Donkey Doodle Dandy Is Quite The Dainty Eater
Dan is seen here enjoying an alfalfa pellet treat. For months he was forced to share his breakfast, but then it finally occurred to me that if I simply raised the level of his food, the little Cary thief (who eats much faster than Dan does) wouldn't be able to steal it--which is why Dan is standing at this makeshift table. But the other day, in a woolly blur of flying alfalfa pellets and startled looks, I realized that the little thief is now tall enough to reach Dan's elevated treats. Unfortunately I think we are already at maximum Dinky Donkey Doodle Dandy eating height.
For those of you who are wondering about that ratty blue halter (which has now reached a new level of rattiness), read this. And for those of you who are wondering why he is still sporting that pathetic thing--well, I haven't gotten up the guts yet to take it off. And now it's time for another pedicure from the farrier, so I figure I'll leave it on until his visit. And then I'll take it off. Definitely.
A year of Daily Photos ago: Did The Goblins Get Them?
oh but he looks so cute with that blue halter... it seems a bit tight though
ReplyDeleteDan Is sooooo cute and furry, ratty halter and all!!!! I definetly want to get a doodle dandy of my own someday! Does he really mind sharing his treats with little miss Cary?
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading through all of your links! It's a shame that Dan is height challenged, but a good thing that he has such a positive attitude.
ReplyDeleteYou know, when you change out his halter (which doesn't bother me) you'll have to make sure it remains blue. Otherwise we may not recognize him - or worse even, he may develop some kind of identity crisis.
And of course I meant that his current blue halter didn't bother me. Of course, changing it out wouldn't bother me either. Sometimes thoughts don't always come across the way you want when you first type. Ha!
ReplyDeletean absolutely perfect picture to see the day after so many democrats are voted into office!
ReplyDeleteAh, it's good to see that you are up and back publishing on a daily basis! Whooo Hoooo!
ReplyDeleteI've been in Arkansas and haven't been surfing very much, so I missed those awesome fall photos that you had posted. But I did take some pretty good shots while I was in the Ozarks, as it was still quite beautiful.
I love your Cary stories.
Glad that the net is working out better for you these days. Now if Time Warner will just leave my Internet alone, life can have normal rhythm...
I have been reading your post for about a month now and am absolutely hooked. Lovely photos. Oh I wish I could write like you.
ReplyDeleteI know absolutely nothing about looking after a donkey (would love one, though), but could you not put a new halter on and THEN cut the old one off...that way he'd never be un-haltered, so to speak. And this suggestion has absolutely nothing to do with not liking his blue one!
ReplyDeleteJust love checking in to see your gorgeous photographs, especially loving donkeys and sheep at the moment. Thankyou.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the farrier could change the halter for you, if you had a nice new blue one when he came? Based on past stories, I think the farrier will refuse to come if you don't have a halter on DDD.
ReplyDeleteWell... I would say that getting a new halter was in order for when the farrier does visit. But if you are not working on leading him about with the halter -- no matter what you do will tramatize the poor fella. (DDD, not the farrier.)
ReplyDeleteHave a great week! I am enjoying our newest addition.
DDD is too cute for words.
ReplyDeleteHello Susan,
There is a neat donkey story and video clip on www.necn.com You will see the photo of the black and white donkey to lead you to the piece.
It is about a donkey purchased from Iowa and shipped to Plymouth MA to guard goats from coyotes. There is even a great braying clip.
The coyotes here in MA are very active and voracious.
You bring such joy to my day with your words and photos and DDD is famous on Cape Cod, along with Cary and all your other wonderful furry friends.
oh but we LOOOOOVE DDD with his ratty blue halter!!! That's who he is! "Donkey Doodle Dandy and His Ratty Blue Halter" would not be the same with a brand spankin' new one. unless you'd like to get a new blue halter and ratty it up a bit against a wooden fence, but i do love the original.
ReplyDeleteAh city folks and their words of encouragement about "just changing" - donkeys are like a lot of folks who live away from cities - don't like change, never wanted to wear somethin in first place and definitely don't want to cooperate. At least that is our experience - constructed a chute and headgate to deal with our ornery goatzees when time for hoof trim and worming comes around!
ReplyDeleteBTW - somehow I see DDD in a nice plaid halter :::grinning:::::-- he would be a bowtie kind of guy were he two legged! Amen to the plaudits Susan - love to have you back here on a regular basis!
But wouldn't he look smashing with a shiny new RED halter?
ReplyDeleteHi Farmgirl,
ReplyDeleteI would love to see that eating contest! I wish I lived closer, I could come over and help you with your ratty blue halter situation. I've heard those little donkeys can be a handful!
Of all the endearing anmals on your farm, (including even the brilliant chickens-don't tell them for heaven's sake!), somehow Dan is the one that steals my heart most often.
ReplyDeleteHe looks so, I don't know steadfast and straightforward. And, of course, a bit fuzzy.
hi ,i'm french and by chance i read your pleasant daily comments ..i think that your donkey is a french variety the donkey of the poitou ,poitou being a french aera located in the south west ...