...

  14. Your baby pictures are beautiful!

    Also wanted you to know, on the eve of "A Year in Bread", that I used your pizza dough for vegtable stomboli this weekend. (Yum!)

  15. I love seeing the little girls just hanging out. All cool like. :)

    Oh, shoot - I subscribed to A Year in Bread, but something must have gone awry. I'll try again....

  16. I enjoy your blog!

    I thought I would thank you for your nudge on the 'Bread Alone' book--I've had it for 24 hours and am enjoying it immensely!!

    Lookin' forward to the 'year in bread'!!


  17. Hi KQ Victoria,
    That's the best part about visiting my blog--it's all of the farm fun and none of the work!

    Hi Henrietta,
    Thanks for the link. The whole thing is just too awful for words.

    Hi Barb,
    I was just noticing the other day how some of the sheep in my photos look just like the ones on my Farmgirl Fare banner--and how often the colors reflect the true colors of the farm. Liselotte really did a splendid job. And that reminds me--it's time to switch to the springtime banner!

    Hi Robbyn & Jas,

    Hi KM,
    I was thinking this year's lambs seemed extra cute, then decided I was wrong--that it's just been so long since there have been any around that they seem extra adorable. But after looking at the first 18 of them I've gone back to my original thought--they really are extra cute this year!

    Hi Mary,
    They are really sweet. It's hard to decide what's better--holding one in your arms and snuggling it, or standing back and watching them romp around--because you can't see them while you're holding them. Plus you have to catch them before you can cuddle them, and these babies are fast! : )

    Hi Michelle,
    Not to worry--I don't think I'm going to be allowed to stop posting cute lamb photos for a while.

    Hi Betty Jo,
    Welcome to the farm! So glad you stopped by. Pixie Wood--one of my favorite places! : )

    Hi Kat,

    Hi Vickie,
    I do a lot of snuggling this time of year.

    Hi Gayle,
    Thanks for taking the time to write. So glad you're enjoying my blog--and the Emergency Chocolate Cake! : )

    Hi Azurelynn,
    Who needs TV when you have a barnyard full of racing baby lambs?

    As for my kitchen garden blog--it's been sadly neglected all winter, but I'm hoping to change that. It's been so helpful to have a record of what I did in the garden last year--I really want to keep it up.

    Hi Greeny,
    We'll hopefully have more chickens around here for you soon. : )

    Hi Ed,
    You've been singing my praises? Thanks! And thanks for the Garden Rant link, too. It looks like an interesting site.

    Hi Kristin,
    Vegetable stromboli? Yum. I've been wanting to make stromboli for ages. So glad you liked my pizza dough recipe--and are going to be joining us for A Year In Bread. We're all really excited about the project--and the enthusiastic response we've received so far.

    Hi Thalia,
    Another bread baker. Yay!

    Hi Danab,
    Great to hear you're already loving Bread Alone. I think it's a fantastic book. Looking forward to hearing from you over at A Year In Bread!

  18. This the best blog I ever set my eyes.congratulations.Love from Portugal


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!