Saturday, December 3

Weekend Cat Blogging #26

New Cat Sports A New Look For Winter

here to see him just a month ago.
here to see his sleek summer style.

Attention Cat Lovers! It's time for Weekend Cat Blogging #26!
Food Bloggers around the world unite each week and share pictures of our favorite felines. See cute cat photos and discover yummy food blogs. We'd love to have you join us. Just send your permalink in a comment to Clare &
her cool cat Kiri at Eat Stuff in Australia--where you'll find all the links to this week's kitties. Can't get enough cats? Head over to The Friday Ark, where each week you'll find dozens of fun links to cats and critters of all kinds.


  1. He looks like he's in lion-mode :) Very cute pic! Happy Saturday, FG!

  2. Absolutely shades of lion there. Love the colour (but you knew that alsready).

  3. My goodness he has a lot of fur. Guess that will keep him warm in the cat house. We are having some really beautiful weather there, thankfully! It's great fire and knitting weather.

  4. Aren't they magnificent with their winter coats? What a doll!

  5. I think New Cat is smiling.

  6. New Cat is just gorgeous. Squirt is jealous!

  7. Hi Jeff,
    That's what I thought. I love the big fur ring/mane thing around his neck that suddenly just appears. : )

    Hi Linda,
    I can't put up a picture of New Cat without thinking of you. : )

    Hi Vickie,
    What doesn't seem fair (and what I never really understand) is that J2 and Patchy Cat don't get to fluff up much at all, being short haired. I suppose maybe they're just tougher? That or freezing to death all winter. : )

    Hi B'Gina,
    'Magnificent' is a good word. So regal. And soooo soft.

    Hi Leigh,
    I told you he smiled once in a while! : )

    Hi Laurie,
    The best thing about New Cat is that he doesn't realize what a hunk he is, so he doesn't act all snooty around the other cats. Though I suppose that would be different if there were some cute girl cats outside. : )

  8. What a cute kitty! I love your site. My kitty is a 6 pounder but with her winter fur looks really big.

  9. New Cat is gorgeous and like a lion for sure!

  10. that is so amazing how his coat puffed up so time my cat is accused of being fat i'll just have to blame it on the season...

  11. Oh, is that why my coat puffs up when I am cold? Now I know and I can tell Mum, I ain't becoz I'm fat - it's just the cold weather.

    Lots of love

    Boo the cat


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