Off To That Great Henhouse In The Sky
I am sorry to say that Lindy The Chicken passed away over the holiday weekend, probably from natural causes associated with age. (Though death by too much celebrating with her longtime companion and cohort, Whitey, is not entirely out of the question.) She was a little over five and a half years old.
We are certainly not strangers to death on the farm, and new visitors are no doubt wondering why on earth I am making a big deal about the passing of some poultry on a food blog. But those of you who have been following along here for a while know that Lindy was one of the central characters in our crazy cast of critters. You worried with me when she escaped from the coop during a storm, and you cheered when she was safely returned to her home.
Lindy The Chicken did not come by her name until last year during my Name That Sheep Contest. As I've stated before, I was not her voice in the comments section over the past year. But the person who was that voice imbued her with such a wonderful personality. She was smart, funny, and full of wit, and I always looked forward to reading what she had to say. For many months I have been meaning to write down a story or two about Lindy and Whitey, and one of these days I will. And if I ever do end up creating that line of farm animal stuffed toys (with accompanying storybooks), you can be sure that Lindy The Chicken will be included as one of the gang.
Whitey seems confused and a little sad. The hens are usually all silent once it gets dark outside, as they are settled on their perches and ready for sleep. But that first night alone I heard Whitey making soft, nervous little noises to herself. Whitey & Lindy always perched right next to each other. During the day I see her constantly peering about, and I do believe she is looking for her friend.
Lindy The Chicken lived a long and mostly uneventful life. She was loved and admired and surrounded by friends, and she always ate very, very well. She was happy and healthy until the very end, and her last meal was a feast that included organic purple cabbage, her all time favorite food. She may have been just a chicken, but I, for one, would be quite happy with a life consisting of nothing more than that.
Farewell, my fine feathered friend. You are missed.
A year of Daily Photos ago:
Autumn Artwork
© Copyright FarmgirlFare.com.
Safe travels, Lindy. Come back as a donkey!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that her last meal was her favorite one.
Sorry for your loss.We too lost a member of our place the day before Thanksgiving..I hope yours is playing with ours.
ReplyDeleteOh... I'm sorry to see her go. RIP Lindy! She was a beaut. :)
ReplyDeleteWill Whitey get new companions? I know they're social, yet not eager to make new friends. Hopefully Cary will keep her company. :)
A chicken could not ask for a finer obit. Condolences to Whitey and all Lindy's friends.
ReplyDeleteBye Lindy - here is to a new set of wings!
ReplyDeleteMy sympathies to you and Whitney. I totally understand your grief over a lost loved one - even if to some she was "just a chicken." Thank you for reminding us of the value of life.
ReplyDeleteGodspeed Lindy. I think the saddest thing about the deaths of animals is that you can't explain it to other animals (same for the death of an animal's "favorite human".) Lindy has gone on to the great free-range chicken habitat in the sky (;-)) where organic purple cabbage is around every turn but Whitey is left behind to carry on.
ReplyDeleteFarmgirl, I wish everyone could have the respect for living things that you have.
FG, I'm so sorry to hear about Lindy. I have truly enjoyed reading about her and Whitey's adventures. She was one of my favorite things about Farmgirl Fare, and we will all miss her very, very much. She was one lucky chicken, and I know she was very happy to have had a person who treated her as well as you did.
ReplyDeleteAs Kary said, "Here's to a new set of wings!" Yes, indeed.
ReplyDeleteFrom another girl who grew up on a farm (poultry which looked very much liked Whitey and Lindy, many condolences. Her little spirit touched many and I am sure will continue to do so in other realms and through your beautiful writing.
I do believe Lindy might be one of the world's most well-loved chickens.
ReplyDeleteCondolences, doll.
RIP Lindy
ReplyDeleteRIP Lindy, you will be missed
ReplyDeleteNow there is a beautiful golden hen at the Rainbow Bridge... godspeed, Lindy.
ReplyDeleteSusan, hope you don't get too much of this nasty weather. NW MO is in the middle of a dandy little ice storm.
So sorry to hear about Lindy...your story made me tear up...poor Whitey, I am sure she misses her friend. Thank you for sharing so much with us (even the sad parts) Your blog makes my day!
ReplyDeleteWow, Susan, I was so not expecting that, or ready for it. I'm truly saddened.
ReplyDeleteI never had so much fun bantering with a chicken. She was witty, poised, and by far the most well-spoken chicken I've ever met.
She was the best of the best. Bye, Lindy (the Chicken) :(
I was sorry to read of Lindy's passing. I, too, have fowl friends with definitive characters of their own and can appreciate the chuckles and companionship a hen can exude. (I ahve two that believe they should live in the house with us and not in the barn with "Those Creatures"!)
Sheep Thrills Farm
My grandson's dog, Henry, died unexpectedly over Thanksgiving weekend. We have been so sad, our pets are family members....sorry about Lindy.
ReplyDeleteFly high, Lindy...you wore your earth angel wings well.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to read about your precious Lindy. And I'm so sorry for Whitey, too. It sounds like she had such a beautiful life with you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful picture of Lindy! I am so sorry to hear that she passed, I know she won't be replaced, but certainly another cute chicken critter (from the existing brood or one you aquire in other ways) will lend a caring shoulder to Whitey. I am so sorry - and will definitely buy the Lindy the Chicken stuffed animal when it ever comes available.
ReplyDeleteI posted before I read all posts....WHAT is up with the annonymous posting right before my first one? What a pain in the blogging world for things like that.
ReplyDeleteI am very sorry for your loss...
ReplyDeleteOh-I'm so sorry and so sad-Lindy was a very pretty chicken. Do you think Whitey will find a new feathered friend to perch next to and be happy with? I hope so-poor baby.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that animals know, they grieve.
ReplyDeleteOh my, to love creatures so much ensures pain when they leave us. Bless you, and happy pecking, Lindy.
ReplyDeleteSusan - so sorry to hear about Lindy - she had a wonderful life for a chicken - never a worry or a care - fresh water, food & plenty of sunshine. There has to be a flock for special chickens in the great beyond and she surely is part of it. Sincerely, T.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about Lindy. She was quite the character! I know Whitney will be lost without her sidekick. Did Lindy have any surviving family members to mention in her obit? Lindy the beloved farm chicken and constant companion to her best friend Whitney was survived by...?
ReplyDeleteThe Raising Frolic chickens (some of whom have a striking resemblece to the late, great Lindy) say:
ReplyDeleteBuuuuaaaack, bu-bu-bu buaaaac, bockbockbock buuuuu....
I don't speak chicken, but I think that means: Sorry to hear of your loss, Whitey! Lindy will be missed!
As one who understands your loss (simply becuz I feel that there is a life-force within in the animal kingdom that we sub-humans could never 'get'...and cuz I raised the beauties as a kid...), any animal, be it a family pet or simply a friend that we haven't met yet, leave their personal imprint on our hearts. Godspeed, Lindy...please let my Lab pal, Laramie, know that I think about him often..and to Susan, Whitey and the crew - we're with you! :)
ReplyDeleteBye Lindy.
ReplyDeleteIm so sorry to hear the news. I hope its not bird flu
ReplyDeleteAs a personal friend, and, I think I may say, special confidante of LTC, reading these comments left me, well, blubbering. Never did a chicken have such fine friends.
ReplyDeleteI understand from Whitey that she is soldiering on, taking it a day at a time, and so on, and is consoled by your sweet sympathy.
I'm sad to read this. Your pictures are wonderful and Lindey was beautiful.
ReplyDeleteOur condolences on your loss... we lost one of our fish the other day. I'm not sure if other animals contemplate life and death as we humans do, but they certainly understand the loss of their friends. We hope your new, upcoming chicks at least partially make up for your loss of Lindy.