Multiflora Roses In Front Of The Spring
For a few weeks each May, there are wild multiflora roses blooming nearly everywhere you look around the farm. One whiff of their sweet, heady scent, and I am instantly transported to flower heaven. Every chance I get during these few brief weeks, I bury my nose in the blooms, close my eyes, and breathe them in as deep, deep, deeply as I can. I want that intoxicating fragrance to curl up and stay inside me all year long.

Trixie, On The Other Hand, Simply Eats Them
Hahaha hooray!
ReplyDeleteThe scrolldown timing was perfect. =)
Well, those roses are equally enjoyed by you and Trixie. Great picture.
ReplyDeleteTrixie sure does look happy! I think I'd probably like smelling them better though.
ReplyDeleteMy bunnies would probably join Trixie!
Lately, I've been finding flowers pretty tasty myself, in certain combinations.I usually don't eat them straight from the plant though.
ReplyDeleteTrixie and her meal look lovely together.
Oh a totally unrelated and off the wall note, have you ever had, or contemplated raising a goat or goats? I have a taste for goats milk, and ever since I fell for some beautiful little baby nubian goats (kids?) at a county fair some years ago, I've thought that if I ever lived somewhere more rural, I'd like to have a few. I especially like those nubian ones with the floppy ears, and I understand they are dairy goats.
I have some bound copies of the Missouri Conservationist from the 1940s. One of the recommended plants at the time is some sort of rambling rose. Farmers were encouraged to plant this in meadows and along fence lines. Anywhere they could. Whatever this was, it is now a plant the magazine writes about eradicating because it has become so invasive. (There also spoke of this wonderful insecticide called DDT. I wonder what the future will find about our age to be aghast at.)
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute face!
ReplyDeleteDon't ya know rose hips are good for us????
ReplyDeleteHow cute!
Hi Kate,
ReplyDeleteGlad you liked it. : )
Hi Sher,
I know I enjoyed them, and judging by how fast she was inhaling them, Trixie certainly appeared to be enjoying hers!
Hi Sunidesus,
Oh, don't mention bunnies. I busted one in the garden yesterday, and I'm pretty sure it is responsible for eating my little bean plants. They sure are cute, though. I saw some at the farm supply store for sale and actually thought about getting one as a pet! I am such a sucker for critters.
Hi Lindy,
My knowledge of goats is limited to the four following facts--all of which were told to me by real live goat owners:
1. Goats smell. And not in a good way.
2. Goats will eat ANYTHING. This means that if they get into your shop, they will swallow all your nuts and bolts and favorite baby screwdriver.
3. We are practically the only people around who have not succumbed to the recent Goat Frenzy. Seems cattle farmers have actually found something they can raise for a profit, rather than a loss--goats! They have become a fairly big business in this area.
4. The milk from 'milk goats' (certain breeds, just as with cows, that produce large quantities of milk) varies in taste from goat to goat. So if you're going to only get one or two and want to drink the milk, be sure to taste it first, as some goats produce milk with a harsh flavor that most people find unpalatable.
Oh, and a personal opinion, derived from real live goat viewing: baby goats are absolutey adorable!
For a little more about goats and some cute goat pics, click here to read my post called A Night On The Town--At The Livestock Auction Barn!"
Hi Pablo,
Yep, that 'rambling rose' the Conservation Department encouraged everyone to plant back in the 1940s is this Multiflora rose.
I am believed to be the only farmer in the entire state who does not absolutely despise it with a passion. : )
Hi Baking Soda,
Trixie has the wooliest head. I keep pushing the wool back from her eyes so she can see. If you click on her name in the photo caption, you can see what she looks like after she's been sheared--a completely different sheep!
Yeah, just like all your newly planted (and already devoured) flowers are so good for the neighborhood rabbits? Fortunately there are plenty of roses here to go around. I wish the rabbits would eat them and stay out of my garden! : )
Oh so cute.