Tuesday, May 13

Tuesday Farm Photo: Still Collecting Heart Rocks

Put There Just For Me?

I've been finding heart shaped rocks on and around the farm for the past few years, and much to my surprise and delight I now have about 250 in my collection (there are a lot of rocks down here!) Usually the shape of a rock will catch my eye and I'll stop and pick it up to see if it really is a heart, but once in a while it's as if a heart rock was set out especially so I would find it. I came across this one in the creekbed the other day, sitting in what looked like its own little heart rock shrine. What a gift.

Want to see more hearts?
6/13/05: First Heart Rocks To Appear On Farmgirl Fare
8/22/05: Heart Rocks By The Barn
11/10/05: Hearts & Cats For Clare & Kiri
2/14/06: Happy Valentine's Day
3/27/06: Happy Birthday To My Sweetheart, Joe
4/12/06: Hearts & Rocks & Numbers & Thoughts
6/17/06: I Heart Homegrown Garlic
7/22/06: Heart Rock Embedded In The Front Step
9/20/06: Heart Rocks, Morning Sun
10/18/06: My Little Girl Is Growing Up
12/2/06: Snowstorms & Snowfall
1/17/07: My Heart Is Embedded In This Place
6/12/07: Hold Life In Your Hand & Keep It In Your Heart
1/9/08: Adding To My Heart Rock Collection
2/8/08: Handful Of Heart Rocks All Found At Once
2/14/08: Happy Valentine's Day
3/8/08: My Hearts Overfloweth
3/27/08: Little Hearts, Big Love

© Copyright 2008 FarmgirlFare.com, the award-winning blog where we love our crazy country life 240 remote Missouri acres with all of our hearts.


  1. I found my first heart rock ever about 3 weeks ago at the lake near Sunrise Beach. Generally I hunt for artifacts when I'm around rocks and sometimes forget to look for just interesting rocks in general. But my heart rock is so awesome and I'm looking forward to finding more.

  2. You and those heart rocks. I really think you're right, it was put there just for you.

  3. I collect rocks too. My kids and I use to go to the creek when they were little and search for rocks for hours(-: It was a fun pasttime. We found many heart shaped ones(-:

  4. I know that I don't know you, don't even know what you look like to conjure a picture of you. However, was in a great store yesterday and saw a book called Heart Stones
    by Josie Iselin. I instantly thought about you - and wondered if you had found any new ones lately. So funny that you posted yesterday!

    I'm sure you have probably seen this great little picture book, but you can find it on Amazon. After briefly glancing through it - I came to the conclusion that your collection greatly rivaled the one in the book.

    Hope all is well.

  5. Lovely! I have one heart shaped rock stored away. I always love seeing your finds!

  6. thanks for the link-- great rock collection. i have a picture of a shadow box full of heart shaped rocks my boyfriend found for me for my birthday. shoot me an email if you want me to send a copy. thanks, spike

  7. I saw a heart shaped white rock by our wishing well a couple of weeks ago and immediately thought of you!


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