Doll Face Will Be Ten Years Old This Spring
December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.
Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!
Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.
I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.
I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!
Susan, she does have a doll face! I am so envious of your lovely farm life, sigh.
ReplyDeleteI am working on a home (er...farm) exchange with you, Susan...!
ReplyDeletefresh air. stress free life shes got no wrinkles.
ReplyDeletemaybe I should move to a farm ;-)
Cuddly sheep. I heart cuddly sheep, could use one right now having baked a "Lindy" (not the chicken) bread yesterday, and making a huge pan onionsoup, some orange flavoured wholewheat loaves and 2 dozen carrotmuffins tonight. Going to sleep now, see if I can find something/one to cuddle...::yawn::
ReplyDeleteShe's pretty...
ReplyDeleteApproximately when do you think we will see some babies? My neighbor's goat is due in late Feb.
Oh I want one! She's so cute!
ReplyDeleteI wll trade you Max the Dog for Doll Face!
ReplyDeleteIf that won't work, can I just ship you Max anyhow?
She's adorable!
ReplyDelete*running off to ask DH for a bah-bah*
I just bookmarked your blog, I grew up on a farm in Idaho and now live in rural France. We hope to get some land in the next year or two!! My sister is an organic farmic in the city!! (Oakland) and we are both food-a-holics.
She is lovely! I come from a sheperd's family on mum's side and just love sheep! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHi Patti,
ReplyDeleteI know. I didn't mean to name her Doll Face (she actually has a totally different 'official' name that never stuck), but when she was a baby she looked just like a little doll--completely different than all the other lambs. And still does. : )
Hi David.
So does this mean I get to go live in Paris? But wait. You won't be there 'cause you'll be living here? That would suck.
Hi Sha,
She definitely leads a very stress-free life!
Hi Baking Soda,
LOL, I love your comments. You always crack me up. Since I'm apparently moving to Paris soon (see above), maybe I could sneak a cuddly sheep in my suitcase and deliver it to you in exchange for all that yummy food you made. Sounds like you definitely baked your day! : )
Hi Heather,
Lambs should start arriving any time after February 1st! Which also marks the day I will start making middle-of-the-night treks down to the barn to check on all the pregos. Let's all hope for mild temps and very little ice!
Hi Lynne,
I do believe I've heard those same words from you before, regarding a different cutie pie I posted. : )
Hi Kat,
I know. I really try hard not to play favorites, but, well, look at her. Plus she's an absolute sweetheart. And, of course, I've had her for ten years. : )
Hi Jeff,
Ahem. Don't you remember the last time you tried to trade away your dog for some critter of mine? You got totally busted. I believe there were even threats made--along the lines of you being crammed into a little box and being shipped out here--with no trade even required! Have you forgotten that you are not the only biped in your household that reads this blog? You are going to get so busted, dude. And you eat really well over there. Are you willing to give that up and get stuffed into a little box and tossed into a UPS truck? I mean really, how bad can Max be? : )
Hi Riana,
Welcome to the farm! So did you get the A-Ok on a sheep from the DH? Sounds like we have a lot in common. Only you get to live in romantic-sounding rural France and, I, well, don't. : ) Thanks for taking the time to write. I hope you'll keep in touch. And by all means let me know if you talk him into a sheep! : )
Hi Bea,
Welcome to yet another new French reader! Any chance you can fit a little lamb in your living quarters in Boston? : ) They're really not much trouble. And that big Boston Common could probably use some munch-mowing. Free food! : )
Hi Farmgirl, I just discovered your site while checking out one of my faves... Martha Stewart. I had a very special ewe. Girlie. She was the begining of our flock of Suffolks. She and I had our first lambs with in weeks of each other. I was pregnant with my one and only baby when she went in labor and I happened to be checking on her. She INSISTED that I come in her little house (a reformed chicken house) while she labored and delivered her lambs. I sat on a cinder block and coached her on...then cheered and congratulated her on her lamb. I went to tell my girlfriend we had a buck and bring her two little boys (then three and four) to come see, when Alice said "Pat, she's having another; there's feet sticking out of her!" So I hurried back to her chosen birth house and helped her deliver that one. Then the afterbirth passed and I KNEW she was done. I spoke to her softly as she cleaned them up and nudged them on to nurse. When those little tails wagged, I knew all was well. In a month I went on bed rest for a total of 6 weeks and then my lamb was brought on two months early. Girlie went on to give us twins every year then a single HUGE lamb before loosing her last lamb on Easter Sunady. Every year she coached each young ewe through labor and delivery, staying with them until the lambs were up and nursing and all was well. If there were problems, she'd come to us baaing for help until we heard her and went. After she quit having lambs, she still mindwifed and coached the young ewes and babysat until she passed in her sleep at age 10. What a Gal!!