It's Starting. . .
December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.
Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!
Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.
I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.
I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!
he he he FIRST Girls :P
ReplyDeleteThat is sooo pretty FG!
Ooh, beat down twice and it's not even barely past 7. I suck.
ReplyDeleteFG, I am so jealous (I think all 3 of us are--the leaves don't change for any of us) I will be leaving vicariously through you for the fall months if you don't mind.
i just love your new blog setup! this photo is great ... i can't believe Fall is upon us. i have been surprised to see not too much leaf turning up here but i think with october right around the corner, that will change! good to check in with you, mav
ReplyDeleteIs your domain north of the Missouri River? I was in the woods on Saturday (south of the River) and only the hickories were showing the slightest interest in changing yet.
ReplyDeleteHello Farmgirl!
ReplyDeleteOh how very pretty. We are not going to get fall here, I think. Its been so dry as of late that everything is wilting. So dry too, that even the trees are whistling for the dogs! Have a great day.. am off to update my blog with a new picture. I am saving my kitty pics for Saturday and will get details how to submit correctly -- make sure I understand everything. *huggles* Hope you have a great day.
the bittersweet time of the year starts...so pretty yet coldness is lurking behind the beauty!
ReplyDeleteGreat pic. I hope the change of the leaves doesn't just fly by in my area. It is the only thing that I like about the weather cooling down (oh yeah and chili, but you haven't had a picture of that yet).
ReplyDeleteCan you please send some of that fall color/weather our way? 100's forcasted thru next week again! /sigh
ReplyDeleteVery pretty. Reminds me of the time we went to South Carolina during fall.
ReplyDeleteBut I already feel like I am behind on my Christmas shopping somehow! The year is moving fast. It's nice to see some of the greenery (and now, red-ery and brown-ery) and flowers on your blog. Makes up for not stopping to smell the roses more this year.
Great photo. I live in upstate NY, and we don't have any of this color yet. I'm so done with summer. Bring on fall, cool temperatures, and beautiful color like this!
ReplyDeleteLove the leaves!!
ReplyDeleteI don't even get to wear sweaters yet!
damn. back to being comment number 14! great photo - now i'm glad it's fall.
ReplyDeleteHello Everyone,
ReplyDeleteSo glad I could share this first glimpse of fall with you. Hopefully there will be many more colorful views in the weeks to come. I've been taking pictures of various hillsides in the valley, and then will take pictures of the same places as the season progresses. We shall see. . .
I think you have an unfair advantage (you know, the being 15 hours ahead of us thing). : )
See above.
You don't suck. But, um, Clare really couldn't figure out what your problems were when I told her you two are an hour ahead of me!
Hopefully nature will put on a beautiful show for us this year--live vicariously all you want!
Hi mav,
Great to hear from you. I can't believe fall is upon us either--but I'm thrilled (can you tell this California girl is not a summer person?)
I was just thinking about you yesterday. I told Wendy that I couldn't get the photos of her paintings to open on Green Girl Art, and she said it probably had to do with the fact that I'm on dial-up. I have a feeling that's the reason I can't see all the wonderful photos on Port 2 Port either. Not happy, but at least I think we figured out the problem.
South of the river. The color is just starting here. There is still a lot of green, but some brilliance bursting out in spots throughout the woods. It's happening all of a sudden. Wondering if it had to do with the 3-1/2 inches of rain we had in two days last week, plus the (finally) dropping temperatures this week.
Hi Heather,
"Even the trees are whistling for the dogs." I like that! Too funny. Well, at least you can e-enjoy fall on the farm. : )
Hi Stella,
My motto for cold weather is: Pile on the polarfleece and snuggle under another blanket! Problem with summer is once you take it all off, you're still hot and then what? : )
Hi Punky,
Ooooh chili! Yum! I've been meaning to try making venison chili (or stew) for three years now. Anyone have a good recipe?
Hi Joe,
You know I would if I could. Just click over here and think cool. And besides, what are you complaining about? It's a dry heat. Sorry, couldn't resist. : )
You crack me up. I love the idea for your photo essay!
Okay, first of all, you are NOT behind on your Christmas shopping. (No need to start stressing about that already.) Secondly, click over here any time for a glimpse of flowers or fall! I don't have smellivision yet, but I bet you could find some roses still blooming somewhere out there. Don't you just love the smell of roses? : )
Hi Kristi,
I don't know why we seem to be the first to get color this year. Interesting. I do know I am cherishing every minute of it.
Hi Wendy,
Don't feel bad. It's not sweater season here yet. Though I did wear (very lightweight) longsleeves and long pants for my walk this morning. I think I even had a goosebump. Blissful!
Hi Michelle,
Don't worry, it's not a race. Well, Clare and Amy and Cara think it is, but those three are crazy.
I am going to have to start checking here last tihng before my head hits the pillow just to see if I can beat Clare. Is there a prize?
ReplyDeleteLovely photo! This is my absolute favourite time of year (except perhaps for spring when the blossoms are out) when there is still a lot of green but the red is just starting to emerge
ReplyDeleteExcuse me for barging in on the bread question, FarmGirl... (Please correct any errors. I know you are more experienced in bread making)
Cara, you might want to reduce the amount of oil or butter that you use. And yes, you can add the cheese to the wet ingredients OR you can do a sort of swirl thing by making regular bread and adding the cheese in the final shaping: Flatten the risen dough into a rectangle. Cover with grated cheese and then roll like a jelly roll.
P.S. Here is our recipe for cider cheese bread (cheese encorporated into the dough)
I have quite the love/hate relationship going on with fall. I adore the gorgeous colors, the smell of woodsmoke, and even the crisp air. What I don't like is that it all reminds me that a bitter cold winter is coming.
ReplyDeleteWhere I live it gets cold enough that I could be wearing a sweater and bundled up under 2 or 3 blankets and still be chattering my teeth in cold. Of course, it doesn't help that I could be freezing in 75 degrees. I think I would take a CA summer over a MN winter any day.
Hi Kitchenmage,
ReplyDeleteSorry, no prize. And no running and breaking your neck! : )
Hi Cara,
Bread with cheese sounds yum! See Elizabeth's comment above this; it should help. You can pretty much knead anything into bread dough--herbs, nuts, dried fruit, cheese--or do it the "jellyroll" way.
I love to make "cheeseburger" bread loaves that way. Cover flattened rectangle of dough (I use French bread dough) with ground beef that has been browned with chopped onion. Sprinkle with tons of cheese. Roll up and bake on a baking stone or heavy baking sheet. Slice and serve. You can make it with anything you like--ham and cheese, pesto and cheese. . . Mmmmmmm. Have fun!
Hi Elizabeth,
Yes, spring and fall are the best times here. Thanks for the bread help.
Hi Geekwif,
Sounds like you need to move to Arizona (see Joe's forecast above)! : )
I try not to think about future too much. And in early autumn, I usually can. I'm so relieved that it ISN'T disgustingly hot any more.
ReplyDeleteI'm just going to pretend that you didn't mention the W word, geekwif. (I absolutely dread having to wear two sweaters, two pair of socks, two pair of trousers INSIDE the house)
Ooh Farmgirl, what a great idea - cheeseburger breadrolls! Yummy!