Wednesday, April 16

Wednesday Farm Photo: What's In This Season?

Lots Of Bright Color!

Help! I love this flowering bush, but I have no idea what it is. Do you? You can see a photo of the whole bush and find out why I love it so much at my offshoot blog, In My Kitchen Garden.

Want to see more flowering color?
3/20/06: First Day Of Spring Daffodils
4/16/06: Tulips For Easter
4/16/06: Dogfoot Tiptoed Through The Tulips
4/27/06: Color Coordinated In The Garden
5/17/06: Lilac Iris & A Lamb Report
4/5/07: Lilacs!
6/25/07: Echinacea By The Cat Cabin
7/2/07: Holding On For Dear Life Or Just Hanging Out?
8/14/07: Joint Pollination Task Force (& Other Pollinator Pics)
9/11/07: Cavorting Around On A Zinnia
9/27/07: Squash Blossom Butterfly
3/22/08: Leaves On The Lilacs (And Lots Of Lilac Stories)
4/7/08: The Definition Of Cheerful? See Daffodils
Bright Blooms In My Kitchen Garden

© Copyright 2008, the award-winning blog where after 13 years of clomping around in dirty overalls and rubber boots we're probably pretty lacking when it comes to fashion sense, but we do know that Mother Nature always gets her colors right.


  1. I would guess persimmon, or quince. And gorgeous!

  2. It looks like a quince bush to me... but it's hard to tell from just a few blossoms. =)

  3. It looks like flowering quince—my grandmother had one, and my mother does now. I don't . . . yet.

  4. I also think it is a quince, though not the tree variety. Is it more of a bushy thing?

  5. It looks like one we have (but hard to tell without more foliage shots), and someone just told us it was quince. If you find out definitively, please let us know, then I'll know what mine is too!

  6. Yes, I was going to say quince. My aunt in oxford, uk has a quince and it looks like this.

  7. When I looked at your photo I thought "Japonica", a beautiful flowering bush that my MIL had in her backyard. It blooms about now in Kentucky. Here is a link.

  8. I vote quince also - we have them wild here in some places in Texas - incredible pale coral color.

  9. I'm voting for quince, too. They are great for cutting some branches in late winter/early spring to bring them in the house and force them to bloom early :-).

  10. Quince, japonica -- same deal! See here:

    More sophisticated gardeners know this plant as Flowering Quince (Chaenomeles speciosa), but old timers still call it Japonica. It's a round-topped, deciduous shrub growing 6 feet tall and 10 feet across. These old plants become a tangle of branches, but they persist for years without benefit of pruning. Flowering quince produces stout thorns and, at one time, it was common to see hedges made from it.

    In late winter, usually well before it's safe to do so, it begins opening a few blossoms to test the weather. Full bloom is in early March, about the time forsythia flowers. These abandoned shrubs almost always have single, pinkish-orange blossoms that are about the size of a quarter. Newer forms are often double flowered with blooms in shades of pink, red or white.

    From the website of the University of Arkansas Extension Service. The common flowering quince's Latin name is Chaenomeles speciosa, Maule's quince is C. japonica. I too think this is what you have, although it doesn't have the orange tinge quince often does.

  11. pretty Flower. I have no idea either. Sorry!


  12. Yes it is Chaenomeles japonica (japonica is the latin way of saying japanese in the plant world and is not specific to any plant). Commonly known as Flowering Quince, and it will produce quinces...if your bees are pollinating this early. Ladies in earlier times used them to make a kind of hair gel. ;-)

  13. I vote for blooming quince!:)
    Mine is blooming now too

  14. Dang! i thought you were gonna tell me what it was. :) Sounds like quince?

  15. I, too, think it's flowering quince. I see many of these shrubs down here in Georgia, but haven't seen any set fruit. The only one I *have* seen put out fruit was much bigger than these red-flowered shrubs get, and it was at a very old home-place owned by my grandmother's best friend. Sadly, the quinces were rather mealy and bitter. Hope that's not how they're supposed to taste.

  16. What a pretty picture! I love that blue and pink together!

  17. We have one of those too! I didn't know what it was either. Thanks for asking.

  18. We have a standard quince tree which gives us a huge crop of beautiful golden quinces every year. A neighbor makes a superb Quince cheese from them. If you boil or microwave them you can then eat them with butter or syrup.Yum.

  19. Definitely a salmon/coral colored Quince shrub. I was in KY a month ago & cut a blooming branch off an overgrown bush (approx. 8 feet tall) and brought it to a few local nurseries. The blooms are exactly like your photo. They said Blooming Quince because it does have some thorns. It's so gorgeous ~ I'm not trying to find one just like it to plant here in Michigan!!


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