Thursday, July 20

Daily Farm Photo 7/20/06: Storm Damage

New View From The Front Yard

I thought Tuesday's late night storm (which found us at the tail end of a 300 mile trip in 100+ degree weather in a 20-year-old pickup that was, shall we say, not having a good day) was bad. But it was nothing compared to last night's.

There are now even more things on the ground that shouldn't be—like this tree, the top of the chimney, much of the garden, and, unfortunately, Lindy The Chicken. The coop door was blown open in the night, and although Whitey is thankfully back where she should be, Lindy ran under the house--which is where the dogs hang out. I haven't given up on her yet. All of the other critters are safe, as are we.

Thanks for all of your recent kind words and comments. And welcome new visitors! (The place isn't usually such a mess.) Between damage control and my iffy dial-up connection, I don't think I'll be online much during the next few days. Did I mention the greenhouse blew apart?

I just keep reminding myself the same thing over and over: It could have been a lot worse. There are always so many reasons to be grateful.

A year of Daily Photos ago:
Take One Rainshower, Add A Scoop Of Sunshine. . .


  1. Aw no, disaster.. I hope you find Lindy!

    I think I'm going to have a go at making your cheese and scallion savoury scones tonight :-) Yoo have inspired me!

  2. So sorry to hear about your weather damage. As if the heat wasn't bad enough. I recently got a $93 water bill, so last night when it finally rained a bit, I thought to myself, free water!

  3. I am so sorry you received so much damage from the storm. It is too bad you can't call in your troop of blogger friends to help repair the damage to your place and cheer up your heart. You and Joe hang in there.

  4. That's a shame about the rough night...take care

  5. Great pictures,
    liked your blog.

  6. That's so sad... I hope you find Lindy! I'd imagine that if all of us, Farmgril Fare fans, got together, we could fix up all the mess the weather caused at your farm in no time! Hope things (and the weather) get better soon.

  7. Oh Susan, I am so sorry to hear about all the damage to your property. Best of luck on the clean up. Hang tough!

  8. That was some storm. Hope Lindy crawls out from under the house soon - poor wee beastie. Good luck with the clear-up - hope you are getting lots of help.

  9. Oh wow, hope things get back to normal (should I have put that in quotations? haha) for you pretty quick! Lindy will come when hungry enough I hope. We had the storms here (North-central IL) too, but luckily very little damage.

  10. Glad to hear everyone is present and accounted for.

  11. I'm glad to read everyone is alright. I hope Lindy comes out soon. Hope you have help with all that cleaning up ya'll got to do.
    Take care..

  12. My best to you, Cary and the others. I hope the greenhouse can be repaired and you didn'tlose a lot of plants. Looks like Ohio is next in line for the storms!

  13. Take what the earth gives you . Firewood !!!

  14. wow! quite the storm. glad you are safe.


  15. Ohhhh. I'm worried about Lindy. But I'm glad you're ok and that the damage is manageable. Best of luck on everything.

  16. Was this the same storm that pounded St. Louis last night? Sorry about all of the damage.

  17. Sorry to hear that that storm brought so much damage with it. Horrible to come home after a rough day to find chaos at the home front. I hope Lindy turns up soon and that it isn't too much back-breaking labor to get the farm running smoothly again.

  18. Noooooooooo! Oh, I hope Lindy is ok!!! Hope you're able to put it all back together! :)

  19. Just when you think you didn't have enough to do!! Mother Nature shows up.
    Hopefully you find and sound.
    Good luck with the cleanup, too bad we can't all help, like a few people have mentioned.

  20. Whoa! I'm glad you're safe. And so sorry you lost a beautiful tree.

  21. I hope that you find Lindy. Maybe she's just nervous! Poor chickens. Not much attention on the blog since the lambies came and now this!! Do you think they will go on strike and not lay anymore eggs until order is restored? Sure hope you can salvage your garden and that chimney.

  22. Sometimes it just never end. Sorry for the mess and the AWOL Lindy.

  23. Yikes...hope all is well, have been enjoying your beautiful photos and stories for a short while and wishing you and Lindy well and a speedy recovery from storm damage!

  24. Yikes! Sounds like one helluva storm! Glad to hear everyone with legs is okay .. I'm sure Lindy will come out soon.

  25. I too really hope Lindy the Chicken is found and safe.

  26. Glad you are ok but sad about the damage. (And I thought it was bad when I discovered all our tomatoes blown down!) Hope Lindy is ok too.

  27. I'm sure Lindy's fine, she's probably just scared out of her little mind!

    Although we are strangers, having read your blog for many months, I feel we are friends. My thoughts are with you guys as you clean up the mess. (Can that tree be used for anything? Firewood?)

  28. One word - "ouch". Like the others I would offer a hand of assitance in the clean up and repairs -- but then we wouldn't have to look at the map to see you waving. I hope that even though your "blog family" cannot help that there are others much closer who can.

  29. Aw, I hope you've gotten Lindy out from under the house. It sounds like you're taking it all in your stride, which is a good way to handle the situation. I wish you all the best in cleaning up around your farm! I hope you're able to salvage most things and that nothing was too badly destroyed.


  30. That's not very funny... I hope that you'll be able to tidy everything and repair the damages!

  31. I have 'been there' with storms...trees down, and an attached garage becoming 'unattached', etc. I know it's a LOT of work to cleanup. See you when we see you...

  32. those darn storm playing havoc with all around us. Hope everthing get back to normal(?) soon

  33. That just sucks! Taking out the greenhouse and the nice tree too is just plain mean! Those midwest storms are something though, I don't envy you for having to deal with them.

    Hang in there.

  34. Love reading your blog and life on your farm. I've laughed...I've cried. What a terrific writer you are.

    As for the storms, yes, we're getting them up here in Northern Jersey as well. I've never seen as many down pours as we've seen this year. Not to mention the horrific lightning strikes, wind and hail.

    Happy to hear Lindy was captured and is doing so well, but really sorry to see the shape your greenhouse is in. Makes me want to travel out and help you with the clean up. Keep your chin up and keep your wonderful farm life stories coming.


December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!

Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.

I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!